This Book Explained Why Homeschool So Important. This Saturday Learn How.

Two years ago, Alex Newman told us why it is so important for parents to home school their children. He also urged every grandparent, aunt and uncle to help.  His book “Crimes Of The Educators” explained why in great detail.  Our “woke” public schools are destroying our children and our country.  It is not enough to complain at school board meetings.  It is not even enough to be a candidate, or support good candidates for school board.  Would this be enough if your child’s school were on fire.  If your child’s school were on fire, wouldn’t you do everything you could to get your child out!  New Jersey’s “woke” public schools are as dangerous to your child as a fire.

If you did not yet hear Alex Newman or read his book, please watch this video now:

If you have trouble with video link above, please click here to reach it through Alex Newman’s Heartland Web Page.  

Or Click Here:  Videos – Alex Newman: Crimes of the Educators | Heartland Institute  (Please be patient.  The Link may be slow.)

Once you are convinced why your children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews should be home-schooled, it is then important to learn how.  We urge you to attend the workshop and conference this Saturday, August 13 and the Victory Bible Church, 816 South Egg Harbor Road, in Hammonton, New Jersey 08037.

Should you, would you, could you homeschool your children?  Come investigate for yourself. Speakers, workshops, curriculum sale and snack bar available. Speak with those who have, those who are and those who were home educated. Hear their success stories, identify challenges, and learn to overcome them.

Don’t let it scare you! The current educational climate.  probably scares you more.  Investigate for yourself. Home-Education Education with a Biblical worldview
Contact: ph. Laura Hartsell – 856-629-1385
Walk in registrations or email:
$10 per person,or $20.00 per family (two or more persons in same family). Table
reservations are available for used curriculum sellers and cottage
businesses @ $25.00 per space. Doors open @ 7:30 a.m. to inspect and/or purchase approved used curriculum sale, and home based businesses. Speakers begin at
9:45 a.m. – day ends at 4 Hope you can join us.  (Note.  The Special Workshop originally scheduled for 8:45am was postponed due to illness).

Click Here for Video Explaining and Promoting This Event: Home Education Conference Promo – YouTube

Note:  One of our members and popular Atlantic City Councilman Jesse Kurtz was home schooled!

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director

(609) 927-7333



  • Mr Seth Grossman

    Atlantic City, NJ Attorney since 1975. Executive Director of Liberty and Prosperity since 2003. GOP Candidate for Congress, NJ State 2021, 2018. Adjunct Professor of Government & History at Atlantic Cape Community College 2010-2017. Contact (609) 927-7333

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