Weekly Update – 30 June, 2012


1.? July 4 Parade in Galloway Township.? We have a real problem, and need your help.?? Normally, we co-ordinate our parades and other special events at our Saturday breakfasts and announce them on the radio.?? But because of this morning?s severe windstorm and power failures, both the 8AM radio program on 92.1FM and our breakfast? at the Shore Diner were cancelled.?? Our only way to co-ordinate things now is by telephone and email.?? If you are coming to the parade, or have any questions, please contact Seth Grossman at (609) 927-7333 and leave a message on the machine or email our events co-ordinator, Doug Stroz of Egg Harbor Township at stroz4@comcast.net.? (If you have trouble reaching Doug because of storm damage to cell phones and internet, please email sethgrossman49@gmail.com.

2.? The Galloway Township Fourth of July Parade is probably the largest in the state, with 170 units participating.?? The parade begins at 9 a.m. on Wednesday morning, July 4, at Smitty’s Super Foodtown. It goes down Moss Mill Road and concludes at the Village Greene in Historic Smithville.??? Because the parade is so large, it is important to arrive before 8:15 AM so you have plenty of time to park your car and find us.

3.? The Galloway Township Parade is shorter than the Memorial Day parades, but you must still be fit enough to walk about one half mile, carrying a five foot wooden flagpole or pike with a red felt liberty cap on top.??? We again agreed to hire up to three drummers for this event.?? We need at least 24 participants to make an effective presentation.? Because we could not meet this morning, we have no idea who is coming.?? So please contact Doug Stroz at stroz4@comcast.net. ??Also, if we have more people than last time, we need a few more wooden poles and liberty caps.? You can get a 5 foot wooden pole at Lowes, Home Depot or any lumber store.??? You can get a red Christmas elf hat at any dollar store or party store and cut off the white trim.???? Everyone who saw us in the Memorial Day Parades said we made an effective presentation that enhanced the credibility of our message.?? Let?s do it again!

4.? Supreme Court Decision on Health Care.?? There is no silver lining.?? It is proof that those of us who believe in American liberty no longer have a country.??? This issue is not to wake up a ?silent majority? to preserve our liberty.??? The silent majority is clueless.?? We have the burden of teaching and persuading them besides waking them up.?? That will take enormous amounts of time, money, work, skill, preparation, and personal courage.

5.? Anyone who reads at the eighth grade level can easily see how ridiculous Chief Justice Roberts was when he said that the $695 mandatory health care ?penalty? (now called a tax) is permitted by the U.S. Constitution because Congress has the power to impose any tax.??? Get out your pocket Constitution, go to http://www.libertyandprosperity.org or go to http://www.heritage.org/and read Article I, Section 8 yourself.

6.? Article I, Section 8 of U.S. Constitution:? ?The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes. . . and excises. . .to regulate commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several states. . . to establish post offices. . . to raise and support armies. . . etc.??? Anyone who reads this understands that the Constitution doesn?t give Congress the right to pass any tax it wants just for the heck of it.??? Congress can only ?lay and collect? taxes to get the money it needs to exercise one of the ?enumerated? powers described later in the section.

7.? Also, the words ?taxes? and ?excises? have special meanings.?? A tax is an equal tax on persons or property.??? For example a ?tax? can be a $10 tax each year on EVERY citizen, or a 1% tax on the value of EVERY piece of real estate.??? An ?excise? is a sales tax, such as a 7% tax on EVERY car sold in New Jersey.????? Article I, Section 8 specifically states that ?All. . . excises shall be uniform throughout the United States?.?? The clear meaning is that Congress has to tax everybody equally at the same rate.? ?(The only exception is the Federal Income Tax, because that was established with a separate amendment (16th Amendment) in 1913.)?? The ObamaCare Tax of $695 each year on everybody who doesn?t buy a certain kind of ?approved? health insurance is NOT uniform, because some people pay it, and other don?t?.

