- ? Regular Breakfast Discussion this Saturday, July 28 from 9:30AM to 10:30AM at the Shore Diner. Tilton and Fire Roads in Egg Harbor Township. Regular radio program on 92.1FM heard in most of South Jersey Saturday 8AM to 9AM. Seth Grossman will be guest on Larry Trulli and Dan Klein radio programs on 1020AM (Ocean City) Monday, July 23 from 8AM to 10AM.
2. ? Learn the latest techniques in grass-roots politics.?? is an education organization, not a political one.? However, we urge every American to be more effective as a citizen by learning how successful political campaigns are run.?? Steve Lonegan of Americans for Prosperity is setting up a ?call center? to make calls to voters throughout South Jersey on varies issues that pertain to our basic principles.?? Volunteers will be needed to make calls several hours a day, for one or two days a week for the next three months.?? Please contact Seth Grossman at or Dennis Mahon at or (609) 204-2511? if you would like to participate.
3. ?There will be a meeting of the newly formed Tea Party Congress in Bayside New Jersey on Saturday, July 28.??? We were invited to send two representatives.?? Dennis Mahon, our President will be attending.? If you would like to join him, please contact Seth Grossman or Dennis Mahon for details. ? Because we are a tax-exempt education organization, we cannot formally become a part of this group as an organization. ? However, you are welcome to form or join with a local “Tea Party” group that can then become part of this “Tea Party Congress”.
4. ?August 15, 2012?Atlantic City Salutes Our Armed Forces Parade. We have been so successful in making people aware of our symbols of liberty?the wooden pike draped with the red liberty cap?that we have decided to march in the Atlantic City parade on August 15. This is a two mile march. We need at least two drummers and 24 marchers to be effective. ??But if we had 50 marchers, we would really make a statement!? Will you march with us? Do you need a tricolor sash, pike and liberty cap? Please contact Seth Grossman at or Dennis Mahon at
5. ?New? date and time ?Trevor Loudon of New Zealand.?? Loudon cannot be with us on August 29 as planned because he was invited to be at the Republican National Convention in Tampa.??? He will instead attend our breakfast meeting at 9:30 AM on Saturday morning, September 1 at the Shore Diner.?? The Shore Diner is at Tilton and Fire Roads by Parkway Exit 36 in Egg Harbor Township.?? We will have this program instead of our August movie. Loudon wrote ?Barack Obama and the Enemies Within?, a book often discussed by Glenn Beck.
6. ?Trevor Loudon said this to describe his views:? Trevor says, ?I?m a libertarian activist and political researcher from Christchurch New Zealand. I believe in freedom with responsibility, not freedom from responsibility. My ideal society is one in which government is confined to protecting its citizens from criminals and external enemies. I believe in working with all those who are moving in broadly the same direction”.
7. ?Because of the importance of this speaker and limited seating, we request a minimum donation of $10 above the cost of breakfast ?(ordered off menu) to defray expenses for us and Mr. Loudon. We thank Brenda Roams of the Greenwich Tea Party Patriots for making this event possible. To learn more about Mr. Loudon, please go to
8. ?We need your help for our annual Richard Somers Day ceremony and fundraising event. Those radio ads are very effective, but we need your support in selling and buying tickets for this important event. Tickets this year will be $25 per person, $35 per couple, and includes dinner and cash bar at Gregory?s Bar and Restaurant in Somers Point. For details, go to ?http://www.
9. ? Become a full voting member of! Dues are $60 per year, attend 3 business meetings each year, and work on at least one volunteer project each year. Or be a non-voting supporting member for just $30 per year, with no other commitment.
10. ? ??Please review the Seth Grossman?s draft column for the Current and Gazette weekly newspapers in Atlantic and Cape May Counties below . ???Grossman uses this column to introduce our new slogan, “Do more than vote!” ? Please forward your corrections and suggestions for improvement to Seth at Thanks.
?Do more than vote!? is the new slogan of We adopted it at our last business meeting after months of discussion.
Every year, our public schools and countless ?public service? announcements praise every citizen who votes as being a good citizen.
But the truth is voting alone is not nearly enough to preserve our constitutional democracy.?? We have federal elections every even-numbered year, state government elections every odd-numbered year, and lots of county, local, and school elections almost every year.?? Most people vote in most of them.
So why does our federal government borrow 40 cents of every dollar it spends, if few voters run their households or businesses that way??? Why do we bankrupt our state pension funds by letting thousands of state employees like Tom Gilbert ?retire? on? $90,000 per year at age 52–and then re-hire them for new state jobs?like ?commander? of the Atlantic City Tourism District for an additional ?$80,000 per year?
Spain, (like Greece, Italy, and Ireland) , is now so deeply in debt that many big banks in ?Europe will soon fail.?? Yet Spain, with a debt-to-GDP ratio of 68% is still in better financial shape than the United States which is now at 103% and getting worse every day.??? Our federal government debt alone (not counting social security, Medicare, pension, or state government debts) stands at over $15,800,000,000,000?slightly more than the $15,462,000,000,000 worth of all goods and services produced in America each year.
How can anyone who votes for people who do this be called a good citizen?
Arthur Brooks of the American Enterprise Institute discussed three causes of this in a recent column in the Wall Street Journal called ??America Already is Europe?.
First, he noted that that the ?progressive? left is now as strong here in America as it is in Europe.?? Because Professor Woodrow Wilson and other ?progressives? hijacked our public schools and elite universities 100 years ago, nearly half of Americans today believe more of ?the discredited lies of the Communist Manifesto of 1848, than the ?self-evident truths? of our Declaration of Independence of 1776.??? Today their disciples in and out of government relentlessly demand and get more laws, more government, more taxes, and more debt.?? They falsely claim that this will make our society more equal and ?fair?, since only the ?rich? will pay for this.? These ?progressives? are so fanatic and intolerant that I can rarely disagree with them without being called bigoted, ?selfish, dishonest, or backward.
Second, most Democrats now ?support this ?progressive? agenda of the left while most Republicans claim to ?support small government.? Yet regardless of what is said during their campaigns, both parties in fact gave us bigger government, and mores spending, borrowing, fees, and taxes after the election.?? This is because they both reward the folks who give them the campaign cash they need to win.???? If? Republican Governor Christie really cut the budget of Democrat Jon Corzine, the previous New Jersey Governor by $11 billion, how can Christie?s budget today be $32 billion–$4 billion HIGHER than the last Corzine budge of $28 billion?
Third, most Americans still oppose the left on issues like failure to enforce immigration laws, endless free food-stamps, 99 week unemployment, free housing, electricity, cell phones, etc.? And they oppose the corporate welfare and bailouts of both parties.? But ?they are woefully uninformed on why this is happening and how to stop it.
Gallup recently reported that 81% of Americans are dissatisfied with the way our nation is being run.? Rasmussen found that three fourths of Americans think our country is on the ?wrong track?.
But a recent survey found that only 25% of American adults could name both U.S. Senators for their state, while 51% could name neither.??? More Americans could identify Michael Jackson as the composer of “Beat It” ?than identify the Bill of Rights as a body of amendments to the Constitution.? More than 50 percent thought “From each according to his ability to each according to his needs” was a quote from either Thomas Paine, George Washington or President Obama. Those words were in fact said by Karl Marx, author of “The Communist Manifesto.”
It is still not too late to change things.?? But we must all do a lot more than vote.?? Learn more at our website