We ended our weekly 9:30 to 10:30 am breakfast this morning to hear from Bill Haney of Burlington and half dozen others from Voice Over New Jersey (VONJ), a statewide political group. ? ?We plan to propose statewide “Contract with New Jersey” applying Constitutional liberty to fix NJ problems. Ideas include enforce immigration laws, “restructure” unconstitutional debt to avoid gas tax hike, spending cuts at Stockton/other state colleges so one summer of earnings again pays a year’s tuition, room, and board, stop Common Core, 2d Amendment Right to Carry by qualified non-police citizens. etc. ? VONJ plans to recruit, train, and support candidates willing to run on those ideas in June, 2015 primary elections–something we as tax-exempt non-political education organization are not permitted to do. ? ?Both of us also agreed to promote having more citizens attend classes sponsored by Tennessee Center for Self-Governance in several locations throughout New Jersey in January. ? Citizens trained by this group defeated powerful House Republican leader Eric Cantor in Virginia earlier this year. ? To learn more about these classes, please click?https://www.tncsg.org/ or contact us.