Why US Public Health Professionals Got It So Wrong.

Dr. Deborah Birx, Dr. Anthony Fauci and others running our war against today’s #coronavirus built their careers in public health during the AIDS/HIV epidemic of the 1980s. In those days, politics infected medicine.  Protecting patient privacy “rights” became more important than saving lives by warning others.  Randy Shilts wrote about in  his 1984 book “And The Band Played On”.

Taiwan was first to be exposed to #coronavirus. It has been more successful in stopping it than any other country in the world. Today, its 24 million people have only 355 cases and 5 deaths. There are very few new cases and a flat curve.

The New York/North Jersey Metro area has roughly 14 million people– less than two thirds the people of Taiwan. Yet it has roughly 160,000 cases, nearly half of all cases in the United States. And it has roughly 3,500 deaths. Even worse, the disease is still out of control. Its curve is still rising sharply.

Click here for details on exactly what #Taiwan did to stop #coronavirus.

After seeing what Taiwan does, it is clear that our government officials are not serious about stopping coronavirus here— even though we are now in our fourth week of lockdown!

Although all “non-essential” businesses are closed, we are still in contact with each other, and the coronavirus is still spreading. Everybody needs food, supplies, toilet paper, medical care, and repairs. The people and businesses who sell us those things have employees, and those employees need to travel to get to work. Unlike in Taiwan, we have no idea who is infected and spreading the disease.

  1. Unlike Taiwan, we are not testing anyone without symptoms. That means many infected “spreaders” are customers or employees at the “essential businesses” where we shop.
  2. We do not have enforceable quarantines. Spreaders who test positive are asked to stay home.  But is there any enforcement for those who don’t?   There are well known cases in and around Atlantic City where someone who tested positive continued to have close social contact with others and openly bragged about it.
  3. When spreaders test positive, there do not appear to be systematic investigation of their previous contacts and follow up quarantines for them.
  4. The public is not informed of names or even the neighborhoods or occupations of those who test positive. This is a direct result of the culture of HIPAA and patient privacy “rights” that came out of the AIDS/HIV epidemic of the 1980’s.   We only know someone is infected and spreading once in a while when the newspaper publishes a story days later about a patient who recovers or dies.  Even then, we are not told of where that person was, who he or she had contact with, or where and when that person got infected.This makes it virtually impossible to use time-tested quarantine methods to stop epidemics like this.   Because of HIPAA patient privacy, mass testing would do little to change outcomes in many cases.
  5. Although many members of the public are wearing masks in public, federal officials have not yet embraced #MasksforAll . State and local officials do not require them as  they do in Taiwan, Israel, and many other countries. Employees at Wawa and Acme say they will not wear masks unless the government requires it.

    In short, top US health officials are using total lockdowns as a substitute for the targeted measures taken by Taiwan.   Instead of following the success of Taiwan, they are forcing us to imitate and repeat the failures of Spain and Italy.  Why?  Here are 5 suggestions.  What do you think?

In 1940, the French army fought World War 2 with strategies and tactics they learned and perfected during their last war,  World War 1, a war of trenches.  They were quickly defeated by Germans who perfected  completely different “blitzkrieg” strategies and tactics for the next war.

  1. Today’s U.S. public health policies were made in the 1980’s during the AIDS/HIV epidemic. At that time, most victims of that disease were gay, and did not want their sexual orientation to be disclosed. That is why we have HIPAA laws. That is why health officials today make patient privacy “rights” more important than saving lives and stopping the spread of disease.
  2. Since 1949, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime that runs Mainland China has claimed that Taiwan has no right to exist as an independent country. Therefore, it uses bribes and threats to stop the media, government leaders, and public officials around the world from praising, supporting, recognizing, or even mentioning Taiwan in any way—even if this causes more disease and death.
  3. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) have become bloated and unresponsive bureaucracies. Those agencies are staffed by people who did not have to deal with a major pandemic in 35 years. They are led by veterans of the AIDS/HIV epidemic of the 1980s, a much different disease.   In many ways, those agencies are like the French army of at the beginning of World War 2. They knew how to fight the last war, but not the next one. In many ways, they are like too many generals in the U.S. Army who are less able to win wars than American generals in World War 2. Military historian Thomas C. Ricks described this in his book “The Generals” and in various video presentations like this one:   https://youtu.be/OehvY94N-WA
  4. When a federal agency takes responsibility for emergencies like a hurricane or epidemic, local officials are too often unwilling or unable to act, even when they have much better knowledge of the local situation. That is because local politicians don’t want to spend money and raise local taxes, if they believe a federal agency will pay. That is why it took more than a month to set up testing centers in South Jersey. During the 1944 Hurricane and 1962 “March Storm” local residents and officials acted quickly to save lives, repair damage, and welcome tourists by Memorial Day. During Hurricane Sandy in 2012, weeks went by before action was taken, and much additional damage was caused by mold, because property owners and local officials waited for federal officials to arrive.
  5. Is Communist China bribing some of our public health “experts”?  One of our followers informs us that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) relies on privately funded research.  Last January, the chairman of Harvard University’s chemistry department was charged Tuesday with lying to the US Defense Department about $1.5 million he received from the Chinese Communist regime to do “research” at its biological lab in Wuhan. https://nypost.com/2020/01/28/harvard-professor-charged-for-lying-about-1-5m-chinese-research-scheme/  One of his medical “students” was an active duty Lieutenant in the Peoples Liberation Army. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/harvard-university-professor-and-two-chinese-nationals-charged-three-separate-china-related.  Back in 2009, the Chinese Communist regime gave Hunter Biden, the son of then Vice-President Joe Biden, $1.5 billion to invest.  Was any of that money “invested” in biological research? https://nypost.com/2019/10/10/6-facts-about-hunter-bidens-business-dealings-in-chin
  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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