Over the years, constitutional conservatives like us. and?public school teachers disagreed on many issues.
But today, we agree that the proposed Common Core curriculum being shoved down our throats by billionaires like Bill Gates, and ?pay-to-play? politicians like Governor Christie is bad.?? ?Bad for our children.? Bad for teachers.?? And very bad for America.
It is now turning?our public and Catholic schools into assembly lines of indoctrination. Even independent and Christian schools devoted to traditional values and academic excellence are being bullied into submission with threats of lost scholarships and discrimination in college admissions.
Teachers are no longer allowed to inspire individual students to make the most of their talent.?? They are only permitted to program students to obey instructions and repeat what they are told.??? Teacher pay and promotions will soon depend on how well students do on standardized tests that measure how much of a national agenda they have absorbed.??? Every year, there is less?time, less place, and less?money to teach history, literature, mathematics, science, creativity, invention, or most importantly, independent critical thinking.?? This is happening now and will continue?unless we act now to stop it.
Although “Common Core” is new, it is part of a process that began more than 100 years ago.? If you look at any reading list, teacher’s notes, or elementary school tests for schools in America before 1933, you will see that 8th Grade students had better knowledge of reading, writing, literature, mathematics, and science than most college graduates today.??? At that time,?the goal of public education was to make each individual citizen as productive, self-sufficient, and independent as possible by age 16.
However, “progressives” in the 1890?s thought “modern” society was so complicated that ?most ordinary citizens could no longer be trusted with the freedom to make the most important decisions in their own lives.? They thought only a “progressive”?elite could determine what was?in the ??public interest? or?best for the “common good”.?? To them,?teaching young people to accept a “progressive” society with less freedom and fewer individual rights?was the primary purpose of public education.
As a result most Americans in their 20’s and 30’s today have less wealth, more debt, and are far more dependent today than young Americans 50 years ago.?? Common Core is designed to make that situation even worse.
Learn more about Common Core and what we can do.?? We have partnered with ?Concerned Citizens of South Jersey? to present a comprehensive symposium that explains Common Core and the politics and money behind it.?? Some of the most respected educational experts in the country will be there.? They include Dr. Sandra Stotsky, Dr. Duke Pesta, Dr. Chris Tlanken, Dr. Tom Borelli, and Mr. Vern Williams.
Join us this Saturday, September 27, 2014 for as long as you can from 10:am to 6 pm. The symposium will be held at the Ramada Inn, 2216 Landis Avenue, Vineland, NJ (By Route 55).?? Tickets are $30 per person and include lunch.?? This is NOT a fundraiser.???The admission pays only part of our costs.?? This is an important education event.
To buy tickets or for more information contact us at (609) 927-7333 or at info@libertyandprosperity.org.or go to www.libertyandprosperity.org.?? Tickets must be purchased by this Tuesday, September 23.
Or contact Jan or Michelle of Concerned Citizens of SNJ directly at (609) 846-7842.
Finally, because this message is so important, please help us deliver it beyond the ?Tea Party? ghetto.?? Please share, forward, and re-post this message where anyone with a child or grandchild in school can see it.?? Please post in your local ?Patch?.?? Post it on the school or Parent Association bulletin board or local education association bulletin board.?? Thank you for your help.
(No Common Core image source – http://education-curriculum-reform-government-schools.org/w/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/nocommoncore.jpg)