Parade and Monument Dedication for Somers in Somers Point instead of breakfast

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Instead of?weekly breakfast at Shore Diner, see?the?Richard Somers Parade along Shore Road (from Dawes Ave to NJ Ave) ?at 10 AM.?? Then help us dedicate the new Monument to Richard Somers?at New Library/Old City Hall at Shore Road and NJ Ave. at 11AM.? Our Executive Director, Seth Grossman, will be among the speakers.

We are too busy to mope.?? Yes,?we are disappointed that Steve Lonegan lost the election for U.S. Senate last Wednesday.??? Yes, we are disgusted with the pathetic conduct of? established Republican leaders in Congress like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Majority Leader John Boehner during the previous three weeks.?? No, we cannot understand why our own Congressman Frank LoBiondo? loyally supported Boehner? and his weak, ineffective leadership for past nine years?including when Boehner lost the Republican majority in 2006).??? But there is no time to mope.?? We must be busy making sure?we are never this weak and helpless again.

Our next mission?pay attention to Ballot Question #2, changing the NJ Constitution to permanently increase minimum wage every year.?? Anyone who has owned or managed a business knows that constitutions should equally protect everyone?s rights?and not order? businesses to give pay hikes every year to some employees?but not others?even when business is bad.?? This is all part of the new plan by union leaders to gain political power by forming alliances with illegal immigrant, environmental, and left-wing ?community organizing? groups?and hurting most union members who pay their dues.

One of our members, Mark Hutchinson, just formed a Political Action Committee to campaign against Ballot Question #2.? Contact him at or (609) 569-9958 if you can help him raise funds or get the word out during the next two weeks.

Connect the dots with New Zealand conservative leader and popular author Trevor Loudon–One?week from tomorrow, Saturday,? October 26 at 9:30 at Shore Diner.? We hold breakfast discussions every Saturday morning at the Shore Diner from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM,?Tilton and Fire Roads by Parkway Exit 36 in Egg Harbor Township.? Loudon does?the ??New Zeal? blog at Where do all these “progressive”/left plans and proposals come from??? Loudon ?connects the dots? to show how seemingly harmless local and liberal proposals like ?Agenda 21?,? ?Common Core Curriculum?, the “Fair Minimum Wage of $15 per hour”, etc. come from.?? When?taken together advance an anti-American and anti-Israel agenda, while wearing out ordinary citizens like us who oppose them.?? How many of ?these initiatives are pre-planned and organized by socialist ?community organizers? trained and indoctrinated at international conferences and training centers by the old Communist secret police???? Before you dismiss Trevor Loudon’s?conclusions, take a close look at the? the specific facts and evidence that support them.

Join Liberty and Prosperity 1776, Inc.??? A $30 non-voting membership lets your receive all updates and attend all meetings with no responsibilities.?? Voting members pay $60, and must attend three business meetings each year and work on one volunteer project.???? For daily updates, be a ?friend? of Liberty and Prosperity on Facebook.

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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