Yesterday, Trump’s Rasmussen approval rating dropped to 42%. This was its lowest in two years. Rasmussen is reliable and consistent. It was one of the few to predict Trump’s victory in 2016. It uses the same methods to measure the approval of every President every day.
Non-stop attacks and lies by Democrats, the media, and even many Republicans knocked Trump’s approval numbers from 56% on his first day in office to 40% at the end of his first year of 2017. In spite of continued attacks and lies almost every day, Trump’s approval was back up to 50% by the end of his second year of 2018. Trump maintained his support and was at 52% at the end of his third year. That was in February just three months ago!
This of course shocked Democrats and their “progressive” friends in the media, college, and Hollywood entertainment. This is why they began to attack Trump supporters as falsely, viciously and continually as they attacked Trump himself.
Until two weeks ago, support for Trump remained firm in the 47% to 49% range. However, after May 18, it dropped to a dangerous 42% to 46% range. Why is this?
Are four straight years of Democrat, media, Hollywood and school and college poison finally having their effect? Or did Trump do or say anything in the past month to lose confidence by some of his supporters? Are some Trump supporters afraid Trump will go along with bailouts to prop-up “Blue State” Democrat Governors like New Jersey’s Phil Murphy or New York’s Andrew Cuomo? Do they worry that Trump is too close to the swamps of his Wall Street Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin or son-in-law Jared Kushner?
Last March 16, President Trump proposed an $850 billion emergency spending plan and a “15 Days To Slow The Spread” coronavirus lockdown.
Most of us at fully supported both measures. We compared it to a tourniquet. A tourniquet is an emergency first-aid method that stops the bleeding and can save a life. However, if not quickly removed when the wound is stitched, it will cause gangrene and end up with the amputation of an arm or leg.
However, Trump then gave in to Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer Democrats and Dr. Fauci and Center for Disease Control (CDC) bureaucrats. He allowed them to more than double the costs of his plan with massive funding for Democrat pet projects. Trump allowed it to become the bloated $2.2 trillion “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security” (CARES) Act that was passed the Democratic House, the Republican Senate, and was signed by President Trump on March 27.
Most of us at still reluctantly supported that plan. We thought it was so huge, it would remove future bailouts from the political agenda until after the election. However, Pelosi and Schumer Democrats quickly announced that for them, the $2.2 trillion CARES spending was only a “downpayment”.
Then on April 23, President Trump and a Republican Senate agreed to an additional $484 billion “Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act”.
Meanwhile, on March 31, President Trump announced another “30 Days To Slow The Spread” . This encouraged states to lock down most American businesses for a total of 45 days. Other states, lead by Blue State Governors like New Jersey’s Governor Murphy and New York’s Governor Cuomo talked of lockdowns and school closings through September or even later. Some said lockdowns would remain “until the virus is contained” or “until a vaccine is found”. That was devastating — especially to South Jersey’s beach economy with a 12 week tourist season.
On May 15, 2020, the Democratic Party controlled House of Representatives approved an additional $3 trillion coronavirus spending bill which includes money for every radical “progressive” Democrat agenda item. It also mandated and funded “Vote By Mail” in every state for the November election. They called in the “Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus emergency Solutions Act” or “HEROES” Act.
As with the previous $2.684 of coronavirus spending, the Democrat House bill did not identify where this additional $3 trillion would come from or how it would be paid back. Or would the government simply print fake, worthless “Confederate” paper money?
However, neither President Trump nor any Republican leader stated that this “emergency” spending and these bailouts must end. They simply said they opposed the Democrat $3 trillion spending plan because it was larded with too many “aspirational” items.
On the contrary, on May 3, President Trump seemed to support another “relief package” at a televised Fox News “Town Hall Meeting” if it included “payroll tax cuts”. The “payroll taxes” Trump was talking about, of course, aren’t taxes at all. They are the 12.4% of all salaries paid equally by employers and employees to fund social security, and the 2.9% paid to fund Medicare.
On May 15, 2020, President Trump tweeted: “I am proud to announce that @NJTransit will receive$1.4B in CARES Act funding. . . The LARGEST single Federal grant to New Jersey Transit ever.”
On May 15, President Trump also went out of his way to praise New Jersey Democratic Phil Murphy in a ten minute on-air call to Talk Radio host Bill Spadea on NJ 101.5FM: New Jersey has a “good governor” who is “working hard” on the novel coronavirus crisis. Was President Trump serious? Or was he saying this to stop Governor Murphy from attacking him for a while?
Is this what most Trump supporters want their President to be saying doing? At this point, nobody knows. Without more information, all we can do is guess.
Is President Trump planning more massive bailouts because of his Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin? Mnuchin’s worked 17 years with Wall Street bank Goldman Sachs becoming its “chief information officer”. Mnuchin’s father, Robert Mnuchin was a managing partner at Goldman Sachs for 10 years. Steven Mnuchin worked under Goldman Sachs Senior Partners and CEO’s Robert Rubin, who became Democrat President Bill Clinton’s Secretary of the Treasury, Jon Corzine, who became a Democratic Senator and Governor of NJ, and Henry “Hank” Paulson, became Secretary of the Treasury under George Bush.
Younger brother Josh Kushner on left, Jared Kushner on right with their father Charles Kushner in middle. Josh publicly describes himself as a lifelong Democrat who didn’t vote for Trump in 2016. Josh is married to supermodel Karlie Kloss who publicly said she voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Is President Trump thinking about massive bailouts for New Jersey and New York because of his son-in-law Jared Kushner and Jared’s dad Charles? Charles Kushner is a billionaire who was a big donor and very active in New Jersey state politics until 2004. In 2003, Charles Kushner and then Democratic U.S. Senator Jon Corzine were partners in trying to buy the New York Nets pro basketball team and have the NJ Sports & Exposition Authority spend $150 million to renovate its stadium. In June of 2004, Charles Kushner was fined $508,900 for illegal campaign contributions to Democrats. One year later, he pled guilty and served 14 months in prison, and 10 months in a half-way house for illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering. After release from prison, Kushner shifted his business activities from New Jersey to New York. However, he was recognized and praised at a major campaign event in Atlantic City during Jon Corzine’s unsuccessful campaign for a second term as Governor in 2009.
Is there a connection between President Trump’s drop in the polls and being close to extended lockdowns and Dr. Fauci? Or endless bailouts and Mnuchin and the Kushners? Or is it something else? Or is it just a blip that will soon disappear as other news stories emerge?
What’s your opinion? Let’s talk about it at our breakfast discussion at 9:30 AM this Saturday! Until Governor Murphy allows the Shore Diner to re-open, we are meeting online through webex. Please go to the Events section on the Home Page of our for instructions and log-in information. Thanks!
Seth Grossman, Executive Director
Thank you Seth.
If you have to ask, you are hopelessly ignorant.