8.? So how could anybody on the Supreme Court rule that ObamaCare is Constitutional????? Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt explained it in his 9th Fireside Chat (national radio address) on March 7, 1933.?? Hear it on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUBH1dygxyE.

9.? In response to the Court decision, the Bayside Tea Party Group called for a statewide summit of Tea Party groups on Saturday, July 14. If you want to represent LibertyAndProsperity.org at that meeting, please contact sethgrossman49@gmail.com.? Here are the details:

www.bayshoreteaparty.org ?
Dear NJ Tea Party Leadership,On Saturday, July 14th, we will be holding an emergency summit of all NJ tea party leadership.??

This summit will start at 1PM and will be held at Bayshore Headquarters at 275 Hwy 35 Red Bank, NJ. and the subject will be “The Battle Plan”.?

The Supreme Court decision has now given us a bigger monster to deal with and we need to unify and be pro-active.?

Please?try to bring the maximum of 2 representatives of your group.

Please RSVP by 7/5

Thank you!

Barbara Gonzalez
Robert Gordon

10.? Our basic ideas have not changed much since the last unsuccessful summits in 2010 and 2011.??? This was our plan:

  1. ?Support the most conservative candidates that are running in this year?s election, to get training, experience, and contacts from their people.
  2. Actively oppose putting New Jersey deeper in debt, by urging ?No? vote on the ballot question to borrow $750 million for college Construction.??? (Stockton College already borrowed $221 million to bail out a failed country club, opera house, library, museum, and synagogue, and spent $50 million on a new ?Wow? student center.).
  3. Actively demand the repudiation (refusal to pay) of all debt incurred without voter approval as required by Article 8, Section 2 of New Jersey Constitution?including the new Transportation Trust Fund scam.??? ALL of the state gasoline tax you now pay is spent on debt?NOTHING is spent to fix or improve roads.? And then there is the NJ Mortgage Foreclosure Bailout bill, which Governor Christie has not yet vetoed.
  4. Actively demand the repeal of legislation that raises our electric bills to pay for windmills and solar panels– $600 for $50 worth of electricity?even when it is not needed.
  5. Encourage conservatives in every County to run for state senate, assembly, and freeholder next year, but to?get practice, skills, contacts, and name recognition this year by doing #1, #2, and #3 now.

11.? Liberty Movie:? Wednesday, ?July 11th at 6:00pm at the Shore Diner 6710 Tilton Road, Egg Harbor Township (By Parkway Exit 36).?? No admission, but donations encourage.??? We recommend arriving before 5:30 to get the Early Bird Dinner.? As we reflect upon our Independence this July we present “Rediscovering God In America II: Our Heritage”. This Citizens United production explores the role of religion in early America and the belief that “our Creator” is the source of our Liberty, Prosperity, and survival as an exceptional nation.

12.??? As always, Breakfast Discussion Saturday Morning 9:30AM to 10:30AM at the Shore Diner, Tilton & Fire Roads, Egg Harbor Township by Parkway Exit 36.??? Seth Grossman Radio Program on 92.1 FM Vineland heard in South Jersey, Northern Delaware and Philadelphia Saturday morning from 8AM to 9AM.???? Business Meeting for all voting and non-voting members on July 14 right after breakfast.

13.? ?Become a full voting member of LibertyAndProsperity.org!??? Dues are $60 per year, attend 3 business meetings each year, and work on at least one volunteer project each year.??? Or be a non-voting supporting member for just $30 per year, with no other? commitment.

14.?? Please preview Seth Grossman?s proposed column for the Current and Gazette newspapers and give him your corrections, criticisms, and suggestions as sethgrossman49@gmail.com.

?The American form of Government is a three horse team provided by the Constitution to the American people so that their field might be plowed. The three horses are, of course, the three branches of government – the Congress, the Executive and the Courts. Two of the horses are pulling in unison today; the third is not. . .? The American people. . . expect the third horse to pull in unison with the other two.
Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt?s 9th ?Fireside Chat? (national radio address) of March 9, 1937.

