(See website or Liberty and Prosperity Facebook pages for more frequent updates).
Regular Saturday breakfast discussion this Saturday, January 4, from 9:30 to 10:30 A.M., Shore Diner, Tilton Road between Fire Road and Parkway Exit #36, in Egg HarborTwp.? Business/Board Meeting for Paid Voting/Non-Voting Members, Saturday, January 11, 2013 from 9:30 to 10:30 A.M. (2014 dues must be paid–to participate in Business/Board Meeting.? $60 Voting members/$30 Non-voting members)
New to politics???? Learn basic ideas of liberty that worked so well in America for nearly 400 years–and still work today whenever we apply them.? Already know this stuff?? Meet others who also know to discuss the practical details of getting organized, raising money, and reaching ?low information? voters, ?so qualified conservatives can again win elections.? Visit www.libertyandprosperity.org for details.
1.? We need you now more than ever!??John Boehner?s insulting and disgusting attacks on conservatives two weeks ago were no accident, but just the beginning.? On the day after Christmas,?both national ?Chamber of Commerce and Republican Party leaders publicly announced?they are determined to remove all?conservatives and libertarians –including the entire ?Tea Party? movement–from having any political respect or influence?during the next six months.? See ?GOP, Business Recast Message:? Republican Leaders, Allies Aim to Diminish Clout of Most-Conservative Activists?? at:? ???http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304753504579280084264850074.? And ?Chamber of Commerce sets GOP goals for 2014?No Fools on our Ticket?.? For full story, see:? http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/12/26/chamber-of-commerce-sets-gop-goal-for-2014-no-fools-on-our-ticket/?? We can do nothing about Boehner or the national Chamber of Commerce.?? But there are whole lot of things we can do a lot about our own Republican Governor, Chris Christie, our own Republican Congressman, Frank LoBiondo, and our own Republican County Chairman, Keith Davis!??2.?? ?Do more than vote!?It is not enough to ?Vote for the most conservative candidate? if there are no conservatives on the ballot.If there are no conservative candidates, you must be a candidate.If conservative candidates are not supported by ?the organization?, we must create our own organizations!If we don?t know how, we must learn how.Candidates are not selected by party leaders, or party conventions.NJ state law makes it clear that all Republican and Democratic candidates are chosen by secret ballot June primary elections.The major parties have no problem finding qualified candidates because their candidates are rewarded with sweetheart jobs and contracts if they lose.We can offer no reward other than ?liberty and justice for all??and only if we succeed.
2.?? We just produced our first 30 second TV spot for ?low information? voters called ?Rules Matter!Great Football vs. Bad Government!?We will run it 400 times on various Comcast Cable channels in South Jersey during the next six weeks and hope to reach more than 200,000 people at least three times.You can find it now at http://youtu.be/vIMMPGbdzF8.It will soon be posted at www.libertyandprosperity.org.We invite you to forward it to as many of your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media friend as possible.We also ask you to pay your minimum $30 dues for 2014 as soon as possible.And donate more so we can produce and broadcast more messages like this.
3.? Please bring your check to any breakfast discussion.Or mail it to our new office at 453 Shore Road, Somers Point, NJ08244.Or pay online at www.libertyandprosperity.org.
4.? We conservatives often say what we are against, and too rarely say what we are for.To correct this, we announce an Eight to Ten Point Program each year.Before we finalize our program for 2014, please complete this online survey to give us your opinion.Please click:https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RJLLRX5
5.? Should Congress approve billions more for another ?emergency? extension of unemployment benefits?How many of the people who you know getting $500 to $600 per week unemployment benefits are really looking for a job?Every week when they apply for benefits online,they have to click the ?Yes? box for ?Are you actively seeking work??But how may never wrote a single resume, or applied for a single job?How many were too busy fixing up their homes, taking vacations, working out, reconnecting with friends and family, or working for cash under the table?President Obama and Democrats want billions more to keep giving 79 weeks of unemployment.This is only two weeks after Republicans and Democrats broke their last ?sequester? budget deal to spend billions more than they promised to spend two years ago.Republicans so far have said nothing?which is what they usually do before they cave in to Democrats?again.If you think we are in a mess because government is already taking too much from people who work to pay too much to people who don?t work, contact our Congressman Frank LoBiondo by email at https://lobiondo.house.gov/contact-me or call him at (800) 471-4450 or (609) 625-5008, or mail to or visit at his South Jersey office at 5914 Main Street, Mays Landing, NJ08330.
6.?? Dues for 2014 are due!Voting members, who have obligation to attend 3 business meetings and do one Board approved volunteer project per year pay $60 per year.Non-voting members, with no obligations other than to support the goals of our organization pay $30.
7.?? Distribute our original 2006 Liberty and Prosperity brochures!Although written and printed more than 7 years ago, most issues are still relevant today.We have 2,000 left.Rather than throw them out, why not visit our Somers Point office and pick up a few to distribute among your friends or hand out at the various organizations you belong to.Call Seth Grossman at 609-927-7333 to pick them up at 453 Shore Road, Somers Point, NJ08244.Thanks.