Weekly Update – November 4, 2009
a. Obviously everyone will want to talk about Tuesday?s elections, what they mean, and where we go from here.
b. The good news?when liberty people back Republicans, and when Republicans act like liberty people, they win. The bad news is that some Republicans haven’t figured this out. They now think they have a mandate to do Tom Kean, Christie Whitman, Bill Gormley, and George Bush all over again.
c. For example, on the day after the election Republican Atlantic County Executive again said that it took 200 years for New Jersey to get $17 billion in debt, and just 8 years for Democrats to borrow another $27 billion. The message is for Republicans do do what they did before. But the truth is that Republicans Kean and Whitman created about half the debt in their 16 years, and Democrats Florio, McGreevey, and Corzine did the other half in 12 years?not much difference.
d. Other inconvenient details?Republican Assemblymen Polistina and Amodeo voted to borrow the $400 million for Open Space, etc, put the question on the ballot, didn’t campaign against it, and quietly hoped it would pass. As hard as we conservatives campaign against this borrowing, we had no chance against both Democrats and Republicans. And Polistina and Amodeo were both backed by the NJEA teacher?s union! And did you read their 10 point program to revitalize New Jersey? The same stuff that brought us where we are today! This is not a time to rest.
e. In Cape May County, Republican Assembly candidates did not make any effort to get conservative report?even though we could have effectively countered the claim that Democrat Van Drew opposed the Corzine toll hikes. When Steve Lonegan and I were arrested at the ?Town Hall Meeting? in Middle Township, Democrat Senator Jeff Van Drew was there to introduce the Governor. Did you hear him oppose the Governor?s toll hike scheme? And so they lost?again.
f. In this week?s Current-Gazette Newspaper, I wrote about why many of today?s immigrants have little in common with previous generations of immigrants. You can find the article at http://www.shorenewstoday.com/news.php?id=5404.
g. We should also hear from the dozens of our members who are going to Washington DC to rally against Obama “health” care.
3. This will be a very short newsletter. This week, every public school in New Jersey is shut down by law so that every public school employee can attend the annual NJEA Union Meeting in Atlantic City Thursday and Friday. Most teachers simply take a vacation. All the flights to Florida from Newark, Philly, and Atlantic City are booked solid. Since my wife is one of them, I will be leaving shortly to join them, and don’t have time to finish this update.
4. Finally, it looks like my Saturday morning radio broadcasts will resume on 92.1 FM, WVLT radio out of Vineland. The station is heard in most of South Jersey and my program will again be heard from 8AM to 9AM. I look forward to returning to the airways.
5. The Infrastructure Project: Now that this election is over, it is important to prepare for the next two: Local School Board Elections in April. Primary Elections in June. Do you know the name, party affiliation, telephone numbers, or e-mail addresses of the following people in your town? Mayor, Town or Township Council or Committee, School Board, Republican/Democrat Club leaders and party county committee? If so, please e-mail it to me. We will then prepare a master list for South Jersey and make that list available to any defender of liberty who wants to run for public office. I know that you already have that information for one or two people in your town, and that you can get the information for some others with just a few phone calls.
“Liberty and Prosperity 1776, Inc. is a non-profit, education organization. We are registered and recognized by both the State of New Jersey and the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity. Our mission is to learn and teach why ‘Liberty and Prosperity’, New Jersey’s motto since 1776, is still true and relevant today — and how Americans can again be free and effective citizens.”
6. We need your help. We need your money and your time. We need you to be a member and help decide what projects we should work on. MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS: Voting Members: $60 dues, Attend 3 business meetings per year, Work on one board approved project per year. Non-Voting Members: $30 per year, not attendance or volunteer requirements.
Seth Grossman, Executive Director, www.libertyandprosperity.org,
453 Shore Road, Somers Point, NJ 08244.
Tel. 609-927-7333.