Weekly Update – January 23, 2010

Weekly Update – January 23, 2010

BREAKFAST DISCUSSION THIS SATURDAY, JAN. 23, 2010 AT ATHENA DINER, NEW ROAD, NORTHFIELD: 9:30 AM TO 10:30 AM. Please pay your 2010 dues now to keep your membership active for February Board and Business Meetings: $60 voting–$30 non-voting.

(Also live two-way talk every Saturday from 8AM to 9AM on 92.1FM Vineland. We are heard in most of South Jersey, Philly, and Delaware. The on-air number is 856-696-0092.)

1. Miracle in Massachusetts? Why not our own miracle here in South Jersey? We can make it happen–as soon as we are informed, organized & disciplined. We already have the right ideas–we just have to learn, practice and use certain skills.

2. Winning elections, like winning any other kind of war, requires basic training. We always complain that the NJEA teacher?s union & other public employees have too much power. But they have power because they know & do what it takes to win elections–not just once, but year after year. We who want nothing for ourselves but a government that secures the ?unalienable rights? of all, can again have that power by doing what they do before & during elections, without doing what they do after elections.

3. Every newsletter for the NJEA Teacher?s Union and the political building trades unions invites members to attend ?leadership? seminars to learn the techniques of winning elections. That is the key to their power. We now invite you to our seminar so you can learn how to win elections for liberty. Chris Doss of the Leadership Institute, http://www.leadershipinstitute.org/, ran many successful campaigns around the country. He will give ?basic training? for candidates & campaign managers at the Atlantic County Library–Mays Landing Branch on Monday, January 25 from 5:30 PM to 8:45 PM. This seminar is so important, we reduced the admission fee to $15, which includes pizza & soda. You & your guests are welcome to attend?but please RSVP in advance so we know how much food & course materials we need. Please contact me, Seth Grossman, at grossman@snip.net or (609) 927-7333.

4. We have big 4 by 8 foot signs that say: ?No Liberty = No Prosperity! www.libertyandprosperity.org 609-927-7333?, but we only have three locations. Locations must be on private property in rural areas there similar signs are permitted. If you have a location, please let me know. Thanks.

5. SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS: Tuesday, April 20, 2010. Deadline for filing petitions: March 1, 2010. You need only ten signatures to get on the ballot. More info at: http://www.njsba.org/candidacy/importantdatesW.pdf.

6. REPUBLICAN & DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY ELECTIONS: TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 2010. DEADLINE FOR FILING NOMINATING PETITIONS: APRIL 1, 2010. Basic info at: http://www.state.nj.us/state/elections/.

7. STRAW POLL: THURSDAY, MARCH 4: We just reserved the Walter Edge Auditorium of Atlantic Cape Community College for the evening of March 4. We are a non-political organization, but like other civic organizations, we want to host a fair forum and low cost, but fair & accurate public opinion poll for all candidates & all organizations. We offer every conservative, tea party, libertarian and 9/12 person and group a unique and low cost chance to prove that we are ready to be major league players in the political process?or that our critics are right, & we are not quite ready for prime time. The choice is yours?& ours. To make this event a success, this is what must happen:

a. Every person who wants to be a candidate for any office in South Jersey and/or the manager of that person?s campaign (or is thinking about it) must contact me, Seth Grossman, right away. The organizing committee must include representatives of ALL candidates and all factions. The event must not only be fair, but it must appear fair, and all candidates and groups must want the event to be fair and reliable?or we are all wasting our time.

b. Every candidate must be seen as a gift, not an obstacle. If you are as good a candidate as you think you are, you will win the event, and that victory will do more to help you win the election than anything else. But if you do poorly, you must admit you have a problem and should consider supporting someone else, or running for a different office this time. The filing deadline is April 15, a full 6 weeks later. There is plenty of time for like-minded candidates to put aside personalities and negotiate and form alliances to create a winning team?just like the candidates on the dark side.

c. We need lots of help. We need volunteers to work with the College, the media and all potential candidates. We need a committee to work out every detail from rules, preparing straw poll ballots, etc. to selling food and drinks. This is what winning political organizations do every year. Are you ready for big league ball? Please contact me today!

