Why Is Republican Run Atlantic Cape Community College “Woke”?

Atlantic Cape Community College (ACCC)  is a two year community college with three campuses.  Its  Mays Landing and Atlantic City campuses are in Atlantic County.  Its Cape May Court House, Middle Township campus is in Cape May County.

Until 2017, Atlantic Cape Community College included a significant number of conservatives in its faculty and staff, and they were free to express their views.  Now, ACCC is “woke” and conservatives are effectively “cancelled”.

In 2017, the 13 member board of ACCC appointed Dr. Barbara Gaba as its new college president to replace retiring Pete Mora.

The “wokeness” of Atlantic Cape Community College today can be seen on its official website.  It introduces its 13 board members as follows:

“The current Board membership (of Atlantic Cape Community College) includes three Caucasian males, five Caucasian females, two Hispanic females, two African-American males, and one African-American female. . . “

This is the language of “diversity”.  In business and government today, “diversity” is the new nepotism.  “Nepotism” comes from the Italian word for “nephew”.  For centuries, it described when those with power use their power to favor family members when hiring, promoting, or otherwise appointing people to positions.

“Diversity” is today’s “woke” and “progressive” nepotism.  It is when “progressive” government officials or business executives favor members of their political or ideological “family”.  That new “family” consists of people in selected “victim” groups who also openly support “progressive” or “woke” political or social agendas.

Those “victim” groups include blacks, Hispanics, women, Muslims, LBGTQ, etc.  However, ideology is just as important.  That is why Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, author and political commentator Candace Candace Owen and Florida Congressman Byron Donalds are excluded from the new “family” of “diversity”. According to “woke” or “progressive” Democrats, they are “not really black”.

The new political nepotism of “diversity” is much harsher than the corrupt nepotism of the past.  Today, anyone outside the new “family” is often completely excluded and “cancelled”.

Click Here Or Photo for Related Story:  Gov. Ron DeSantis wants conservative overhaul at Sarasota’s New College of Florida (heraldtribune.com)


I was an adjunct, or non-tenured professor at Atlantic Cape Community College between 2010 and 2016.  I had no tenure.  I served at the pleasure of the college.

During that time, I taught U.S. History I and II.  Most of my students were incoming freshmen who had just graduated from high school.  I was required to use the “woke” textbook Enduring Vision which cost students $175.  It had 31 chapters beginning with Native American cultures before Columbus and ending with Obama’s re-election in 2016.

Each one of those chapters contained at least one blatant lie about America, Christians, Republicans, or Western Civilization in general.

The first nine chapters of  Enduring Vision give a romanticized and sanitized view of Native American cultures.  It correctly gives detailed accounts of unjust attacks by European settlers against them.

However, it fails to mention how tribes such as Comanche, Powhatan, and Iroquois routinely attacked and wiped out peaceful Native American neighbors.  Chapter 8 described a  “massacre” of Creek warriors at Horseshoe Bend in Mississippi by “Cherokee Indian and Tennessee militia” in 1814.  However, it failed to mention how those Creek warriors had murdered more than 500 European and Native American men, women, and children living peacefully together in nearby Fort Mims six months before.

In 1453, the Muslim Turks conquered Constantinople and destroyed the Greek-Christian Eastern Roman Empire.  This gave them and their allies on the “Barbary Coast” of North Africa the ability to attack, rob and enslave Christians on almost any ship sailing in the Mediterranean Sea or in almost any coastal village.  This is why Italian sea captains like Christopher Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci, John Cabot (Giovanni Caboto), and Giovanni da Verrazzano began to explore the Atlantic Ocean.  None of this is mentioned in Enduring Vision.

Enduring Vision repeats the big lie that “European Christians conducted numerous Crusades against Muslims in Europe and the Middle East and Muslims retaliated with “holy war”.  However, Mohammed himself declared “jihad” or “holy war” against all non- believers long before he died in 632 A.D.  That is why Muslims wiped out large Christians communities in Israel, Syria, Egypt, North Africa and Spain during the next fifty years. That was more than three hundred years before the First Crusade tried to protect persecuted Christian minorities in what is now Israel, Lebanon and Syria.

Enduring Vision described young George Washington as a “surveyor, planter land speculator”.  Speculator?  The truth is that George Washington was sometimes paid for his surveys with land instead of money when he was starting out.

Enduring Vision went into great detail about how Americans were fearful of Communism during the “Red Scare” of the 1920s.  However, it said nothing about how Communists in Russia rounded up and murdered millions of people during the “Red Terror” of 1919-1920 and gave Americans very good reasons to be afraid of them.

I tried to compensate for the lies and half-truths of Enduring Vision by doing twice the work while teaching the course.  I presented the lies contained in the required textbook.  However, I also did independent research and presented other documented historical sources to tell the rest of the story.

During my last semester, a particular student vigorously complained about my supplemental lessons and materials.  The following semester, I was told there were no available classes for me to teach at the college.

A few years later, I asked a friend in Atlantic County government to help me teach at the college again.  After asking around, she told me that I was “not acceptable” to the new administration.

In 2021, Dr. Gaba’s contract came up for renewal.  She demanded a 5% raise.  That was double the increase given to all other college employees that year.  I was told that Dr. Gaba threatened to quit if her demand was not met.  However, the Board approved that 5% rais for Dr. Gaba.

The 13 Board Members of Atlantic Cape Community College are appointed as follows:

Atlantic County Executive with Consent of Commissioners:  7

Cape May County Commissioners:          3

Governor of NJ and His State Bd of Education “County Superintendent”:  3

The current Board Members are:

  1. Ellen Byrne, Esq., Chairperson
  2. Daniel L. Money ’72, Vice Chairperson
  3. Robert A. Previti ’73, Treasurer
  4. Flora Castillo
  5. Christina Clemans
  6. Dave Coskey
  7. Dr. Thomas Dawson
  8. Judith DeStefano
  9. Monica Kyle
  10. Donald Parker
  11. Maria Ivette Torres
  12. Julia Train ’22, Alumni Representative
  13. Leslie White-Coursey

The Atlantic County Executive and large majority of Atlantic County Commissioners are Republicans. All Cape May County Commissioners are Republicans.

Why is Atlantic Cape Community College so woke?   Ten of its thirteen board members were appointed by Republicans!  Why are Republicans teaching our children and grandchildren to be “woke” Democrats who hate America, Republicans, Christianity, and Western Civilization.

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director



(609) 927-7333

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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