Most news stories, opinion articles and editorial cartoons in the Press of Atlantic City (like most papers) advance a ?progressive? agenda.??? Reports of? hardship or injustice usually suggest that more government programs and spending would have prevented it.?? Good news stories usually include quotes by politicians taken credit.?? Bad news stories usually include quotes from politicians blaming something or somebody else.?? Comments by conservatives are rarely published?unless they advance the Progressive agenda by appearing hateful, uncaring, or uninformed.

Russian Communist leader Vladimir Lenin knew his business well when he said ?A lie repeated often enough becomes the truth?.??? Do more than vote!?? We need to respond to these lies!

A letter to the editor is the best way.?? Most papers still print letters written by conservatives if they are interesting and short.??? For the same time as posting to a few dozen Facebook friends, you can reach thousands with a letter to the editor.

Letters should be between? 150 and 200 words.? Longer letters are rarely printed, or edited to completely change meaning.

Because liberals and ?low information? voters are quick to turn off and dismiss conservative opinions, your letter should rely on specific facts that most people know and agree with.

For example, 60% of Americans believe in man-made climate change.??? If you call it a hoax, you will not be believed.?? But if you write specific undisputed facts of giant ice sheets and woolly mammoths in the Ice Age, or images of tropical plants imbedded ?into lumps of Pennsylvania coal, even liberals will have trouble challenging you.

You are welcome to reprint and submit as your letter, any material you see on this website or on our Liberty and Prosperity Facebook page. ? During the early days of the American Revolution, ?patriots in all 13 colonies read what was printed in the Boston newspapers, and republished them in their own local papers. ? These Committees of Correspondence completely surprised the British, who thought they could quickly isolate and crush the rebellion in Boston.

The most effective letters are short jabs on just one topic.?? One sentence to introduce.?? A few undisputed facts to make your point.? A short sentence to make a reasonable conclusion.

Most letters to the editor are sent by email these days.? Below are email addresses for most major papers in New Jersey.?? If you see a paper that is missing, please contact us at? give us the contact info.


  1. Press of Atlantic City:?( ??
  2. Current Newspapers:? (
  3. Sentinal (Ocean City/Somers Point) ?
  4. ?Philadelphia Inquirer:?( ????
  5. Cape May Herald (
  6. A. ?Short and anonymous ?Spout Off?:??
  7. B. ?Regular Letter to Editor:??
  8. South Jersey Times (Cumberland, Gloucester, Salem Counties): ?
  9. Vineland Daily Journal: ?


  1. ?Asbury Park Press (
  2. Daily Record/Morris ( Ryzewicz, Opinion Editor
  3. Home News Tribune/Parsippany (
  4. (Ocean County Political Blog):??
  5. The Times of Trenton (
  6. Trentonian:? (


  1. Bergen County ?The Record: ??
  2. Hunterdon County Democrat: ?
  3. Jersey Journal (
  4. Somerset ?County Messenger-Gazette: ?
  5. ?Star Ledger (Newark):? ( (Letters must not exceed 200 words.?? Guest Columns must not exceed 675 words)
  6. ????????? A. ??
  7. ????????? B.??
  8. ? ? ? ? ?? C.? ?(Tom Moran, Editor
  9. Union County: ?Independent Press: ?
  10. Union County: ?Suburban News: ?
  11. Union Couty: ?Cranford Chronicle: ?
  12. Warren County: ?Star-Gazette:??
  13. Warren County: ?Warren Reporter: ?

We know there are many local weekly papers and online micro-newspapers like ?The Patch?.??? Please forward that contact info to us at? we can post it here. ? Also please let us know if any of these links don?t work so we can quickly fix them. ?Thanks. ? Seth Grossman, Executive Director ?

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