Petition Signed By 2,092 Atlantic City Voters Forces Public Vote On Ocean Wind.


For More Information, Contact:
Sherri Lilienfeld, (609) 287-1795;
Community Outreach and Communications Leader of
Seth Grossman, (609) 432-3026;
Executive Director, Liberty and Prosperity

Atlantic City, NJ – Despite frigid temperatures and the holiday season, Atlantic City voters delivered a powerful message. 2,092 of them signed and filed petitions with the Clerk of Atlantic City protesting Ordinance 74 of 2024.  That ordinance was approved last month by Mayor Marty Small and a 5-4 majority of City Council. It gives Atlantic Shores permission to install high voltage electric cables under the beaches, streets and parks of Atlantic City. It also gives state government control of other city property to compensate for the industrialization of “Green Acres” parks.

Because Atlantic City has a “Faulkner Act” form of local government, 801 voters can force a public vote on most ordinances by submitting a petition demanding a public vote. More than double that number signed the referendum petition filed with the City Clerk earlier today.  As a result, the ordinance is suspended until it is either approved or rejected by voters in a referendum to be held later this year.

Eileen Barker, Ronald Bailey, Patricia Deroo, Dora Grossman, and Charles R. McDevitt,
members of the Committee of Petitioners, spearheaded the effort to collect signatures, ensuring
the voices of Atlantic City's residents are heard.
“The support for this petition is a clear indicator of how deeply the community cares about this
issue,” said Sherri Lilienfeld, the Community Awareness and Communications Leader for “Despite many families being out of town over the holiday season,
and battling the extreme cold temperatures, residents rallied to show that their voice matters in
decisions affecting their future.”
The referendum petition now calls for Ordinance 74 to be suspended and subjected to further
proceedings in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:69A-185 et seq. The petitioners and community at
large await the next steps from the City Council, urging that this process be carried out
transparently and inclusively.

For further information, please contact Sherri Lilienfeld of Seth Grossman.
Ordinance 74 and the Referendum Petition are attached for your reference.
Other sources of reference are:
 – I would suggest going to the bottom
right under the heading of “Public Comments to Government Agencies”

Click Here For Link To Latest Post on Wind Turbine Failure in Germany:  German Word “Dunkelflaute” Key To Learning Failure Of Ocean Wind. – Liberty and Prosperity

Click Here For Link To Defend Our Beaches New Jersey Website: Defend Our Beaches New Jersey – Take Action Now!   And Facebook Page:  (9) Defend Our Beaches New Jersey | Facebook

Click Here For Link To Protect Our Coast (Ocean City, NJ)  Website: Protect Our Coast NJ – Stop NJ Offshore Wind Development   And Facebook Page:  (8) Protect Our Coast – NJ Community Group | Facebook

Click Here For Link to Ron Dales Facebook Page:  (8) Ron Dales | Facebook

New Jersey’s Governor Phil Murphy had invited wind turbine developers, contractors, and suppliers from all over the world to attend the conference in Atlantic City.

Click these links for our other posts:   You searched for ocean wind – Liberty and Prosperity or You searched for wind turbines – Liberty and Prosperity
Three powerful forces are pushing these wind turbine projects forward.  They are Hate, Bribes and Ignorance.


 1. Hate:  Since the Cold War of the 1950’s, enemies of America have waged systematic “Ideological Subversion” or “Psychological Warfare” against us. During the past seventy years, they have convinced too many Americans that our country is evil and deserves to be transformed, defeated, and destroyed. They know that the best way to make our nation weak, divided and poor is to destroy our economy.  The quickest way to do that is to deprive us of abundant, affordable and reliable energy.  Energy from “sunshine and breezes” is too weak, intermittent, and unreliable to power a modern society.  Click Here For Links To Our Previous Posts On Yuri Bezmenov and Ideological Subverstion:  You searched for bezmenov – Liberty and Prosperity

2. Bribes:  Wind and solar developers and contractors are making enormous profits, even though wind and solar projects can never produce enough electricity to pay for themselves. They earn their profits from government instead. Most of their money comes from $783 billion of spending by the federal government through the “Inflation Reduction Act of 2022”.  That spending is causing massive inflation because the federal government is not collecting nearly enough in taxes to pay for this. It is instead simply printing trillions of dollars each year with nothing to back them up.  New Jersey also pays wind and solar companies far more than the value of any electricity they produce.  We pay for that in the form of high business and property taxes and in hidden taxes and fees in our electric bills.

3. Ignorance:  Our public schools no longer teach students basic science. As a result, few Americans know only large magnets turning inside large coils of wires can produce enough electricity to power a grid.  Those magnets must turn at a constant speed, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days each year.  Only wheels turned by energy from coal, oil, natural gas, or hydro-electric dams can do that.  This cannot be done by the sun which sets at night and is often blocked by clouds. This cannot be done by the wind which constantly changes speed and often stops completely.  Ironically, none of the five wind turbines in Atlantic City were moving during the morning of the Offshore Wind Conference in Atlantic City last Tuesday, October 29!

It is important to raise these three issues when we oppose ocean wind.  Most people who live and work near the ocean understand the importance of ocean views and marine life.  However, most voters in New Jersey live far from our beaches and do not understand or care. We need other arguments to persuade them. is a tax-exempt, non-political education organization of roughly 200 citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey.  We formed this group in 2003. We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we admit we make mistakes from time to time.  If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible. Please email us at or telephone (609) 927-7333.

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director

(609) 927-7333

  • Guest Post

    Atlantic City, NJ Attorney since 1975. Executive Director of Liberty and Prosperity since 2003. GOP Candidate for Congress, NJ State 2021, 2018. Adjunct Professor of Government & History at Atlantic Cape Community College 2010-2017. Contact (609) 927-7333

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