Is it to protect?Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street banks who got obscene ?transaction fees?? for their?$16 billion of bond deals? with?NJ Transportation Fund Authority??? Or? ?trust fund babies? of millionaires and billionaires who get ?6% tax free interest on their inherited fortunes???? Note ?Steve Lonegan language” on ??Offering Statement?.??? ?Independent? authority borrowed this money.?? State Constitution does not let State Government borrow money without ?voter approval.? When Lonegan sued to stop it,?NJ Supreme Court said it was OK–as long as investors warned that NJ taxpayers have no legal or moral obligation pay the money back.???Governor and Legislature can instead?spend all $1.6 billion collected each year from 14.5 cent/gallon gasoline tax on roads and bridges–more than enough.?? That is if they?wanted to.?? But?Republicans and Democrats both plan to bail out Wall Street and millionaire and billionaire?donors by doubling state gasoline tax?after November elections!?? When will “Occupy Democrats” wake up and work with “Tea Party” conservatives??? ?and #LandP1776.? (Source:? See also:? and