Above Image: New Notice Posted at Labcorp Office in Somers Point, New Jersey on March 18, 2025.
Does this information serve any medical need? Are woke Democrats building databases to identify more “victims” and justify more government programs and lawsuits to “protect” them? Are they needlessly dividing Americans to make us more dependent on government–and the Democratic Party?
Above Image: Governor Murphy’s NJ Department of Education wants trouble teens to turn to government employees, not parents for guidance. Why?
Board Members Ethel Hermenau and Ginny Larrea are forceful advocates for the needs of parents to be informed and involved in their children’s growth and development.
Click Here For Link to Transcript and Video of January 9, 2025 Meeting of School Board of Galloway Township, Atlantic County, New Jersey: Galloway School Board Faces Heated Debate Over Parental Rights and Student Privacy Policies | LocalLens
Above Image: No lawyer can be licensed to practice in New Jersey without taking hours of approved courses explaining “white privilege”, “systemic racism”, “implicit bias” and the need for “Diversity Equity and Inclusion” (DEI) programs.
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Seth Grossman, Executive Director
(609) 927-7333
Trying to scare people again? The only requirement is to ask, but you are not required to answer.
Your title gives false information. LabCorp is only required to ask those questions, but you are not required to answer them in order to get a blood test.
Let’s not scare anyone from getting their blood work done. Please correct that in the title and include it in the article.
The title is absolutely true. Read the exact words of the Labcorp notice: “New Patient Demographic Requirements for the State of New Jersey: Lapcorp is required to ask for new patient demographic information including race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender”. If that information had anything to do with identifying or treating a disease, don’t you think doctors would be asking those questions on their own for many years? Just by asking those questions which have nothing to do with making patients healthy, the government is making irrelevant information important. It is putting ideas in the heads of children. It is complicating already difficult relationships between patients and children. Although the patient is not required to give the information, Labcorp is required to get it. That means its employees are encouraged to do whatever is necessary to get it from their patients. That alone damages the trust between doctors and patients. The purpose or the post is not to discourage people from getting needed blood tests. It is to encourage people to be angry at those of have made our government so powerful and intrusive. If people paid for routine medical care out of pocket like we did until 1960s, and had insurance only for “major medical”, health care and insurance would be far less expensive. Also, doctors and companies like Labcorp would be loyal to their patients who pay them– not government officials who pay them. Seth Grossman
The title is absolutely true. Read the exact words of the Labcorp notice: “New Patient Demographic Requirements for the State of New Jersey: Lapcorp is required to ask for new patient demographic information including race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender”. If that information had anything to do with identifying or treating a disease, don’t you think doctors would be asking those questions on their own for many years? Just by asking those questions which have nothing to do with making patients healthy, the government is making irrelevant information important. It is putting ideas in the heads of children. It is complicating already difficult relationships between patients and children. Although the patient is not required to give the information, Labcorp is required to get it. That means its employees are encouraged to do whatever is necessary to get it from their patients. That alone damages the trust between doctors and patients. The purpose or the post is not to discourage people from getting needed blood tests. It is to encourage people to be angry at those of have made our government so powerful and intrusive. If people paid for routine medical care out of pocket like we did until 1960s, and had insurance only for “major medical”, health care and insurance would be far less expensive. Also, doctors and companies like Labcorp would be loyal to their patients who pay them– not government officials who pay them. Seth Grossman
Exact words from LabCorp sign “required to ask” is not the same as your title which says “required for”.
From Labcorb’s website:
“No, neither Labcorp nor New Jersey law requires patients provide this information. Patients who do not want to provide this information can choose not to disclose it.”
That leaves important questions unanswered: Who is requiring Labcorp to ask those questions and why? Would Labcorp have a sign at each of its laboratories saying “New Patient Demographic Requrements of New Jersey” without saying “Patients who do not want to provide this information can choose not to disclose it”? Even if Labcorp did have a sign like that in its waiting room, wouldn’t it suggest that patients who fail to supply information that is “required” are uncooperative, anti-social, or trouble-makers? If the information is not required, and not needed for medical reasons, why would the state require Labcorp to ask for it? Seth Grossman