Seth Grossman Weekly Radio Message On WPG Radio 95.5FM Near Atlantic City, NJ:

There’s Nothing Wrong With Our Immigration “System”! It Is Deliberately Designed To Limit The Number of People Who Can Come To this Country, And Keep A Lot Of  People Out!
SETH GROSSMAN:  What annoyed me most about Kamala Harris in that Brett Baier interview was how she kept saying our immigration system is broken and that we have to fix it. There’s nothing wrong with the immigration system.  It is designed to limit the number of people who legally come to this country or who come to this country period.  We have about 8 billion in the world and, most of them have poor and miserable lives. That is because they live under socialism or Islam or some other culture or ideology that makes their lives miserable. We can’t have billions of poor and miserable people, saturated with the poor and miserable culture and values that make them poor and miserable come to our country without ruining our country!
And so we have immigration laws that limit the number of people who can come here. It’s not that people coming to our country are good or bad, it’s that we can’t take an unlimited number of people with different cultures into this country without losing our own culture.
Americans figured this out in the 1920s. Since 1920, we have had laws limiting the number of people who come here. When we Boomers were growing up it was limited to about 100,000 foreigners each year.  With only 100,000 foreigners coming to America each year, they were immersed in our language and our culture and it was easy for them to learn English, learn our customs, to learn our ways and to become good American citizens. And guess what happened when we had limited immigration?  Within 15 or 20 years most of those immigrants became conservatives and Republicans!  They quickly became self-sufficient. They were independent, they were educated, they didn’t need the government for things. And so they tended to vote for Republicans. 
But if you have millions and millions of immigrants coming in legally and illegally, they never learn English. They never embrace our culture. They go to schools and neighborhoods where most people are speaking foreign languages. I think, Governor Waltz of Minnesota was bragging. He said, oh, we have a school where they have 40 languages. Well, how can people learn English? How can they talk to each other let alone learn from English speaking Americans. This is not a good thing. Democrats want to bury America with immigrants who will never become Americans, never become self-sufficient, and who will always depend on government’s help, that is help from Democrat politicians. They will always need interpreters. They will never communicate with Americans who are conservatives or Republicans. When you get a simple insurance form it’ll be in 22 different languages which cost a fortune. 
So again, there’s nothing broken with an immigration system that limits the number of people who can come to this country. What’s broken is that Obama and Biden and Kamala Harris broke our laws, and ignored those limits to let in as many people as can physically get here. And then pretend they are legal by instantly giving “asylum” status to people who were never persecuted in their home countries!   They are doing this to get permanent Democrat majorities in California, in Texas, in Minnesota, in Georgia, in Virginia and all these states. They want to make America a one party, socialist or Communist country just like Cuba, Mexico or Venezuela.  That’s what annoyed me about Kamala Harris more than anything in that interview.
JOHN DEMASI:   Well, now that you put it that way, that annoyed me too. A lot of things annoyed me with that interview. 
SETH GROSSMAN:  Oh, speaking of one party socialist and Communist government, there has been no electricity in Communists Cuba since last Thursday. what Communism and socialism are all about. The government controls everything, and one political party controls the government.  If people screw up, they are never held accountable if they have the right political connections. So people keep screwing up, and after a while nothing works any more. That’s what you have to look forward to. 
By the way, that’s why Atlantic City Electric is in such a hurry to install smart meters. They know that if Governor Murphy forces them to make electricity with unreliable wind turbines and solar panels, there will be lots of power shortages. To keep the grid from crashing like in Cuba, they will need those smart meters. That way, they can push a button at the home office and cut off the power to your home anytime they feel like it. That’s the real reason they’re doing it. It has nothing to do with anything else. 
Two weeks ago, I complained about Republicans who were afraid to call themselves Republicans. To the best of my knowledge, Christine Masker of Estell Manor was the only Republican in Atlantic County with a lawn sign that said she was a Republican. So then, some Republicans came up to me and said, “Well, even though we don’t have the word Republican on our signs, everybody knows where Republicans because all of our signs are red. And everyone knows that red means Republican. So that’s good enough”. So I was driving through, Margate, the other day, and I saw the Curtis Bashaw for U.S. Senate
lawn sign. Guess what color it is! Blue! Like he was a Democrat!  I think this nuts! But what do I know? Sorry, I’m speaking Italian again.
