Weekly Update – Primary Election next June for Governor, all 40 State Senate and 80 Assembly Seats plus Party State Committee will affect whole country–again!



REGULAR BREAKFAST DISCUSSION? next Saturday, December 1.??? December Business/Board Meeting, second Saturday of month, December 8.?? Regular Breakfast Discussions are normally held every Saturday from 9:30AM to 10:30AM at the Shore Diner. Tilton and Fire Roads in Egg Harbor Township.? by Parkway Exit 36.?? Business/Board Meetings are held on the second Saturday of each month at 10:45 A.M. right after Breakfast Discussion.? Please forward this email to everyone you know and encourage them?join the 1,632 New Jersey citizens who get this email update every week by logging into http://www.libertyandprosperity.org?or calling (609) 927-7333.

2.? Regular live, two way talk radio on 92.1 FM (Vineland) heard in most of South Jersey, Philadelphia, and Wilmington, Saturday from 8AM to 9AM? Seth Grossman will host this week.? Thanks to Paul Porreca for guest hosting last Saturday.?? Seth Grossman will also be a guest this Monday, November 19 from 8AM to 10AM on 1020AM, WIBG.


4. ?Playing it too safe???? ?Some child-development experts and parents say decades of dumbed-down playgrounds, fueled by fears of litigation, concerns about injury, and worry-wart helicopter parents, have led to cookie-cutter equipment that offers little thrill.?? The result, they say, is that children are less compelled to play outside, potentially stunting emotional and physical development, and exacerbating a nationwide epidemic of childhood obesity.? . . ?? See rest of Wall Street Journal article at http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323622904578129063506832312.html.

5.?? Maryland tax hikes increase budget deficits.?? ?Maryland faces hundreds of millions of dollars in budget gaps in the coming years, even after rising taxes on residents earning at least $100,000 a year, and forcing counties to pay for rising teacher pensions (with property tax increases). . . Maryland?s spending has outpaced revenue since at least 2007, when (Democratic) Gov. Martin O?Malley called a special legislative session to ?that session resulted in a 1-cent increase in the state sales tax to 6 cents and a temporary millionaire?s tax. . . The coming year?s shortfall will mean more cuts. . . There are no discussions of additional revenue increases at this time. . . ?? Details at:? http://washingtonexaminer.com/maryland-faces-years-of-hefty-budget-gaps/article/2514014.? (Notice that this is exactly what Democratic Governor Corzine did in New Jersey in 2007–So far,? Republican Governor Christie has done nothing to reduce tax or cut spending.? On the contrary he supported the $750 million new debt for state colleges, went ahead on spending $200 million perviously borrowed but not spent rather than paying down the debt.)

6.? ?The ?Made in America Store? of Elma, New York only sells goods manufactured in the United States.? . . As a result, there is no electronics department. . . Rob Whalen, the store?s head merchandise buyer would be delighted even to find a U.S. made electric can opener. . . ??? Wall Street Journal at:? http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204789304578086890957079724.html?mod=googlenews_wsj

7.?? ?Democrats push to use Obama voter database. . . President Obama?s vast campaign database includes information on voters? magazine subscriptions, car registrations, housing values and unting licenses, alongf with scores estimating how likely they were to cast ballots for his re-election. . . Democrats are pressing to expand and redeploy the most sophisticated voter list in history beginning with next year?s gubernatorial races in Virginia and New Jersey and extending to campaigns for years to come.?? The prospect already has some Republicans worried. . . ?? Washington Post:?? http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/democrats-push-to-redeploy-obamas-voter-database/2012/11/20/d14793a4-2e83-11e2-89d4-040c9330702a_story.html

8.?? ?An Essex County jury awarded $1.06 million to an African American state trooper who alleged he was subjected to racial bias at work.??? He also claimed that his supervisors failed to make accommodation at his job for his ulcerative colitis as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act.. . ??The state police denied any wrongdoing and? argued that Royster was a disgruntled employee.?? The racial discrimination claim was dismissed, but the trooper won his claim for discrimination against his disability. . . “?? Needless to say, the state officials responsible for this did not pay a dime?only taxpayers pay for lawsuits like this.? Don?t blame lawyers?Members of the U.s. Congress and state legislators?not lawyers made these laws.

9,?? ?Sheila Howard pleaded guilty last week? to embezzling $143,414.39 from the Federal Emergency Managtement Agency (FEMA) between December 7, 2009 and March 31, 2011. . . ??? http://washingtonexaminer.com/fema-employee-embezzled-more-than-140000/article/2513963

10.?? Proposed?One Minute Radio Ad:? ?The election is over, and most people want to forget about politics for a while.??? But the people who run both the Republican and the Democratic parties are already preparing for next year?s elections.
Here in New Jersey, Republican Governor Christie, Democratic State Senators Jim Whelan and Jeff Van Drew, and all forty State Senators will be up for election.?? So will Republican Assemblyman John Amodeo and Chris Brown and Democrats Mat Milam and Nelson Albano and all eighty State Assembly Members.

