NJ Energy Report – July 2024

NJ Energy Report – July  2024

Actions and comments affecting the New Jersey energy supply.


The Monthly Fear Notice

Temperatures were high this summer in New Jersey. (It must be climate change)

The big weather story in New Jersey right now (early July) is the high heat cooking the Garden State over the last week. Temperatures have reached into the high 90’s, with the “real feel” temperature hovering around triple digits.

According to a new “State of the Climate” report just released by Rutgers University, the temperature in New Jersey has increased 4 degrees since 1900, and last summer was the third hottest on record.

“We are rising at a pace almost twice that as other parts of the country for a variety of reasons that are known and still being worked on,”(1)

Other than saying it was hot in New Jersey this summer for known but unstated and unknown reasons this article says little. It’s tone and unstated assumptions imply the high temperatures are caused by `Climate Change’

There is no evidence this was anything more than an anomaly in temperature.

`Climate catastrophists often absurdly equate a month or year being “the hottest on record”—which refers to the fewer than 200 years we have detailed temperature records—with being “the hottest ever.’ (3)

`Given the slow pace of global warming, local temperature changes tend to be much larger than global ones. To scare us, catastrophists take the hottest local temperatures and portray them as global so we think everywhere is very hot.’ (3)

Considered by some a “silent killer,” heat is the leading cause of weather-related deaths, according to the World Health Organization.(2)

The British medical Journal Lancet completely disagrees. Cold is the leading cause of weather related deaths. (4)

`The key to being protected from dangerous temperatures is to master them by producing different forms of temperature protection, such as: insulated buildings, heating, and air-conditioning. All these things require energy—which means for most people they require fossil fuels.’ (4)



(1`) https://www.njspotlightnews.org/video/climate-change-nj-heat-wave-climatologist/

(2`) https://www.njspotlightnews.org/2024/07/rising-heat-leads-more-health-risks-elderly-among-most-vulnerable/

(3`) https://energytalkingpoints.com/why-you-shouldn%E2%80%99t-be-alarmed-about-unusually-warm-temperatures/

(4`) https://mail.yahoo.com/d/folders/252/messages/ABAhS1QTNo9MZsSDRQaPsIA1Lac


New Jersey Pension Fund Divesting  (1) (2)

What good is having a pension if the world will be too warm during your retirement years to enjoy it? (1)

Every dollar invested in the fossil fuel industry is a dollar invested in the death of this planet. Actively working against the interests of youth and pensioners in this state is not a sustainable long-term strategy. It’s time for New Jersey to put its money where its mouth is and divest from fossil fuels.(2)

These Op-Ed’s are a rerun of the one in the June 2024 report.  See June for details. They are full of assertions but no evidence. If fossil fuels are killing everyone, where are the bodies?

The real danger here is the legislators bow to this pressure and order the pension fund(s) to divest thus incurring decreased income and affecting pension amounts and taxpayer contributions.



(1`) https://www.njspotlightnews.org/2024/07/nj-faces-increasing-pressure-to-end-investments-in-fossil-fuels-divest-divesment-pension-fund/

(2`) https://www.njspotlightnews.org/2024/08/op-ed-climate-revolution-action-network-leader-says-nj-pension-fund-falls-short-fossil-fuel-divestment-actions/


Energy Supply

Offshore Wind Turbines

Atlantic Shore South Offshore Wind Complex

In May, the BOEM completed the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) required to construct the Atlantic Shore South Wind Complex. In July the BOEM approved the EIS it prepared. Construction of the approximately 200 wind turbines can begin. There is no indication the EIS concern of construction impact on whales has been resolved.

The NJBPU has presented no cost estimates of the Atlantic shore electricity. Transmission line costs, grid modifications costs, and the electricity reliability are also not estimated.

Despite government approval, Local Opposition to the Project continues (2)



(1`) https://www.njspotlightnews.org/2024/07/atlantic-shores-south-project-gets-final-federal-approval-local-opposition-persists/

(2`) https://www.njspotlightnews.org/video/van-drew-uses-forum-to-slam-nj-offshore-wind-projects/


More Off Shore Wind Projects  (1)

“New Jersey is ready for offshore wind renewable power, and so is Atlantic Shores,” Joris Veldhoven, the CEO of Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind, said in a statement. “Our proposal serves to expand and enhance existing strategic partnerships while growing our portfolio of economic development initiatives across the Garden State.”

