During the past five years, the U.S. Department of Agriculture gave Stockton University two grants totaling one million dollars to make maple syrup. It said the purpose of the grant was to see if it is feasible to make maple syrup in New Jersey.
It is obviously not. In five years, Stockton produced 150 gallons of maple syrup with that one million dollars. Each gallon cost $6,666 to make. It costs $31 per gallon to make maple syrup in Wisconsin and $33 per gallon in Vermont.
There is an obvious reason for that. Maple trees need long periods of alternating freezing and thawing to produce enough sap to make sugar. Wisconsin, Vermont, Maine, Pennsylvania, Michigan, New Hampshire and New York all have those weather conditions. South Jersey does not. That is why maple sugar is produced and sold in those states and not here.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture spent a lot of money to study something that was already known by everyone in the industry for years. But it gets even worse.
Last week, Stockton University announced that it had just gotten another $500,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That money is to be used to market the maple syrup it is producing for $6,666 per gallon.
Click Link Below For Last Year’s Post On Stockton’s Maple Syrup Project:
As bad as it is, at least the USDA grant to Stockton has something to do with agriculture. Last month, the USDA announced that it had given $16.2 million in grants to 50 farms and businesses for “green energy” projects. In the past, New Jersey only got roughly $500,000 each year for these “Rural Energy for America” grants. This year, New Jersey got more than 32 times as much because of President Biden’s “Green New Deal” described by Congress as the “Inflation Reduction Act”,
Surfside Furniture in Somers Point, New Jersey got $800,000 to install solar panels and electric vehicle charging equipment in its warehouse. There is nothing rural about Somers Point. It is a built-up suburb of Atlantic City and Ocean City. Surfside sells and delivers most of its furniture to the owners of vacation homes in and around the beaches of South Jersey.
Why is this program run by the U.S. Department of Agriculture? Why is it called the “Inflation Reduction Act”. “Green Energy” programs like these have reduced the supply and increased demand for electricity. They have caused Atlantic City Electric to raise its rates by 20% last year and to apply for 17% increases starting in June of this year.
Click Here For Link To Previous Post: Climate Alarmists Gave Us 17% Hike In Electricity Rates This June After 20% Hike Last Year. – Liberty and Prosperity
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Seth Grossman, Executive Director
(609) 927-7333