Weekly Update – October 16, 2010

Weekly Update – October 16, 2010

BREAKFAST DISCUSSIONS?EVERY SATURDAY, 9:30AM to 10:30 AM. Shore Diner, Tilton & Fire Roads (By Parkway Exit 36), Egg Harbor Township, NJ
Member Meeting: Thursday, Oct. 21, 6PM at Shore Diner.
Two Live Two-Way Talk Radio Programs:

A. 92.1FM Vineland (Covers most of South Jersey) every Sat, 8-9AM. Live on-air call-in number is 856-696-0092. Seth Grossman will be at a cousin’s bar mitzvah. Retired Judge Paul Porreca of Millville First will be the guest host.

B. 1400 AM Linwood (South Jersey shore area from Barnegat to Cape May): NEW SCHEDULE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: Mondays & Tuesdays, 3-4PM. Live on-air call-in number is 609-927-1100.


1. Get involved in elections that matter (Part 2): Americans for Prosperity is holding a ?November is Coming Victory Conference?Take Action Seminar?. Saturday, October 23rd, 2010 from 10AM-2PM. Deutscher Club, Clark, NJ. (2 hours north up the Parkway from Northfield by Parkway Exit 135). This is not a rally. It is a TAKE ACTION SEMINAR.

Learn effective techniques to reach voters & make a difference in key elections that matter. Guest speakers include Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, and radio hosts Curtis Sliwa and Mike Gallagher.

?AFP has designed the most advanced door-to-door voter outreach program the most state-of-the-art phone banking system conservative activists have ever seen. These tools will lead you right to the key swing voters in your district allowing you to educate them on the big government voting records of incumbent officeholders.”

Registration is $10. Bus transportation is available from Shore Mall in Egg Harbor Township. For details, contact Dennis Mahon at dmahon1@yahoo.com or (609) 204-2511. Or contact Americans for Prosperity directly at http://americansforprosperity.org/09…r-club-clark-n.

2. This week’s Seth Grossman Current-Gazette column:

?During the past 12 years, Atlantic County gov’t went deeply into debt, mostly to create jobs for highly paid union members. Now we are paying roughly $20 million each year (11 percent of our county budget) to pay that money back. With Atlantic City casinos, and beachfront luxury homes in Brigantine, Margate & Longport taxed at a fraction of their previous values, the rest of us are paying higher taxes to pay back this debt. The new Revel Casino will be exempt from paying most county taxes for 20 years. . . ?

For complete article, go to http://www.shorenewstoday.com/index….her-taxes.html

3. U.S. media afraid to report the truth?again!!! When Muslims killed & rioted against some ?offensive? cartoons published in a Danish newspaper, not a single American newspaper dared to print the cartoons so that Americans could judge whether they were really ?offensive?. They were afraid of retaliation. Today, most newspapers & network news agree that David Hartley was murdered by ?Mexican pirates? on a lake in Texas & that his wife is telling the truth. In fact, a Mexican detective who may have solved the case was murdered & beheaded, & the Mexican investigation stopped. But since when are the suspects ?pirates?? Everyone in the area knows that a particular Mexican drug smuggling gang controls the area, & has terrorized people there for more than a year. That particular gang also warned newspapers & TV stations not to report the name of the gang. Several Mexican journalists who gave truthful reports were brutally murdered. And so now, even American newspapers & television networks refer to that particular gang only as ?Mexican pirates?.

4. Did you see the photo in the last week?s Press of Atlantic City, & other news media, of how a Jewish ?settler? drove his car into two Palestinian boys in Jerusalem? See how that event was staged and set up by the Palestinians, click here: http://www.youtube.com/verify_age?ne…yer_embedde d.

The same techniques are often used by Muslim terrorists to turn public opinion against American soldiers in Iraq & Afghanistan. (Note?As with most YouTube sites that are critical of left-wing causes, this video is ?flagged? & you must log in with your Google or YouTube screen name and password. If you don?t have one, it is easy to sign up.)