Speaking of Italian, one of our members, David Mineo wrote a great piece about Columbus pointing out how most of the bad things that are said about Columbus are lies that were written hundreds of years ago by people who hated Columbus even back then.  Click Here For Link:  Celebrating Columbus – Liberty and Prosperity
Let me bring up a little-known fact about Columbus. You see, Columbus, after he discovered America became the most hated man in Spain. And he also was involved in the longest lawsuits in history called the Platos Columbinos in Spanish, 40 years of lawsuits. Click Here For Link To Wikipedia Article:  Pleitos colombinos – Wikipedia
So why was Columbus the most hated man in Spain after he discovered America? And I found this out because I was lucky enough to be visiting Spain during that you know 400th year of discovery and also because I’m a lawyer I like to read these old lawsuits. But before Columbus left for America in 1492, he made a contract with the King and Queen of Spain that guaranteed that he and his descendants would get 10% of all the profits and wealth that came from their discoveries. So because, of him getting such a big commission on the enormous wealth that came out of America, almost everybody in Spain hated him. There were all sorts of lawsuits against him claiming some technicality or loophole to to get out of that contract, so people didn’t have to pay Columbus anything.  They told how horrible he was, how evil he was, and how many laws he had broken.  They tried to prove he was a Jew, which would have automatically cancelled the contract during the Inquisition. anything they could. Some testified that Columbus didn’t even discover America. They said Columbus got lost in the Gulf Stream and that the captains of the e Nina and the Pinta were the first to reach America.
So a lot of the evil stuff that you read about Columbus isn’t even true at all. It was just made up during that 40 year old lawsuit to keep Columbus from getting his ten percent commission!
And there’s another angle. Columbus saved Western civilization. Until Columbus bought back all that wealth from America and the tomato, the potato, and all the new discoverieshe found there, the, the Turks, the Muslim Turks of the Ottoman Empire were on the verge of conquering all of Europe. They conquered Constantinople, they overran most of Greece, they overran the Mediterranean. Their Barbary pirates were capturing people from ships and coastal villages as far away as Ireland and Iceland and selling them as slaves in Africa. All that came to an end when Columbus discovered America and brought back all that wealth. The Pope formed a Catholic League that was funded by wealth from an America. The Spanish and the Italians and the Austrians and the Poles all used that money for soldiers and weapons to fight back and and save Western Europe. 
Columbus understood that as soon as he got to America.  He named that first island in the Bahamas that he landed on San Salvador, which means Holy Savior. 
So those are the stories of Columbus that we don’t know. It’s a tragedy that the magnificent statue of Columbus in Atlantic City was taken down.  I remember as a kid that all that fundraising in the 1950s to build a statue to honor Columbus by the main train station which is now the foot of the Expressway. They had spaghetti dinners, raffles, and almost 20 years of fundraising to build that statue in 1958. And just in 2020, in July of 2020, Atlantic City and the CRDA just take down the statue and I hide it somewhere, because of some Black Lives Matter protest, in that year. So just just a thought.
JOHN DEMASI:  Did you see where, AOC came out and said they should ban Columbus Day and make it Indigenous Peoples Day? Did you see that?
SETH GROSSMAN:   Yeah. Yeah. And by the way, what were the indigenous people doing when Columbus got here? Well, you had that that the Aztecs were capturing people from neighboring tribes and and taking them up and cutting their hearts out in ceremonies, you know, for their sun god. You had the Powhatan or the Palatin Indians of Virginia were wiping out, you know any neighboring tribes including the the Delaware Indians. You had the Camatchi Indians were wiping out the Apaches. You had all sorts of stuff going on. But so when you talk about Indigenous Peoples Day, let’s face it humans have good and bad and there were good and bad Europeans, good and bad you know, Native Americans or Indians. But but without Columbus, the world would have been a a a rightfully different place in a much worse place. So whatever flaws he had in his character, he did a lot of good and and we ought to recognize that. 
Meanwhile, what what’s going on in Israel, of course, 2 days ago, Yahya Sinwar, the, the Hamas leader who murdered 1200 Jews in Israel October 7th last year, was killed by, by the Israeli army. A  couple of things that are not known about him I think are worth mentioning. Click Here For Link:  What to know about Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas leader who was killed in Gaza – ABC News
That he and his brother Mohammed were just sick psychopathic killers. Just like Luca Brasi in The Godfather. They took pleasure in personally torturing and killing, their prisoners. Most their victims were other Arabs not Jews. I mean they would poke people’s eyes out before killing them, they would cut their heads off, All sorts of that would burn them with with cigarettes with the you know, solder irons just horrible things. And that, Shinwar was actually arrested by Israel in the 1980s and sentenced to life for the murder of 12 Arabs and 12 Jewish soldiers. And that was what they got they caught him on. So Sidwar somehow managed to organize a mafia inside the Israeli prison. Sidwar also took college courses inside prison. He learned Hebrew, studied Jewish culture, history and politics. He was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2,008 and Israeli doctors saved his life. However in 2006 his brother Mohammed Sinwar, dug a tunnel into Israel kidnapped a Jewish soldier named Jalad Shalit and held him hostage. And 4 years later, Benjamin Netanyahu made in a deal with Sinwar to free Sinwar and 10 27 other prisoners in exchange for that 1 Jewish kidnapped soldier. And they included 270 murderers with life sentences including Yahya Sinwar. So I’m no psychologist, but when people say what is causing Benjamin Netanyahu to be so stubborn and persistent and wiping out Hamas. I would think it has to be from the guilt he feels for letting, Shinwar out of prison back in 2011 along with 270 murders. Because by trying to save the life of that one hostage, Netanyahu caused a death of probably 2,000 Jews. So it’s it’s a pretty heavy thing and a difficult thing to think about, but you know life is difficult. 
