A new day in America has dawned! The pro-life movement is experiencing a transformation. God has heard our prayers.
The direction of the pro-life movement is evolving, and our endeavors are yielding results. Nevertheless, there remains much to accomplish, and we must stay alert as we continue to advocate for Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
BORN ALIVE ACT INTRODUCED – On 1/15/25 Sen. James Lankford introduced S.6 – Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection-Act.
This bill establishes requirements for the degree of care a health care practitioner must provide in the case of a child born alive following an abortion or attempted abortion. Specifically, a health care practitioner who is present must (1) exercise the same degree of care as would reasonably be provided to any other child born alive at the same gestational age, and (2) ensure the child is immediately admitted to a hospital.
Additionally, a health care practitioner or other employee who has knowledge of a failure to comply with the degree-of-care requirements must immediately report such failure to law enforcement.
For more information go to:Â Congress.gov | Library of Congress
Senate Democrats derailed the bill that would have required medical providers to perform life-saving care for babies born alive after a failed abortion.
All the chamber’s Democrats opposed the bill. The 52-47 vote fell along party lines and was short of the 60 votes needed to advance the bill.
Republican House Speaker Johnson, in a statement, slammed the Democrats’ opposition and said: “Tragically, House Democrats opposed the bill, voted for infanticide, and opted to deny medical care to crying newborns on operating tables struggling to live.”
Do Americans condone Infanticide?
In New Jersey the NJRTL did a Marist poll that showed that 6 out of 10 people felt there should be restrictions on late term abortion. That 70% wanted parental notification.Â
See link: NJ Poll Shows Voters Back Limits on Abortion – New Jersey Right to Life . Â
It is my belief that many Americans, including those from New Jersey, are fundamentally compassionate individuals who would be horrified at the thought of a crying infant being left to perish on a cold table following a failed abortion.
Throughout my years as a pro-life advocate, I have engaged in discussions with individuals from both perspectives and have spent numerous days outside abortion facilities. I can confidently assert that in over 95 percent of these conversations, people express empathy and oppose late-term abortions, as well as the abandonment of infants who are born alive.
Currently, in America, we are confronted with a troubling reality where a living, breathing baby, in distress, is permitted to suffer and left to die.
 We are at a crossroads, and I trust that each of us understands the imperative actions we must take in the upcoming election. The Democratic Party has strayed so far from its original principles on numerous issues that it has become unrecognizable to us.
We, the people, have the power to right this wrong!
MEXICO CITY POLICY RESTORED – this action reverses all of President Biden’s policies that utilized taxpayer funds for abortions in Mexico and at the borders, among other issues.  The Mexico City Policy, initiated by the Reagan administration, has been rescinded by every Democratic president and reinstated by every Republican president since its creation.
PLANNED PARENTHOOD COULD FACE DEFUNDING – As noted above with the Mexico City Policy restored, President Donald Trump defunded International Planned Parenthood.  Now it is time to defund Planned Parenthood in all the States. After years of prayer, this organization, which has been linked to millions of deaths, the sale of fetal body parts, the promotion of sexual guidelines in our schools, and the provision of hormones for transgender surgeries, is recognized as a Dark Altar of Baal.
PRESIDENT TRUMP PARDONED PRO-LIFERS – who were targeted by a politically weaponized Dept of Justice, along with Mark Houck at his residence. President Donald Trump pardoned all 21 prolife advocates imprisoned.  Jean Bell (just one of the many put in jail) a 76-year-old woman who was sentenced to 27 months in prison is now free to tell her story thanks to President Donald Trump.
Read about it here:Â Â President Trump Should Pardon All 21 Imprisoned Pro-Life Americans Today – LifeNews.com
Despite the significant challenges we face in our nation, divine authority remains steadfast. This is evident in the new Administration’s dedicated efforts to redirect the trajectory of our country. The era of persecution against Catholics, Christians, Jewish individuals, Patriots, Conservatives, and all who cherish God. Family and Country is coming to an end.
Praise Jesus, as the sun breaks through the long-standing dark clouds! Psalm 37:5-6: Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.
A transformative period has commenced!
Ethel Hermenau, Prolife Advocate – New Life Assembly in EHT
Thankful that Ethel Hermenau is blogging !
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Thank you Ethel for your years of perseverance! Your knowledge and wisdom from your continued research is inspiring. I’ll continue to pray for a pro-life mindset of all, and for the souls of aborted babies.
God bless you. I’ll be praying for you. Please pray for me.
Lora Huber