Above Image: ATM Screen of Somers Point Branch of TD Bank on August 19, 2024. “Proud to support LGBTQ2+ inclusive spaces. Because everyone deserves to feel accepted”.
What exactly is “LGBTQ2+”? What exactly are “inclusive spaces”? Where are they? What does it mean to “feel” accepted? Does everyone who does or says anything that is bizarre, obnoxious or dangerous deserve to “feel” accepted by everyone they run into, wherever they go? Do others deserve to “feel” comfortable?
Why is TD Bank doing this? Are they seeking LGBTQ2 customers? Or is someone pushing TD Bank, and all banks and big corporations to do this? Federal banking officials? NJ State banking officials? “Woke” financial giants like Blackrock, Vanguard or State Street who own a controlling interest in our biggest corporations?
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Seth Grossman, Executive Director
(609) 927-7333