Weekly Update ?(See website or Liberty and Prosperity Facebook pages for more frequent updates).
No Breakfast Discussion this Saturday, November 30.
We will instead teach liberty to our own kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews and other young friends and family members ?who are home for the holidays. ?Share our personal memories while we still can. ?Tell them of how often our parents and grandparents told us how thankful they were to live here? in America.? Tell them that the real America of our parents and grandparents was nothing like the lies taught to our kids every day in our public schools, colleges, Hollywood movies and TV ?news?.
We admit that America was never perfect.? But we are proud that Americans were quicker to fix injustice than any other country in history once we found out about it.? Like when nearly 300,000 white Americans fought and died in a Civil War so that black Americans could be free.
Tell them that when New Jersey had no sales tax or income tax, and when property and business taxes were a fraction of what they are now, one working parent could comfortably support most families.?? That we baby-boomers never worried about student loans because we could pay for one year of college with one summer of work on the Boardwalk.??? And that many of the most successful and wealthiest people we knew didn?t have to go to college, because four years of high school back then gave most students more knowledge and useful skills than five years of college today–without $60,000 student loans to pay back!
And why not tell our kids how the Pilgrims almost died of starvation when they tried socialism. ?But later thanked God for an abundant harvest when they recognized private property and free enterprise.?? Read John Stossel?s column at:??http://townhall.com/
Our Saturday breakfast discussions will continue on Saturday, December 7, at?? 9:30 AM-10:30 AM?? Shore Diner, Tilton and Fire Roads, by Parkway Exit 36 in Egg Harbor Township. ?Monthly business meeting open to all voting and non-voting members on second Saturday of the month, December 14.
Topics for discussion:
1.????? ?Dennis Mahon and Mel ?Nate?? Nathanson resigned as President and Vice-President.?????? Clarence Abbott volunteered to be Vice-President at last week?s breakfast.? If you would like to serve in one of these offices, please contact Seth Grossman as soon as possible at?sethgrossman@
2.????? Ambitious 3 Point Plan for Liberty and Prosperity over next 6 months::
a.?????? Use TV to reach? low information voters.?? For ten years, we delivered our message of liberty with e-mail, letters to editors, meeting, movies, facebook, and talk radio.?? We never used TV.? As a result, we are only reaching 35% of voters?and losing.
b.????? Raise $10,000 to replenish our treasury for this project?and more TV spots.?? Besides asking you and the 1,700 people on our email list to make their regulation donation of $30, we are trying to reach those who make larger gifts.?? Please contact us if you know anyone who would give larger amounts to us if they think our TV campaign is the best way to apply their money.
c.?????? It?s time to talk about the June 3, 2014 Primary Elections.?? Democrat Cory Booker will be running for re-election.??? All 12 NJ Congress members will be up for re-election, along with many mayors, council members, Township Committee members, and county freeholders, clerks, and sheriffs.??? Republican and Democrat leaders will huddle to put their tickets together this Saturday, right after Thanksgiving.?? Most conservatives don?t take the June elections seriously until February and March?which is why they usually lose.? If you want to help good conservatives become effective candidates, please contact us now.?? Thanks.
3.??Incumbent Republican Assemblyman John Amodeo of Atlantic County was defeated by largely unknown Democratic challenger Vince Mazzeo by 40 votes. ? Seehttp://nj1015.com/amodeo-
4. ?Join?www.libertyandprosperity.org.? ?A $30 non-voting membership lets your receive all updates and attend all meetings with no responsibilities.?? Voting members pay $60, and must attend three business meetings each year and work on one volunteer project.???? For daily updates, be a ?friend? of Liberty and Prosperity on Facebook.? Or follow @Grossman4NJ on Twitter until we set up our Twitter site.