8. PROPOSAL BY ATLANTIC COUNTY UTILITIES AUTHORITY (ACUA) TO GET TRASH MONOPOLY AND HIKE FEES HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ?WASTE MANAGEMENT? AND EVERYTHING TO DO WITH BAILING OUT JUNK DEBT. Full Seth Grossman Current/Gazette essay at: http://www.libertyandprosperity.org/…article&id=531. Republican Atlantic County Executive Dennis Levinson responded this week at: http://www.shorenewstoday.com/news.php?id=6833. He asked ?Why didn?t Seth Grossman speak out when he was a freeholder?? It is true that I did win a primary election by one vote in 1988 and was an Atlantic County freeholder for one term. But because I said in 1989 that an ACUA plan to dump trash in front of an airport runway was a dangerous attraction of birds that could bring down an airplane, the Republicans did not nominate me for re-election in 1991. They even changed my election district to remove my stronghold in Atlantic City?s 5th ward and add their strongholds of Somers Point and Linwood so I could not win another primary.

9. PUBLIC EMPLOYEES IN NEW JERSEY ARE LIKE THE OLD ARISTOCRATS IN FRANCE BEFORE THE REVOLUTION. Read this week?s Current/Gazette essay by Seth Grossman at: http://www.shorenewstoday.com/news.php?id=6822.

10. Neil Borowski is the new editor of our local daily newspaper, The Press of Atlantic City. His email is
nborowski@pressofac.com. Last month, Mr. Borowski published a column inviting local citizens to be part of a committee to have coffee with him once a month to exchange views. Why not email him and accept his invitation? Here are some things you might want to mention. Why did the Press give advance publicity and publish photos of eight ?peace? demonstrators last month, but did not say a word about the hundreds of people from this area who went to Washington on 9/12? Why did the Press give front page and editorial publicity to Mike Assad for advocating posting public contracts on school board web sites, but ignored our request for every government web site call to post all of its public employee salaries? Why do Press headlines claim government borrowing, spending and special tax deals ?create jobs? at the Walk in Atlantic City, without reporting how they destroyed jobs at the malls in Mays Landing and Egg Harbor Township, and at Lennox China and Wheaton Industries? Why does the Press only cover activist groups who demand more government, borrowing and taxes, and laws to help some people, but not groups like ours who demand more liberty and less government, less laws, and less taxes to help most people?

11. Why not write a 200 word letter to the editor every month discussing these issues every month? Don?t say it all in one letter?just make a single point. Send your letter to letters@pressofac.com. Or call a 1400AM talk radio program at 609-927-1100 (The number for Pinky?s Corner from 4PM to 6 PM weekdays is 609-344-1211). Or call a 1020AM talk radio program at 609-398-1020. When you call a talk radio program, always try to make only one or two points, and have two or three ?talking points? written in front of you. If the host questions or challenges you, defend and support the points you make. But once you have made your argument, and made your points, don?t ramble on and detract from your success. Quit while you are ahead and thank the host for allowing you to express your views.

12. MEET PAUL MULSHINE WINE & CHEESE: Sunday, February 21 from 2:30 pm TO 4:30 pm at the Carisbrooke Inn, Little Rock Avenue Beach Block, Ventnor, NJ. Order your tickets now – $75 each, $100 couple. These are hard times, and not everybody getting this e-mail can afford the ticket, but everyone knows somebody who can. We need this money to get on radio, billboards and the internet. No other group does what we do. Please make the extra effort. To read Paul Mulshine?s column?s in the Star Ledger, go to http://blog.nj.com/njv_paul_mulshine/index.html. Please contact me to help sell tickets, suggest prospects if you want someone else to make the approach, or to help in any other way. Thanks. Seth Grossman

“Liberty and Prosperity 1776, Inc. is a non-profit, education organization. We are registered and recognized by both the State of New Jersey and the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity. Our mission is to learn and teach why ‘Liberty and Prosperity’, New Jersey’s motto since 1776, is still true and relevant today — and how Americans can again be free and effective citizens.”

MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS: Voting Members: $60 dues, attend 3 business meetings per year, work on one board approved project per year. Non-Voting Members: $30 per year, no attendance or volunteer requirements. 2010 DUES ARE NOW DUE TO STAY QUALIFIED FOR FEBRUARY BOARD AND BUSINESS MEETINGS!!!

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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