The state has solicited and received bids  to build three more wind complexes off the coast. These will be approximately nine, thirty seven and forty two miles off shore. The state has no idea of the impact on whales, environmental problems, total cost, or reliability issues that may occur with the Atlantic Shore project.  There is no evidence that reliable, affordable, and available electricity will be produced, yet billions more dollars are  being committed.



(1’) https://www.njspotlightnews.org/2024/07/offshore-wind-developers-submit-three-proposals-nj-latest-bidding-rou


Whale Death Statistics

When Orsted was mapping the ocean bottom with sonic booms whale deaths increased.  The wind advocates claimed the whale deaths were caused by shipping even though evidence was produced that the sonic booms were above allowed limits and were driving the whales from their feeding grounds into shipping lanes where they were hit by ships (1). Now a new statistical study shows the sonic booms are the cause of the whale deaths. (2). Does this concern the wind advocates. No! Will the wind industry refute the new study.  Highly unlikely, they will just ignore it.



(1`) https://www.public.news/p/why-this-documentary-may-save-the?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

(2’) https://www.cfact.org/2024/07/22/offshore-wind-serial-whale-deaths-indicated-by-statistical-analysis/


Natural Gas

Back up Natural Gas Plant (1) (2)

State environmental regulators issued a limited approval Thursday for a natural gas power plant at a sewage treatment plant adjacent to a neighborhood known to already be overburdened by pollution

A sewage treatment plant in north Jersey may suffer blackouts and shut down. Should the backup power be reliable natural gas, which may increase some air pollution in the neighborhood, or intermittent solar and batteries. (1)

Environmental groups demand intermittent power and provide no estimates on the length of time solar and batteries can supply the plant. No estimate of the increase in air pollution is provided or the power cost difference.

Governor Murphy believes, in this situation, backup reliability is the most important issue. (2)



(1`) https://www.njspotlightnews.org/2024/07/nj-paves-way-for-power-plant-in-area-stressed-by-pollution/

(2`) https://www.njspotlightnews.org/video/murphy-defends-green-light-for-ironbounds-fourth-power-plant/



Electric Vehicles (Cars)

EV subsidies for Everyone

The state electric vehicle subsides are being reduced slightly and both environmentalists and car dealers are complaining. Both groups oppose any decrease in subsides  and assume they have the right to force non EV residents to partially pay for some else’s EV.



(1`) https://www.njspotlightnews.org/video/automotive-leaders-environmentalists-blast-incoherent-ev-policies/


Electric Vehicles (Trucks)

More Electric Truck Industry Subsidies (1)

The federal government proposes to spend $250 million in New Jersey and untold amounts in three other states to build charging stations for heavy electric trucks along I 95. It is assumed this will increase sales of heavy electric trucks to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, reduce  air pollution in neighborhoods and promote social justice.

Where will the electricity come from is not discussed. The improvement in air quality is not quantified. The increase in truck sales is left unstated. This is a wish list not a viable plan.



(1`) https://www.njspotlightnews.org/2024/07/i-95-trucks-electric-charging-stations-big-federal-boost-250m-new-jersey-delaware-maryland-connecticut/


 Others –

Grid Improvements

Increase Electricity Demand and Reduce its Supply!!!!!!

The mandated  national energy policy is electrify everything while decreasing the supply of reliable electricity. Many states including New York and New Jersey are trying to implement this policy with New York slightly ahead of New Jersey in implementation

This article (1) describes the national policy and the shut down in  reliable power, nuclear, natural gas and coal and their replacement with wind, solar, batteries and Dispactable Emission Free Resources (DEFR). New York expects to install 30,000 MW of  DEFR by 2030. What are DEFR’s, no one knows.  They have not been created yet.  Will New Jersey follow New York.  We shall see.



(1`) https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/07/25/electrification-without-the-infrastructure/


We are a group of about 200 ordinary citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey.  We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we admit we make mistakes from time to time.  If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible.  Thanks.

Seth Grossman, Executive Director



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