When the “Brothers of Italy Party” of conservative Giorgia Meloni won the national elections of Italy, all English translations of her speeches were immediately removed from YouTube and blocked by Google. English translations of similar speeches by Santiago Abascal, leader of the conservative “Vox” (Voice) Party in Spain were also blocked. After much protest, some of those speeches were restored. Please watch some of them to understand that we are not alone.
“Do you remember how just three years ago, we emerged out of practically nowhere? To the surprise of friends and strangers alike at a massive meeting in Vistalegre? When we came together to say that Spain is still alive? Do you remember how they laughed at us? And how they insulted us? But that cry, “Spain is still alive!” that we launched in Villalegre has now reached every corner of our country. And together, we recovered for millions of our countrymen and women, the enthusiasm and the hope that had been snatched from us.
“Have you seen that they no longer laugh at us so much? They continue to insult us. They haven’t changed in that respect. We said at that meeting in Vistalegre that we would wear their insults like medals on our chest. The truth is that they decorate us every day. Our chest is full of medals. ‘Homophobes’, ‘Macho sexists’, ‘racists’, ‘xenophobes’, ‘fascists’. ‘You are the worst of the worst!’ How boring. Tomorrow, they will invent new labels to stigmatize us and try to silence us. . . ” Santiago Abascal, Oct 27, 2021
“Let’s talk about the Left. I don’t care if you’re a so-called “Progressive” or a Communist. Things are going to get more difficult for you. You’ve had it easy up to now. You pull insulting labels out of a hat. And cowardly conservatives start whimpering. And the fickle moderates change their minds at the first sign of criticism. This self-righteousness has imposed a dictatorship of political correctness dominated by the so-called “progressives”. What an oppressive era! How easy it has been to silence us. . . ” Santiago Abascal, Madrid, Spain, 2019
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(609) 927-7333