Weekly Update – November 6, 2010

Weekly Update – November 6, 2010

BREAKFAST DISCUSSIONS-EVERY SATURDAY, 9:30AM to 10:30 AM. Shore Diner, Tilton & Fire Roads (By Parkway Exit 36), Egg Harbor Township, NJ

A. 92.1FM Vineland (Covers most of South Jersey) live two-way talk with
Seth Grossman every Saturday, 8AM to 9AM. On-air number is 856-696-0092.

B. 1400 AM Linwood (South Jersey shore area from Barnegat to Cape May): Mondays and Tuesdays, 3PM to 4PM. Live on-air call-in number is

New e-mail address for Seth Grossman: sethgrossman49@gmail.com.


1. What to learn from the elections? Nationwide, why did Tea Party/Liberty candidates like Marco Rubio in Florida and Ron Paul in Kentucky win? Why did Tea Party/Liberty candidates like Christine O’Donnell of Delaware, Sharon Angle of Nevada, and Carl Paladino of New York

Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, and most of the others that one based their campaigns on the Constitution, and pledged to protect individual liberty. They also argued that more liberty would bring more jobs, wealth, and prosperity. The winning candidates avoided social issues and personalities.

Christine O’Donnell had very little knowledge of these issues and was not
familiar with the Constitution. Hopefully, both traditional and “Tea Party”
Republicans will read the Declaration of Independence and Constitution and
be comfortable with the basic principles of American liberty before they
become candidates.

Sharon Angle in Nevada ran strong when she talked about those issues, but
lost her lead in the last week before the election, when she suddenly
stopped speaking to reporters and answering questions.

Carl Palladino beat the establishment candidate to win the Republican
nomination for Governor of New York when he promised to use his business
experience to stop waste and corruption. But right after he won, he
promised to “take out” a reporter who irritated him and made negative
comments about gay people . . . and destroyed any chance of winning.

2. Get ready for primary elections next June. In Atlantic County,
Democrat Senator Jim Whelan will run for re-election with two Assembly
candidates handpicked by the building trades and teacher unions.
Republicans will run either Assemblyman building trades union leader John
Amodeo or Vince Polistina for Senator, with someone like Chris Brown running
for the other Assembly seat. Both Republicans and Democrat officials
support tax breaks for the Revel Casino, and taking away the right of
taxpayers to vote on the issue. Chris Brown’s law practice depends heavily
on political favors. No Republican or Democratic official in Atlantic
County opposed ocean windmills that will cost consumers $2,000 every time
and ocean windmill makes $60 of electricity. Both parties were quiet about
Stockton College tuition hikes and outrageous borrowing to buy the Seaview
Country Club. They both said nothing about giving public employees 3%
wages, when most taxpayers are earning less this year than last year.

3. In Cape May County, Michael Donohue is the new Republican County
Chairman, and the two Republican freeholder candidates, Gerald Thornton and
Sue Sheppard were elected by wide margins. This new group ousted the old Cape May County Republican Chairman last June. So far, the new regime has not said or done anything to cut the cost of government and pay to play
politics. So far, they have not reached out to independents like Mike Beck
in Lower Township who are making a difference.

4. There are real opportunities for Tea Party/Liberty candidates to win the
primary elections in June. If you want to run and win, now is the time to
start learning, working, and raising money. Contact us at
LibertyandProsperity to get the training and contacts that can make you a

5. Unless your father is a political boss, like Murkowski in Alaska, or
unless you have as much money as Ross Perot, you can’t get elected to
anything, if you don’t first win the primary of a major political party.
Tony Pullella lost when he ran for City Council in Brigantine as an
independent. But he won twice as a Democrat! Steve Wynne ran an excellent campaign for Northfield City Council and would have easily won if he ran as a Democrat or a Republican. But he ran as an independent and lost. Doug Keefe is a very successful businessman in Brigantine. But he ran for
council as an independent and only got 325 votes. Peter Boyce ran for
Congress against Frank LoBiondo on the Constitution Party and got less than
2% of the vote. Linda Biamonte and Donna Ward each got 10% of the primary vote in June when they both ran against him and split the vote.

6. Gloucester County: Republicans Larry Wallace and Vincent Nestore beat
Steve Sweeney’s union backed Democrats for freeholder defeated
Union/Democrat candidates picked by Steve Sweeney who ran an ugly campaign against them. (The Democrats mailed out a picture of a woman who lost her hair from cancer treatments-and falsely said it was the fault of Republicans who did not fully fund clinics in certain Democrat run cities).

7. Cumberland County: Republican freeholder candidates Sam Fiocchi and
Carl Kirstein defeated Democrats who mailed out photos of a battered woman,
and claimed all Republicans were responsible for a domestic violence
complaint filed against the Republican county chairman by his wife seven
years ago.

8. Local races: Tea Party candidate Deborah Sutton lost election to
Mantua Township Committee by one half of one percent. Sam Miles, another liberty candidate lost vote for Monroe Township mayor by 140 votes out of 9,212. Could a little better training and organization-and unity between conservatives and Republican leaders in Gloucester County put these two candidates over the top?

9. Camden-Burlington-Ocean Counties: Republican Jon Runyon was no tea
party candidate, but he beat back an ugly, personal campaign to defeat
incumbent Democrat Congressman John Adler. Runyon was the only challenger in New Jersey to defeat an incumbent Congressman.

10. Tea Party Republican Anna Little was defeated by Democrat Ralph Pallone
in Asbury Park-Somerset, but she is already preparing for the next campaign
to beat him in 2012!

11. What are the qualifications to be a good government official?
Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses said it best more than 3,000 years ago in
the Old Testament Bible at Exodus 18: “Choose from among all the people
those who are capable, those who fear God, those who speak the truth, and
those who hate dishonest gain”. See the rest of Seth Grossman’s essay
from last week at

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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