Trump Did NOT “Dodge” That “White Supremacy” Question. Help Us Get The Truth Out.

Enrique Tarrio, the national chairman of Proud Boys is black and a Cuban-American.  Wilfred Reilly, a black associate professor of political science at Kentucky State University, a historic black university, said Wednesday that “the Proud Boys aren’t white supremacists.”  Click here for link to full article in Washington Times.  The Proud Boys website at states that it is a men’s group of “Western chauvinists who refuse to apologize for creating the modern world.  Like Archie Bunker, we long for the days when “girls were girls and men were men”.

  1. “White Supremacists” and the KKK in have NOT been a significant political force in America since the late 1960’s.  They were Democrats who lost their power and influence when they lost their political control of the South.  However, during the past five years, “woke” Democrats falsely labeled anyone who opposes them as “white supremacists”.  They do this with the help of radical and corrupt leftist groups like SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) and ADL (Anti-Defamation League) who are “profiting off of hate”.  During this time, the “mainstream” media has reported their outrageous lies as undisputed truth.

John Stossel is one of many reporters who have documents how leaders of the SPLC have obtained large sums of money from big corporations and government agencies by falsely accusing many reputable conservatives of being bigots or racists.  In 2017, Stockton University paid SPLC a large sum of money to run a “Unite Against Hate Day” program.  The program taught students to hate Republicans in general and President Trump in particular.  Click above image for video.

2.  Trump NEVER called the Tiki Torch boys “good people”. Trump was talking about “good people” who wanted the University of Virginia to remove its statue of Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, and those who wanted it to stay.  Lee was a complicated historical figure.  Although he commanded an army that fought fiercely for the Confederacy, he saved many lives at the end.  He surrendered his army when Richmond fell.  Lee did not retreat to the mountains and continue a guerrilla war as many urged him to do.

There were also bad people on both sides.  Hundreds of Antifa rioters came to Charlottesville from all over the country to vandalize or tear down the Robert E. Lee statue.  They also came to bully and beat up anyone who tried to stop them.  Anywhere from a dozen to 200 Tiki Torch boys also came from all over the country.  They said they came to protect the Robert E. Lee statue from vandalism by Antifa.  However, the Tiki Torch boys were really there for media attention.  They knew that if they went full Nazi and full racist, they would get 24/7 TV coverage from the mainstream media.  They knew the media was eager to use them to smear and discredit Trump and all conservatives.  They were more than happy to be used so they could become instant celebrities.  President Trump condemned these Tiki Torch boys many times, and never called them “good people”.

(There was also something unusual about the Tiki Torch boys.  Like Jussie Smollett and others who did fake “hate crimes”, they used language and slogans that conservatives never use, but which leftists falsely believed are used by conservatives.  The Tiki Torch boys appeared from nowhere, and disappeared as quickly as they appeared.  They seemed to be well financed and organized by somebody.  There were social media reports from people who claimed that some Tiki Torch boys were getting on and off the same buses as Antifa protestors.  However, we have not been able to verify those reports.   If you have any information on this, please share it with us.)

3.  In their combined trick question above, both Joe Biden and Chris Wallace falsely represented to Trump and viewers that “white supremacist and militia groups. . . added to the violence” in Kenosha. Wisconsin and Portland, Oregon.  This was an absolute lie.  The Patriot Prayer and Proud Boy groups in Portland Oregon merely responded to violence that was already there.  They brought mace and helmets to protect themselves at their “peaceful demonstrations” only after they and others were repeatedly attacked, and police did nothing to protect them.

4.  During the evening of Saturday, August 29, Aaron “Jay” Danielson, was shot to death in Portland Oregon after leaving a pro-Trump rally with a friend.  Cell phone recordings released to the public make it clear that Danielson was targeted for death because he was wearing a “Patriot Prayer” hat.   The shooter got a cell phone call saying “We have two of them here”.  The shooter then walked out of the parking garage,  calmly followed Danielson. walked ahead of him, and then turned and shot him twice in the chest at point blank range.  It is captured in the video below.  Federal officials stepped in when local police failed to act.  They later killed the shooter when he pulled out a gun as they came to arrest him.  It appears that no charges are pending against the other man seen running away with the shooter, or the people who identified and targeted Danielson and his companion.

Friends and family members later said that Danielson was not an agitator or a radical, but just “a freedom loving American”.  He was not a “white supremacist”.   Why did Joe Biden and Chris Wallace represent that Danielson was a “white supremacist”.  Why did they imply that he “added to the violence” by being murdered in cold blood?  Why were they offended when President Trump refused to denounce him?

5.  Seventeen year old Kyle Rittenhouse is NOT a white supremacist, and he was NOT part of any militia group. He came to Kenosha, Wisconsin to help business owners protect their property from Antifa thugs.   This video below clearly shows that Rittenhouse was attacked by “mostly peaceful protesters” who were angry at him for putting out the fires they kept setting.

Rittenhouse tried to run away, but his escape route was blocked.  The police made no effort to help him.  Rittenhouse was not the first to fire a weapon.  Rittenhouse was at all times calm, trained, and disciplined.  He did not shoot wildly into a crowd.  He only shot three people who were about to beat or kill him.  Why did Joe Biden and Chris Wallace falsely represent to President Trump and the American people 17 year old Kyle Rittenhouse was a “white supremacist”?  Why did they claim he was “adding to the violence” when he was obviously trying to help people protect their businesses.

If the shooter were white, the mainstream media would have certainly shown a photo of the black victim.  However, that is not always done when the shooter is black.

6.  Last month, two black campaign workers for the Republican candidate for Congress running against Ilhan Omar were hunted down and shot while talking to voters in suburban Minneapolis. One of them, 17 year old Andre Conley died instantly.  Did Joe Biden and Chris Wallace expect President Trump condemn Andre Conley as a “white supremacist” who “added to the violence”?

7.  Last July, Bernell Trammell a 60 year old Trump supporter was shot to death on the sidewalk in front of his store in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in broad daylight.  Trammel, who was black, was well known for carrying handmade signs through the streets of Milwaukee reading “Vote Donald Trump 2020,” and posting them on his storefront. President Trump was as much to blame as Joe Biden and Chris Wallace for not mentioning Trammel’s murder during last week’s debate.

  • We are a group of roughly 150 ordinary citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey. We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we have made mistakes. If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible.
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Seth Grossman, Executive Director

(609) 927-7333

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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