5. Who says New Jersey law forces electric companies to pay $600 to $700 to windmill owners every time they produce $60 worth of electricity? Your electric company charges you roughly 14 cents per kilowatt hour of electricity?the retail rate. The wholesale rate to produce this power is roughly 6 cents per kilowatt hour, or $60 for a megawatt hour?1,000 kilowatt hours. When a windmill owner produces one megawatt hour (1,000 kilowatt hour) he gets one ?Renewable Energy Certificate? (REC). The price Atlantic City Electric pays for those REC?s varies, and is posted on various websites like http://markets.flettexchange.com/new-jersey/. Right now, those REC?s are selling for $645 per 1,000 kilowatt hours–$645 for $60 worth of electricity. Democrat Senator Jim Whelan, Jeff Van Drew, & Assemblymen Nelson Albano and Matt Milam, & Republican Assemblymen Vince Polistina and John Amodeo recently voted to force all electric companies to pay three times those rates?roughly $2,000 for $60 worth of electricity if those same windmills are built 20 miles in the ocean. This will not change until some of those elected officials are changed. The primary elections for all of them except Senator Van Drew are next June? Who will run against them?

6. We need citizens to be leaders in our organization. We need citizens who understand & believe in liberty to be candidates for state & local public office. About 40 to 45 people are joining us for breakfast Saturday mornings. But we need a lot more than talk to change things. If you want to be a leader or help us in any way, please contact me by e-mail or at 609-927-7333. If you want to be a candidate in the 2011 primary elections for state or local office, now is the time to find out how and where to get the training, & do the preparation you need to win. Please contact me for details.

7. Liberty at the Movies: Tuesday, October 26. Amistad.

The story of how newly captured slaves from Africa rebelled & took over the Spanish/Cuban slave ship ?La Amistad (Friendship)?after the African slave trade was declared illegal by the U.S., England, & Spain. Would the U.S. courts treat them as crime victims?or criminals? Back then, laws against illegal slave traffic were as effective as today?s laws against illegal drug traffic. Slave ship captains could buy a slave in Africa for $15, & sell him or her in America for $350?if they could get here. One shipment of a few hundred slaves would give a slave ship captain enough wealth to last a lifetime?& to buy off or threaten anyone in the way. But many white Americans put their reputations, their fortunes, & eventually their lives on the line to end this evil.

8. Liberty and Prosperity Ten Core Principles for 2010:

I. No eminent domain for private gain.

II. Enforce federal immigration laws. No amnesty. Deport illegal aliens.

III. Make tax and zoning laws fair, simple, & apply them equally to everyone.

IV. Cut taxes by cutting government spending.

V. Post all government salaries, contracts and budgets online.

VI. Repudiate (refuse to pay) all state government debts incurred without voter approval in violation of our State Constitution. Repudiate all federal government debts incurred for purposes not permitted by Article I, Section 8 of our Federal Constitution.

VII. Bring “government of the people, by the people, and for the people” back to our public schools and local governments. Let parents apply taxpayer money spent to educate their children to the qualified schools they choose. Don’t force public employees to pay dues to unions they don’t want to join. Let elected officials again decide what salaries, pensions, and benefits to pay our public “servants”.

VIII. Hold frequent non-binding referendums (public votes) on all issues of public importance.

IX. Term limits for all elected officials. Pensions for none.

X. Audit, reform or abolish the Federal Reserve Banking System and have Congress establish a stable currency secured by precious metals or assets with recognized and stable values. Have the United States withdraw from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and any organization which purports to require the U.S. Government to spend money without appropriation by Congress pursuant to the U.S. Constitution.

WE NEED YOUR HELP TO GET OUR MESSAGE OUT!!! We are only reaching a small fraction of the people we need to reach to make a difference. If you have not yet done so, PLEASE pay $30 for 2010 to support the work we have done so far, and to help us do more in the future. If you live near a well traveled rural road, please let us put a sign there! If you previously called and we did not get back to you, it means the message on the answering machine was not clear, so please call again. Contact Seth Grossman at grossman@snip.net or (609) 927-7333.

“Liberty and Prosperity 1776, Inc. is a non-profit, education organization. We are registered & recognized by both the State of New Jersey and the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity. Our mission is to learn and teach why ‘Liberty and Prosperity’, NJ’s motto since 1776, is still true and relevant today – & how Americans can again be free & effective citizens.”

MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS: Voting Members: $60 dues; attend 3 business meetings per year; work on one board approved project per year. Non-Voting Members: $30 per year; no attendance or volunteer requirements.
  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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