Pizza, drinks and good conversation.
Please forward this message to any Stockton student you know (or his or her parents).
Last month’s fundraiser at the Irish Pub in Atlantic City was a success.? We now have enough money for our three most important projects.? Thanks to everyone who worked so hard put things together.?? Thanks to more than 78 donors.?? If you haven?t done so already, and like the work we do, please pay the $30 dues or whatever you can for 2017.? Thanks.
One of our most important projects this year is to set up a Liberty and Prosperity Club at Stockton University.
Here is a rough draft email we would like to send to as many Stockton Students as we can.?? Before we send it, please let me know your suggestions.?? Also, please forward this email to any student you know, and ask him or her for suggestions.? Then please send us his or her email address so we can send the final version directly.
America was never perfect.?? Yet when we understood and respected our Constitution and the ?self-evident? truths that created our country, America was great.? We ?brought more wealth, opportunity, and justice–and clean air and water–to more people than any other nation in history.?? That is the meaning of ?Liberty and Prosperity?, New Jersey?s motto since 1776.
Help us set up a safe space at Stockton where students and professors can freely and openly talk about issues that most affect us, but which are rarely discussed at Stockton.
Help businesses here in New Jersey grow and create real, good paying, full-time career jobs again.? Enforce immigration laws.? Build pipelines for the clean, cheap energy they need. ?Cut taxes and get rid of complicated laws that make lawyers and politically connected insiders rich, while killing jobs for everyone else.? Cut the cost of college.?? Let students again pay for a year of college with a summer of work.?? Let graduates buy a house, not a diploma with mortgage sized loans.
We will also meet on March 23, April 14, and April 28–the 2nd and 4th Thursdays until Finals.
Pizza and Beverages
First Meeting Open to All Students.?? Members and guests welcome to attend future meetings.
For more information, contact, visit, or Liberty and Prosperity Facebook Page.
If you support our goals, here?s how you can help:
- Sign our roster online through OspreyHub at (As you can see, we are listed ?Non-Active? because our paper roster from last year expired.? All members must now sign up online.)
- Prepare flyers and TV messages for future meetings
- Submit ideas to be discussed at future meetings.
- Post content and events on our OspreyHub page.
Stipends/scholarships are available for interested students.?? For details, please contact Cory Newman through OspreyHub, or contact parent organization at or (609) 927-7333.

One of our most important missions is to explain the importance of our Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. ?Abraham Lincoln referred to it in almost every speech he gave. ? When Abraham Lincoln spoke in Philadelphia, he said he never had a political feeling that did not spring from these “self-evident” truths. ? We ?are all created equal and are endowed by our Creator with certain “unalienable” rights. ?That among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. ? To secure these rights, we institute governments that exercise their just powers with the consent of the governed. ? Stockton University displays those words in a giant mural on campus.? But the format makes the words almost impossible to read. ? Professors rarely teach them in class. ? Many even those words are outdated and no longer apply! ?Our mission is to explain how those words are as true and relevant today as they were in 1776. ?Please meet us on Thursday. ?Thanks.
Seth Grossman, Executive Director
Somers Point, NJ? 08244
(609) 927-7333