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Interview With John DeMasi, “Talk With A Purpose”, WPGTalkRadio.com 1450AM, 95.5FM Atlantic City, NJ:
Well we may be cooked, because Trump is Trump. We saw that at the Republican Convention when he gave this brilliant 20 minute speech where he did everything you said he had to do to deliver his message–but then Trump wandered off for another hour doing what he has always done. That’s what we have to deal with. I think the reason the Democrats went with Tim Walz for Vice-President instead of Shapiro is that they are now confident. They are saying why compromise with a Jewish Governor who is going to give us problems with our extreme left and the Muslims if we can take out Trump, we can win Pennsylvania, without doing that. Trump, as you pointed out, simply cannot deliver an effective consistent message. He just wanders off when he wants to wander off, and you just can’t play Big League Ball that way.
But the thing that may save Trump is that there are so many Jews and others who are just scared to death by the unraveling of our society and the anti-Semitism, and they see what’s going on England. So it’s going to be close. It’s going to be a nailbiter. And here in New Jersey, there’s not much we can do. It’s going to be decided in Georgia, and Pennsylvania, and Michigan, Wisconsin and Arizona.
Of course Harris didn’t pick Shapiro because of anti-Semitism. But she had the confidence to be anti-Semitic. I’m sure that if she felt she needed Shapiro to win Pennsylvania, she would have stood up to that anti-Semitism and picked him. But I think she feels that if she doesn’t need him, she can go along with the anti-Semites in her party. After all, Shapiro is a far more effective Governor in a far more important state than Walls in Minnesota. Obviously neither of us has any inside information on why Harris did that. We’re guessing based on what we see from the outside.

Above Image: Video shows Muslim mob beating Hindu man to the ground. Then they strip him to examine his genitalia. When they confirm he is not circumcised, and therefore not Muslim, they kick and beat him to death.

Above Image: Atlantic City Press Page C-3 On August 8, 2024. Detailed Article On Bangladesh Fails To Report Anything About Deadly Attacks On Hindu Minority By Muslim Mobs.
Another story that’s going on, that you’re not reading about anywhere and not hearing about anywhere is this Holocaust in Bangladesh. We ask ourselves how could six million Jews be killed by Germany during the Holocaust and nobody did anything, and the same thing is going on right now in Bangladesh and nobody is doing anything.
Right now, there are systematic murders, beatings and rapes of Hindus by Muslim mobs throughout a country called Bangladesh. We posted all details in our weekly email and on our website.
Many people never heard of Bangladesh. The country had a different name when we Boomers were growing up. It was in the eastern part of old British India. Then when India was divided and Muslim majority areas became a separate country called Pakistan, Bangladesh was called East Pakistan.
Old British India was 75% Hindu and 25% Muslim. The Muslims did not want to be a minority in an independent country, so they insisted on a “two-state solution” that would let them be the majority in their own country. That became Pakistan and East Pakistan.
Now Pakistan quickly became a radical, intolerant Islamic state. The Muslims terrorized the Hindu minority of about 13% and drove 90% of them out of their party of India in the West. But in East Pakistan, what is now Bangladesh, was secular and tolerant, and it kept most of its 23% minority of Hindus. Later, this East Pakistan broke away from West Pakistan and became a new independent country called Bangladesh because they wanted to get away from the extreme Wahabi Islam in Pakistan.
But all that changed after the Saudi oil embargo in 1973. The Saudi’s raised oil prices and got so much cash that they spent hundreds of millions of dollars to spread their radical, violent and intolerant Wahabi Islamic doctrine around the world. This cause the Muslims of Bangladesh to become just has violent and intolerant as the Muslims in Pakistan. There was actually a massacre of Hindus in Bangladesh in the 1971. And it started all over again five days ago.
Until five days ago, you had a secular government in Bangladesh that equally protected the rights of everybody, Hindus and Muslims alike. That government was overthrown by mobs five days ago.