JOHN DEMASI:  Do you ever think it’s going to be resolved? 
SETH GROSSMAN:  I don’t know . if you read that book I keep talking about called God’s terrorist, by Charles Allen who was a great English and Indian historian. He pointed out that this, this Wahhabi sect of Islam has been going on since the 1700 and they always end the same way. You have a jihad; you have a horrible massacre of non-Muslims. The non-Muslims retaliate and wipe out the the hobbies and then but there are always some survivors and a generation later it starts up all over again. So this could just be one of the things you know civilized people have to deal with barbarians in every generation and there’s no permanent fix and maybe that’s going to be hard to come to grips with. But you know maybe that’s what life is all about with our with our flawed species of human beings. But that’s something else we talked about. 
Finally, we have posts on our website that talk about the ignorance, the corruption and the lies of the people promoting, the wind turbines and the solar panels. Unfortunately our tax dollars are paying for it on every radio station you hear the about how great and how many jobs the wind turbines are going to create and it’s all paid for by by tax dollars. Both our state tax money and also these hidden fees and our electric bills that are causing our electric bills to be so high. They steer you to this website full of lies called
Governor Murphy is holding a major conference on wind power next a week from Monday. It’s going to be the 28th 29th 30 where they’re going to have people from all over the country, all over the world to promote wind power in New Jersey and the opponents to defend Brigantine Beach and the other people fighting this are looking for a big turnout to protest at the Atlantic City Convention Center, on Tuesday 29th and we’ll be talking more about that. But once again the wind turbines, they don’t save fossil fuels, they don’t save money, they’re expensive, they’re commercially useless, they’re weak and intermittent. And by the way, you’ll notice that even the high-tech people, your Microsoft, your Elon Musk with the electric vehicles. They know that if they get us driving electric cars and electric trucks, if they have the artificial intelligence with all these computers that need to be going, you can’t power that stuff with wind and solar. So now they’re they’re they’re finally coming on board on nuclear power And I believe Bill Gates and Microsoft, they just bought 3 Mile Island. And that’s when we were on the verge of getting reliable, cheap, affordable nuclear energy and then we had that one movie with Jane Fonda, the China Syndrome wiped out our entire nuclear power industry. Well now that power industry is being rebuilt and if you Google nuclear power you’ll see all sorts of new projects are underway. And by the way, the only reason you could still afford electricity in New Jersey is because we do have nuclear power. All of the other states that are building the wind projects and the solar projects, California, New York, Connecticut, their electric bills were actually double what we have in New Jersey. And the only reason we have affordable rates still in New Jersey is that 40% of our power comes from 1 nuclear power plant in Salem. So that one little plant in Salem provides 42% of all the electricity in New Jersey. And if we would just build another power plant just like it, you know just think of how how cheap our electricity would be. So so that’s what we want to help people a week from Tuesday, and you’ll see a lot of publicity about standing up to governor Murphy’s conference on wind and and and solar energy. Well, you’re you’re gonna inform us again of the meeting. It’s October 29th? Yeah. It’s gonna be October 29th. It’s gonna it’s gonna be posted on our our liberty and prosperity website.
Finally, school board elections are very important. In Galloway Township, Ethel Hermenau is on the board and 2 people who are running to support her, Rick Nuzzolo and Nathan Hollander, were attacked in Facebook posts.  They were accused of being associated with Seth Grossman and liberty and prosperity. Okay. They were saying don’t vote for these 2 on the school board in Galloway Township because they both are with Liberty And Prosperity and Seth Grossman. So I don’t endorse candidates, but I just have to just mention those facts. So, you might want to find out that maybe there’s something to those guys. . . is a tax-exempt, non-political education organization of roughly 200 citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey.  We formed this group in 2003. We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we admit we make mistakes from time to time.  If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible. Please email us at or telephone (609) 927-7333.

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director

(609) 927-7333

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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