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We talk about this stuff every Saturday at our breakfast discussions from 9:30 to 10:30am at the Banquet Room of Sal’s Coal Fired Pizza at 501 New Road in Somers Point at Groveland Avenue. Everyone is welcome to come. Just order and pay for your own breakfast off the menu and tip your server.
Now about bad parenting and how long it took us to get here, another shocking story is what happened in the Holmesburg neighborhood of Northeast Philadelphia lat about 6 ast night. A mom and dad were walking their 7 month old baby in a stroller. Some woman they didn’t know randomly approached them, said “F— your baby”, shot the baby in the leg with a handgun, and walked away. These random crimes of hate show how bad things are. Again, it didn’t happen with one President. It didn’t start yesterday. In those radio messages we’ve been running, we’ve been pointing out that this is part of a decline that began in around 1962 or 1963.
We can blame bad parenting, but look at how difficult we make it for young people to be parents these days. It used to be you could live in a nice house with one parent working. The house cost about 25% of your income. Now you pay 50% or 60%. Both parents have to work, so who is taking care of the kids? They taught girls in school, if you want to be a mom, you’re a failure. They teach girls to work outside the home, be a fireman, be an executive to find fulfillment. The convince young people not to be parents. In California the schools teach parents not to trust their parents. If you have sexuality problems, don’t tell your parents. Don’t even tell them what name we call you in school. We have this war against parents, and this is what we are getting.
There are a whole lot of solutions. But when you are lost, the first thing you do is go back to where you took that wrong turn, and then figure out how to go in the right direction. That’s why we’re not ashamed to be Boomers at Liberty And Prosperity. We have a few younger folks in their 20s and 30s. But most are in their 60s and 70s. We remember how good life was in the America we grew up in, and we remember the specific things we and our parents and grandparents did to make it that way. It’s no explanation to say “times have changed”. We humans have not changed. We have the exact same DNA. But we have gotten into some bad habits, and there is still time to straighten things out.
Some other things going on. Peter Mora died three weeks ago, but the announcement was just made in the newspaper. Peter Mora was the President of Atlantic Cape Community College for about 20 years. When I was an adjunct professor there, I worked under him. One of the tragedies is that when I was teaching traditional American history, and traditional American values, Constitutional government, I would have these “woke” students who would complain to the administration, and try to get me fired. Peter Mora, as President of the college stuck up for me, and made sure I was able to teach there. But as soon as he retired, I was gone.
One of the big disgraces about how “woke” that community college has become is that its run by Atlantic County and Cape May County government. In Atlantic County, you have a Republican County Executive and a lopsided majority of Republican commissioners or freeholders. Cape May County has all Republican commissioners. They pick about 13 of the 15 trustees of the college. Why is that college now so woke that I can’t even be an adjunct, non-tenured professor there? If I can’t teach there, I know dozens of good conservatives who would love to teach there, but who never have a chance. You can’t blame the college. You have to blame the people who appoint the people who run the college.
We really miss not having someone like Peter Mora there. . . It’s the same story with woke public schools in conservative, Republican suburban towns.
Leah Hoopes, author of book Parallel Election which claims there was massive voter fraud in Delaware County in Pennsylvania during 2020 election will speak at our breakfast next Saturday, July 17. Click Here for link giving details:
We have a disagreement without our group. Some blame fraud for Republicans losing elections. Others agree with Atlantic City ballot harvester Craig Callaway who spoke to us last February. Callaway told us that Democrats take advantage of early voting, mail-in voting, motor vehicle and last minute voter registration to harvest the votes of “low-motivation” voters who never used to vote before. We invite you to hear this different point of view.
Republican Convention — Missed opportunity for Trump. Trump could have locked up the election Thursday night. All the Democrat networks, including CNN and MSNBC were giving Trump full prime time attention.
Trump gave prime time away by giving it to long presentations by Eric Trump, Kid Rock and Hulk Hogan which could have been much shorter. First 20 minutes of Trump speech were brilliant. But a big chunk of East Coast audience was already asleep.
Still if Trump ended his speech with “Drill Baby Drill” , and ended the speech there after 20 minutes, Trump would have been almost a shoo-in to win in November. But Trump rambled on for another hour. I fell asleep about 10 minutes after “Drill Baby Drill”. Besides rambling, Trump needlessly exposed himself to attacks.
“I built most of the Wall with military money when Congress did not cooperate. We had the most secure border. We stopped inflation. We had the best economy. I lost because COVID let Democrats steal the election.”
In spite of this, Trump is still stronger than Biden and Harris and can beat them. That’s why top Democrats are desperately trying to replace them.
Untold stories from Israel-Hamas war. Israel vs. Wahhabi war, Israel is clobbering Hamas without incurring casualties and causing few civilian casualties. Smart tactics. Better information.
$4 million drone airplane flies 1,500 miles from Houthi territory in Yemen into Tel Aviv taking roundabout route over Sinai and Mediterranean Sea. It crashes into an apartment building and explodes killing one Israeli and injuring a dozen others. It was like if terrorists launched an unmanned airplane from Cuba, and had it crash into an apartment building in New York. Big story. But not mentioned on ABC TV News last night. But ABC did report every detail about the panda bears that Communist China gave to the San Diego Zoo.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers build a $230 floating pier in Gaza. But it was broken up by waves as soon as it was installed. Back in 2017, Surfer Magazine reported that the waves at the Gaza beaches were so big that surfing was popular there. Did the U.S. Army not know this? Or did they quietly go along and try to build it anyway knowing it would fail. Was this part of an American military culture that has been unable to win a major war since 1945?
Details at: Waves That Wrecked $230 Million Gaza Floating Pier Featured In 2017 Surfer Magazine – Liberty and Prosperity
Other failures we talk about every week.
No maintenance of buoys and channel markers in Great Egg Harbor River.
Atlantic City traffic lights. Mess around City Hall in Atlantic City. Bond issues in almost every school district
Abandonment of Afghanistan
Getting mail after 5pm in Somers Point
Nobody held accountable. Government expected to do everything for everybody. Impossible to hold people accountable. Wilfredo Pareto: Nobody wants to make an enemy by complaining about anybody with political power. National Debate: DeSantis vs. Murphy on rising seas and climate change. Drowning in DeSantis’ Denial: Governor Rejects Climate Change. Reality as Floods Devastate Florida. Phil Murphy doing the opposite in New Jersey. Hardening everything built near the ocean and the bay. Forcing us to build expensive fortresses by the ocean and bay.
Lead Inspections. Lead pipe replacement. Dig up and replace lead pipes. Force landlords to pay for expensive lead testing. Testing well-water for lead
Atlantic City Road Diet: Atlantic City using federal funds to pave Atlantic Avenue, but not changing the striping to turn 4 lanes into two.
Atlantic City Homeless Problem. If we used the right language, we can solve the problem. Hobo, tramp, and bum are all terms for a person who’s homeless and without a steady job. While most folks use these words interchangeably, there is a slight difference between the three—especially to those who live this lifestyle. To be precise, a hobo is someone who travels from place to place looking for work, a tramp is someone who travels but avoids work whenever possible, and a bum doesn’t care to work or travel.
Richard Somers Day: Wednesday, September 4
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Seth Grossman, Executive Director
(609) 927-7333