“Two people from each County will also be elected to the State Committee that runs the Republican Party in New Jersey.
To be a winning candidate for any of these positions, you must file a nominating petition by next April first,? and run in a primary election on June fourth.

“Let?s talk about it over breakfast at nine-thirty any Saturday morning at the Shore Diner, Tilton and Fire Roads, by Parkway Exit-36 in Egg harbor Township. ???Or online at liberty-and-prosperity dot org.
And please, donate $30 to keep our message on this station.?? Liberty and prosperity dot org thanks you for your support.?

If you want to play an active part in writing or presenting?any of our rado messages, please contact Seth Grossman at?sethgrossman49@gmail.com.

6.? Seth Grossman?s draft column for the Current and Gazette newspapers.??? Every week, dozens of people who get these emails send suggestions and corrections to improve the final column before it is submitted for publication.

“Last week, I shopped at some malls in the prosperous Maryland suburbs just north of Washington D.C.?? Driving from South Jersey to our nation?s capital, I saw the same dramatic contrast as the tributes on the train from District 9 to the Capitol in the Hunger Games movie.

“Route 40 from Mays Landing to Woodstown today has the same two lanes that President Warren Harding built for Nucky Johnson in the 1920?s.?? It is lined with many old, run down stores and factories that are vacant, and for sale or rent.
Interstate 495 around Washington, D.C. ?has four new, crowded lanes in each direction.?? This ?Beltway? is surrounded by busy upscale shops and restaurants and dozens of cranes for new construction projects.
When Mitt Romney talked about the 47% of Americans who pay little or no federal income taxes, he forgot about that other group of about 13% of Americans who do pay taxes, but get far more from the government in salary, pensions, and benefits than they pay in.

“This includes far more than the 2.2 million civilians directly employed by the federal government?many of whom live in the wealthy suburbs of Washington, D.C.
But there are also millions of other employees of state, county, and local government agencies?and ?private? non-profit charities and community organizations?plus ?green-energy? companies like Solyndra and General Electric who are paid with billions of dollars of grants, tax-credits, ?and ?loans? from the federal government that are rarely paid back.

“And employees and contractors of ?private? theater companies, like the one in Somers Point that got a generous donation from a ?private? hospital, which depends on direct and indirect payments from federal government agencies.
And the high paid union contractors, employees, and union officials who shared some $600 million to replace two old drawbridges between Ocean City and Somers Point?three times the cost of the? 1997 addition to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel built over 17.2 miles of open ocean.

“When you add this group of 13% to the 47% who don?t pay federal income taxes, you end up with about 60% of Americans being supported by the other 40%.
The Obama Democrats won the last elections with lies.??? They convinced most of this 60% that they are ?entitled? to this arrangement–and that the other 40% are rich and stupid enough pay even more.
But even if we taxed all the ?millionaires and billionaires? (everyone making more than $500,000 per year) at 100% of their income, we would only collect $800 billion a year more –enough to balance the budget for 10 months.
And few people that rich are stupid enough to invest in any business where they pay the taxes we have already.?? That is why? most of our TV?s, computers, and smart phones are made in Asia.?? And why General Electric made a deal with Obama so it didn?t pay any federal taxes in 2010.

“Republicans should be attacking, ridiculing, and discrediting the lies of the Democrats as vigorously as consistently as Democrats attack, ridicule, and discredit the truth of Republicans.
But Republicans like our Governor Chris Christie instead praise Democrats and urge us to be more like them.?? Republican House Speaker Boehner said he agreed with Democrats that the? 40% ?are the ones not paying their fair share of taxes.

“New Jersey Republicans have a unique opportunity to change the direction of our country.??? Only two states, New Jersey and Virginia, have statewide elections for Governor and Legislature next year, 2013.? The whole country will be looking at New Jersey as they did in 2009 when Republican Christie defeated Democrat Corzine.

“If? Governor Chris Christie and his ?moderate? Republican friends in the Legislature are comfortably re-elected, Christie will be model for the next Republican candidate for President.
But if Tea Party conservatives run credible primary election campaigns against Christie and his handpicked choices, everything can change.

“New Jersey conservatives should not whine, wish for a Third Party, or sign Tenth Amendment nullification petitions.?? Now is the time to prepare, and organize, and take over the Republican Party!
Next year?s primary election is Tuesday, June 4.?? The deadline for candidates to file nominating petitions is Monday April 1, 2013.

“Republican Governor Christie, Democrat State Senators Whelan and Van Drew and all 40 State Senators, and all 80 State Assembly Members will be up for election.?? So will all 80 members of the Republican State Committee?the organization that runs the Republican Party in New Jersey.”

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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