Posted today on Facebook by Larry Trulli of Upper Township, NJ.
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Above Image: Sincere thanks to Dave Walsh former CEO of Mitsubishi Electric for the Classroom lesson on this subject.
When you cut back your countries ability to produce Energy. What you are doing is de-industrializing your Nation. The pursuit of renewables as energy does just that. In this Country we grow our needs for energy about 6% a year. With the developement of A.I. that increases our needs by a hundred fold. So to the class, do you now get why our local energy bills are going through the proverbial roof. Renewables is just a con to bleed our Nation dry and sadly all of us in it. Just take a look at Germany. After going green so to speak, they are in a bad place and now are reopening there Nuclear Power Plants ASAP. Wake up and smell the roses. The Globalist have us right where they want us. Ah, alas along came Pres. Donald J Trump and former Governor Burgum to the rescue. Wish them well!!
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