Somers Points ‘Future Leaders’ Program for 8th Grader Teaches Wrong Lessons

By Seth Grossman, Political Columnist

Last week, the Current reported that an eighth grade honors student from Somers Point missed a week of school to be at the “People to People World Leadership Forum” in Washington, D.C.???? Two details attracted my attention.

(ITALICS)?? “The group. . . visited the Saudi Arabian Embassy where they were exposed to a different culture and had lunch there”.
“Why should our public schools send our 8th grade “future leaders” to the Saudi Arabian embassy?

Saudi Arabia is our most dangerous enemy.?? The Saudi family took over Arabia in the 1920’s like gangsters.? The corrupt Saudi family held its power by giving the extreme and violent Wahabi sect of Islam total control of education and religion along with billions of dollars of oil money.?? This Wahabi sect preaches jihad as total war against all Jews, Christians, Hindus, and Buddhists.

Until World War I, Arabia like most most Arab countries,? was run by the tolerant Muslims of the Turkish (Ottomon) Empire.?? The Turks let Jews return to Israel (then called Palestine).??? At that time, Jews, Christians, and Arabs lived peacefully in Baghdad, Damascus, and Alexandria, which were then the leading Arab cultural centers.

But the Saudis changed all that.?? After the Wahabis brainwashed the youth of Arabia, their lavishly funded schools, mosques, and TV studios spread their doctrine of hate to young Muslims all over the world.?? This lead to the 1990 murder of Rabbi Kahane and the 1993 World Trade Center bomb attack in New York, and dozens of attacks around the world.?? Osama Bin Laden and 15 of the 19 hijackers of 9/11/2001 were educated in Saudi Arabia. So was the chaplain for the American soldier who murdered his two officers on the eve of the Iraq War.

The Saudis, of course, want to be tolerated, respected, and trusted by America’s “future leaders”.?? The Arab word “taqiya” or “taqiyya” means deceive your enemies until you are strong enough to kill them.?? Why do our public schools encourage this?

(ITALICS)?? “I met Congressman (Frank) LoBiondo and he talked about his responsibilities in representing the district”.

This detail also attracted my attention.??? Is a Congressman?really supposed to “represent the district”??? We have federal, state, county, and local government.?? Do they all do the same thing and “represent the district”??? No wonder government is so wasteful and expensive!

Everyone who understands the Constitution and the history of why it was created, knows it designed a NATIONAL Congress to run a NATIONAL government that would serve only NATIONAL purposes that could not?be done by state, county, and local governments.

That is why Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution only gives Congress power to? to “regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several states. . . coin money. . . establish post offices. . . . declare war. . . . raise and support armies”, etc.

Most Congressmen today, like our own Frank LoBiondo, ignore those words every day.?? To buy votes, they misuse our NATIONAL government to control local schools, build local sewer treatment plants,? buy local firetrucks, pump sand onto local beaches, etc.

Since most voters today don’t know or care much about our Constitution, we? love our Congressman because we believe he somehow outsmarts the 534 other Congressmen, into agreeing to make taxpayers in the other 434 districts pay extra for our “free” stuff.

If our public schools wanted to train real “future leaders”, they would teach our kids to understand America’s history and Constitution, and put an end to this scam when they grow up.

By the way, all of our local? public schools were required by law to teach the basics of? our Constitution during the week of September 17, the day our Constituiton was adopted in 1787.???? I did not read a single news story about any such program this year.?? However, I did read several stories of local elementary and middle schools who pulled kids out of class that week to attend special assemblies featuring Ronald McDonald.

Footnote:?? The “People to People World Leadership Forum” is run by a profitable travel company named Ambassadors International Inc., located in Spokane, Washington.? It trades on NASDAQ with the symbol “EPAX”, at? about $19 per share.? The program travel and social–not academic oriented.? It is not selective.? Any student in 5th through 8th grade who fills out the simple form found at, and pays tuition of $2,274 plus transportation costs is qualified to attend.? The program is NOT affiliated with the non-profit Eisenhower Foundation.

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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