Those are the only words that can explain why five of the nine members of the U.S. Supreme Court ruled ?that the U.S. Constitution permits the federal government to force every American to either buy an ?acceptable? health insurance policy, or pay a $695 penalty to the IRS (plus a whole lot of hidden sales taxes).
Most Americans at that time rejected Roosevelt?s radical plan to ?pack? the Supreme Court with ?Progressive? Democrats all at once? in 1937.??? But since Roosevelt stayed in office for 8 more years, packed the court anyway.

Roosevelt gave that radio address right after his landslide victory in the 1936 elections with 61% of the popular vote and every state except Maine and Vermont.?? Democrats and ?Progressives? also won lopsided majorities in both houses of Congress.?? They took 76 seats in the Senate compared to 16 for Republicans and a 347 to 88 majority in the House.
In March 1937, Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt, and his ?Progressives? now felt strong enough to finish the job of ?transforming? American they had begun with Progressive Democratic President Woodrow Wilson from 1913 to 1921.

During those eight years, ?Progressives? created the new federal income tax,? and hired an army of IRS agents to enforce it.???? Then they made the entire liquor and tavern industry illegal, and hired even more federal agents.

They created the Federal Reserve Bank and gave it the power to print money with nothing to back it up?and to manipulate the money supply and the ?economy for political purposes.??? They got us into World War One, and then used emergency war powers to take over all railroads and shipping lines, and control other large industries.
Many of Woodrow Wilson?s ?Progressives?, including Wilson himself, ?were also rabid racists who resented the great progress made by blacks after the Civil War.??? As a professor at Princeton, Wilson wrote a book that inspired 1915 ?movie ?Birth of a Nation?, which slandered every black American, glorified the Ku Klux Klan and segregation, and destroyed much of this racial progress.

Not all ?Progressives? were Democrats.? Some, like Theodore Roosevelt? and Herbert Hoover were Republicans.

When World War One ended, these Progressives predicted? that the American economy would collapse as millions of demobilized soldiers would not find enough jobs.? Wilson?s Democrats proposed massive ?tax hikes and federal programs to ?fix? this ?expected disaster.

In 1920, ?many ?Progressive? Democrats, especially professors in our leading colleges, publicly admired and glorified Communists like Lenin in Russia and Fascists like Mussolini in Italy who used unlimited government power to fix every problem.

But Americans overwhelmingly rejected these ?Progressive? Democrats in the November elections of 1920.?? Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge won in a landslide as President and Vice-President and Republicans took control of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives when they campaigned for ?a return to normalcy? and traditional Constitutional government.
What followed was eight years of the greatest economic growth and increase of wealth for more people in human history.

Republicans also limited immigration to America for the first time which caused wages for unskilled workers to increase?especially for black Americans.?? High quality American cars, food, clothes, and even houses were mass produced, marketed, and made affordable for almost every family.?? Radio, movies, record-players and public libraries (paid for by wealthy individuals like Andrew Carnegie) gave every American access to quality culture and entertainment.

Instead of admitting that they and their doom and gloom predictions for America were completely wrong, Progressive Democrats instead saw the Republican election wins of 1920 as proof that most Americans (unlike ?enlightened? Europeans) were too stupid to know what was best for us.??? So for the last 90 years, they did everything they could to re-write our history, and indoctrinate our kids.

Help us reverse that process by attending events like our free monthly movie next ?Wednesday July 11th at 6:00pm at the Shore Diner 6710 Tilton Road in Egg Harbor Twp. Visit libertyandprosperity.org for details.

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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1 thought on “Weekly Update – 30 June, 2012”

  1. Come to my building at 335 E Jimmie Leeds Rd suite A in Galloway, formerly Lonegan headquarters, and volunteer to make calls to educate the American public as to the issues that matter to this country in the upcoming elections.

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