For the past five days, you’ve had this terror of Muslim mobs going from house to house finding out where Hindus lived. They’ve been killing the men, raping the women, kidnapping the children. Stealing everything in the houses, everything in the shops and businesses, then burning down the houses and businesses. That’s been going on for five days.
And the videos that we posted are just horrible. And we have all these videos because the people in these mobs are so proud of what they are doing that they are making these cell phone videos and sharing them with their friends.
One of the videos we posted shows a man being beaten by a Muslim mob and pushed to the ground. But before they kicked and beat him to death, they stripped his clothes off him so they could check his genitals. Once the mob saw he was not circumcised, they shouted “Hindu! Hindu!” and then kicked and beat him to death.
We have a video of a Muslim mob invading a Hindu home. They restrain the man and rape his wife and daughter. The man breaks free and runs to a lake to try to swim away from the mob. However, the mob surrounds the shore of the lake and stones the man to death.
These videos are all posted on our LibertyAndProsperity.com website. And we put them out in our weekly email update. I think you should look at them.
But if you get your news from the Press of Atlantic City, and if you read the Thursday edition on page C-3, you’ll this whole detailed story about events in Bangladesh. But you won’t find one word about the mobs, or about the killing and persecution of Hindus by Muslims. Not the rapes. None of this appears in the mainstream media stories.
So the real story is not just the horror of what is going on in Bangladesh. The real story is why the media is so focused on Palestine, but not saying a word about the real genocide now going on in Bangladesh.
Why is this happening? This shows the Islamic influence on our media. Or to be more accurate its this unholy alliance of Communists and radical socialists and leftists with radical Islamic extremists that has been around since the 1920s. They have one thing in common. Bring down England, bring down France, bring down America, bring down Western Civilization so they could run things.
They are really a deadly tag-team that is destroying our country.
And by the way, at least here in America we can talk about this. If something is not in the newspaper or on TV, we can get the truth out on this radio program, our Liberty and Prosperity meetings every Saturday, on this radio program, our website, our free weekly email updates.
If I were living in England right now, we would probably be shut down and I would be arrested right now for talking about this. I don’t know if you’ve been following what’s going on in England.
They have a new Labour Government or socialist government working with the Islamic parties of England. You had this horrible murder last week. You had an African immigrant walk into a dance studio during a recital by pre-teen girls. He stabbed a dozen of the girls and their teachers with a knife and killed three or four, and severely injured several others. He had so much hatred. Neighbors then went out to protest mass immigration in England, and people are protesting immigration in every city in England. They are demanding mass deportations of immigrants.
The socialist government denounced this as “hate speech”. They are using anti-terror laws to put people in prison for two years, just for showing up at demonstrations and even just for posting comments on Facebook and Twitter. They are calling anything that opposes their agenda as “hate speech”. You have a real George Orwell situation in England. And many Democrats want to bring that to America. We’re not that far away. But I haven’t been arrested yet.
You really see how important that First Amendment is here in America. Without that First Amendment, they would already be doing the same thing in America.
Another reason why what’s going on in Bangladesh is so important, You read about these Hindus being hunted down and killed, the women are raped. Their homes and businesses are looted and destroyed. The ones who escape lose everything. Most of the Hindus this is happening to are basically liberal, tolerant Hindus living in Muslim neighborhoods. They have Muslim friends, their kids go to school with Muslims, Muslims are customers of their businesses, Muslims are patients of their health clinics. These Hindus think they’re getting along fine. Then suddenly, some imam gives a sermon at their local mosque. Suddenly mobs of dozens to hundreds to thousands of people are forming mobs that are roaming the streets to hunt down and kill Hindus.
