First Liberty Principle: No Eminent Domain for Private Gain
Richard Gober of Ventnor has long fought against government using eminent domain to take people’s homes and selling that property to private developers in the name of urban renewal.

Mr. Gober has been vindicated by newly-elected Ventnor Commissioners Theresa Kelly, John Piatt, and Steve Weinthrob signing a ban against using eminent domain for private gain.

Mr. Gober has been vindicated by newly-elected Ventnor Commissioners Theresa Kelly, John Piatt, and Steve Weinthrob signing a ban against using eminent domain for private gain.
Let other people take the example of Mr. Gober and fight eminent domain abuse in their town. Let other elected officials follow the example of Ventnor Commissioners Kelly, Piatt, and Weinthrob.