Why Are State Republicans Missing From Fight Against Ocean Wind Disaster?

Above Image:  March 21, 2023 Twitter Post Expresses Frustration and Anger at Failure of NJ State Republicans To Form Unified Opposition to Gov. Murphy Energy Master Plan. “Alvin Bragg’s Pimp” @TheSJResistance is an individual Twitter account with 777 followers.  It is not affiliated with LibertyAndProsperity.com.  However, it does express the views of many who oppose the Orsted Ocean Wind projects off the beaches of Long Beach Island, Brigantine, and Ocean City.

All 40 NJ State Senators and all 80 Assembly members are up for election this November.  Democratic Governor Phil Murphy narrowly defeated Republican challenger Jack Ciattarelli two years ago.  If Republicans were serious about taking back New Jersey, you would expect them use this year’s Senate and Assembly elections to launch a unified campaign against Murphy and his Democratic majority in the Legislature.

It is obvious that the biggest disaster facing New Jersey this year is Governor Murphy’s “Energy Master Plan”.

Our Congressman Jeff Van Drew sees that.  He has sponsored public forums, Congressional hearings, and legislation addressing the evil of Murphy’s Ocean Wind Turbines, and the urgent need for new nuclear power plants.  But where are New Jersey State Republicans?  Don’t they know what most New Jersey voters are beginning to understand?

Just sonar testing for Murphy’s hundreds of proposed ocean wind turbines are killing dozens of whales and other marine mammals.  Putting hundreds of wind tubines directly in the migration path of the Right Whale will probably cause the extinction of that species.

Wind and solar energy are expensive and unreliable.  That is why Atlantic City Electric is rushing to replace every electric meter in South Jersey with a “smart meter”.  This will allow the company to immediately limit or shut off the power to any house or business at any time.  They are preparing for the electric power shortages and failures that will soon become normal.

Electric rates go up every time we depend more wind and solar.  That is because green energy is a scam.  Because wind speed can change and a cloud can go buy at any time, fossil fuel generators must always be running as backups.  That is why “green” energy saves little if any fossil fuel use. That is why you never see “clinical trials” for “green” energy.  Because wind and solar electricity are so unpredictable and unreliable, they require an expensive duplicate power grid. l Most experts agree that Murphy’s “Energy Master Plan” will cause electric rates to double or triple during the next ten years over and above regular inflation rates.

We will soon desperately need power plants like the ones shut down at Oyster Creek near Forked River, and at Beesley’s Point by milepost 28 of the Garden State Parkway.  As Glenn Beck pointed out, it takes hundreds of millions of dollars and ten years to build new power plants.  It is reckless and dangerous for us to destroy our existing plants and sell then for scrap for pennies on the dollar.

Click Here For Link To Glenn Beck Post Of March 13, 2003:  Energy Crisis Green Energy – TheBlaze

Click Here For LInk To Glenn Beck Post Of March 9, 2023:  Energy crisis will be FATAL & the left DOESN’T CARE? – Glenn Beck

They are beginning to see that most Europeans now realize that they cannot depend on wind and solar for their future energy needs.  They agree that nuclear power plants are the best option for the future.  When Michael Shellenberger spoke in Ocean City two years ago, he explained that a small expansion of the existing Salem nuclear power plant could deliver reliable electricity for the same cost of hundreds of low-efficiency ocean wind turbines costing ten million dollars each.

Click Here For Link To Our Previous Post On The Failures Of Ocean Wind:

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director



(609) 927-7333



  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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