We have those same mosques, the same imams, teaching the exact same doctrines every day here in Atlantic City. You may remember that back on October 7 last year, Hamas invaded Israel and murdered 1,200 Jews. Two weeks later, 500 immigrants from Pakistan and Bangladesh had a demonstration here in Atlantic City to support the Palestinians and the murderers. It was right there in the park across from the Stockton College Campus in Atlantic City. Then they blocked traffic and marched down the middle of Atlantic Avenue where they held another rally on Florida Avenue.
So you wonder why not one person from that group has said not one word about what is going on in Bangladesh today.
And of course, we had that kid from Margate, Zulfi Hoxha who was a normal Atlantic City High School student in 2011. Then, he somehow got radicalized here in Atlantic City. Four years later he joined ISIS, the Islamic State in Syria. There he made videos of himself cutting the heads off of Kurdish prisoners. Hoxha also made videos urging his friends in America to get forgiveness for their sins by randomly killing non-believers in America with lone wolf attacks.
You have to wonder. At some point is what is happening to non-Muslims in Bangladesh right now going to happen to non-Muslims here in Atlantic City, New Jersey? Again, you have the same preachers teaching the same doctrines, funded by the same people. It’s a very scary situation.
But meanwhile, I was on the Ocean City Boardwalk this week with my grandkids. I saw so many people with their families relaxing and enjoying themselves. How long can we keep doing this while the rest of the world falls apart around us?

A new topic. You don’t have to watch TV or search the internet to learn the most important issues. Sometimes, you just have to take a close look as something as ordinary as your utility bill. My July bill from South Jersey gas.
- What is the customer service fee? Why is it go up $11 from $24 to $35, 32% higher this month than last month? Did the cost of reading my meter and sending me a bill go up that much? Or is the gas company forcing me to pay for Governor Murphy’s “woke agenda”? Am I paying for wind turbines? Am I paying for free service for people who don’t pay their bills?
- Natural gas is $1.53 a therm. A therm of natural gas has roughly the same energy as a gallon of gasoline. Why aren’t we using this stuff in our cars when gasoline is $3.40 a gallon?
- Where’s the global warming? Here are the average July temperatures for last five years as shown on my South Jersey Gas bills:
July 2020: 77.6 degrees
July 2021: 76.22
July 2022: 77.27
July 2023: 76.40
July 2024: 76.58
Israel not allowed to participate in ceremony remembering atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Was it necessary? Yes! We almost needed a third bomb. Although some Japanese wanted to negotiate peace, military leaders did not agree until second atomic bomb. Even then, some tried to kill the emperor. All explained in Mark Felton video “Third Atomic Bomb” on website and Youtube.
Lead inspections and remediation now required by all landlords. Every city forced to dig up their streets and replace lead pipes. Driving up real estate taxes. Driving up rents and home prices. Lead paint has not been used anywhere since 1960s. No medical evidence that anyone is being harmed by lead.
American Dream destroyed. American Dream built on liberty. Whether rich or poor, every American once had opportunity to succeed through work, saving, achievement, learning skills, and producing. This is liberty. The rest of the world lived under despotism. There success depended on luck and the kindness of rich and powerful people.
- America today is like England during the Middle Ages- Whether you succeeded or starved depended on whether some king or prince did you a favor. It is nothing like the America Boomers grew up in. Latest examples.
- Atlantic City: Enter a lottery to get a $425,000 house for $125,000.
- Atlantic City: $10,000 “scholarships” given to 100 students who live in Atlantic City. No requirements for good grades or academic achievement. You just have to know somebody.
- Ocean City and Woodbine get money from federal government to fix up their airports.
- All this paid for by having Federal government borrow $34 trillion dollars ($34,000,000,000,000) An ounce of silver in a silver dollar now sells for $27. Gold that sold for $35 an ounce when Boomers were growing up now sells for $2,400 and ounce!
- America today is like England during the Middle Ages- Whether you succeeded or starved depended on whether some king or prince did you a favor. It is nothing like the America Boomers grew up in. Latest examples.
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Seth Grossman, Executive Director
(609) 927-7333