June 18, 2011 Weekly Update

BREAKFAST MEETING:?? TOMORROW MORNING (THIS SATURDAY),? JUNE 18? –9:30AM-10:30AM.?? (Meetings start and end promptly)?? Shore Diner, Tilton & Fire Roads (near Parkway Exit 36), Egg Harbor Township.??? No admission, but breakfast order required.

LIVE TWO-WAY TALK RADIO.??? Seth Grossman Program on 92.1 FM, Saturdays, 8AM to 9AM. (Most of South Jersey or? http://wvlt.com/listenlive.html from anywhere).? Mondays and Wednesdays on 1400AM 3PM to 4PM (after Rush, for Jersey Shore south of Parkway Exit 63 or??? Internet connection: http://tunein.com/tuner/?StationId=21757& from anywhere ).? Tax deductible donations to LibertyAndProsperity.org help keep these programs on the air.?? Or have your business sponsor the program and reach out to a large, well-educated, and prosperous audience for very reasonable rates.? Call Seth Grossman at (609) 927-7333.

ONLINE AT:? http://www.LIBERTYANDPROSPERITY.ORG? or? https://libertyandprosperity.com

Help our Skeleton Crew at Tomorrow?s (June 18) Breakfast:? Many of our members will be staffing the LibertyAndProsperity.org tent at the rally of the Greenwich Tea Party Patriots, tomorrow, Saturday, June 18? at the Salem County Fairgrounds from noon to 4.??? The Fairgrounds are located at 735 Route 40, in Pilesgrove,? NJ.?? For details, go to http://www.greenwichteaparty.com/.??? To help us at this event, please contact Dennis Mahon at dmahon1@yahoo.com.? Seth Grossman will be at St. Michael?s Church in Atlantic City for the funeral of Virgilia Tuccinardi, mother of Lorenzo Tuccinardi of EHT, one of our donors.?? Mel ?Nate of Northfield? Nathanson will lead the breakfast discussion.?? If you can help Nate collect names, distributing literature, and leading the discussion at tomorrow?s breakfast, etc. please contact me, Seth Grossman at (609) 927-7333 today.

SETH GROSSMAN COLUMN IN CURRENT AND GAZETTE NEWSPAPERS:?? Distributed free throughout Atlantic and Cape May Counties, and online in the “Politics” section online at http://www.shorenewstoday.com.? This week’s column begins:? “Economy makes sense to those who understand liberty:?? From consumer confidence to home sales, jobs figures to casino winnings, the news about the economy reported by newspapers and TV networks around the country has suddenly turned bad in recent weeks.
?Until now the media were telling us that the $3 trillion (that?s $3,000,000,000,000) we borrowed and spent during the past three years on the Wall Street, UAW, Fannie Mae and government employee bailouts had ?saved? jobs, the economy, and that the ?recovery? had begun.
?Now they tell us that politicians, from Obama on down, and their highly paid economic ?experts? are ?surprised? by this ?unexpected? bad news, and puzzled as to what to do now. . . ?? For complete column, go to http://www.shorenewstoday.com/snt/news/index.php/politics/12467-economy-makes-sense-to-those-who-understand-liberty.htmlor https://libertyandprosperity.com.


1. Although our organization will be at the Tea Party rally at the Salem County Fairgrounds, we wish Tea Party Groups spent more time organizing, raising money, and preparing candidates to win the June 7 Primary Election, rather than working on rallies like this eleven days later.??? We again congratulate Aline Dix of Mays Landing,? Jim O?Neill and Lisa Brown of Northfield, and Tom Milhous of Brigantine for winning their primary elections from ?off the line? (against party leaders).
2.? We had more than 65 people at last week?s breakfast to hear State Senator Mike Doherty talk about the outrageous way we pay for public schools in New Jersey.??? Residents in all 616 school districts pay New Jersey income tax.?? New Jersey adopted the income tax in 1976 so that all homeowners would get property tax relief.?? But 2/3 of the money from the income tax goes to just 31 ?Abbott? school districts like Pleasantville, Vineland, Bridgeton, Millville, Camden, and Newark that pay very little income tax.??? Only 1/3 of the income tax money goes to the other 585 school districts.?? That means towns like Linwood get back 14 cents for every dollar its residents pay to the income tax fund, while towns like Pleasantville get back roughly $8 for every dollar of income tax paid.
3. As a result, the 31 towns getting 2/3 of the income tax money have lower property taxes, and spend $25,000 to $30,000 more for each of their students, yet few students graduate, and many cannot read or write.?? Meanwhile, suburban towns get better results with less money, but pay much higher property taxes.??? Some rich towns like Hoboken are Abbott districts even though they are not poor.?? Ex-Governor Jon Corzine lives in a million dollar condo on the waterfront in Hoboken?but these high price condos have tax abatements and don?t pay school taxes, Hoboken qualifies as a ?poor? town to get extra state income tax money.
4. Senator Doherty is speaking around the state in favor of a ?Fair School Funding?? Plan to end this injustice.?? You can call Senator Doherty?s office at? (908) 835-0552 to have him speak to your group or local city council, commission, or township committee.
5.???? RGGI (Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative) battle still not over.? RGGI is a complicated set of laws in ten northeastern states that force electric companies to charge extra fees for a special fund controlled by state politicians.?? Some of that money is a hidden tax that pays for state government.? The rest of the money pays for ?green energy? projects like solar panels and windmills that cost $650 to produce $60 worth of electricity.??? As a result, New Jersey has the fourth highest electric rates in the country?almost double the rates in Pennsylvania.??? High electric rates hurt profits at the Borgata Casino last summer, and were a reason Ocean Spray is moving its cranberry canning factory to Pennsylvania.
6. Governor Christie took action to get New Jersey out of RGGI last month.?? On Monday, June 20, Democrats in the Legislature will introduce a new law to keep New Jersey in RGGI.?? Now is the time to contact your state legislators and let them know how you feel about RGGI and high electric bills in New Jersey.
7. CRDA (Casino Reinvestment Development Authority) collects millions of dollars from the casinos each year, and then ?reinvests? the money in New Jersey.?? CRDA collects a 1.25% ?skim? of gross casino winnings, a $3 per day room tax on all casino hotels, and a $3 per car tax for all casino parking lots and garages.?? What are these CRDA ?investments???? CRDA is now awarding $250,000 in ?community grants? for ?family development, at-risk youth, open space development, recreation, senior services, community facilities, public information, and health and nutrition needs?.??? CRDA is also giving $200,000 to help pay for ?live music, theater sports, and other events? in Atlantic City.?? Why not be honest, and admit that CRDA is taxing and spending?it is not ?reinvesting?.?? Except CRDA officials are not elected, and? are? not accountable to anyone?except the politicians who appoint them.
8. On Saturday, June 25th, the NJ Republican Party will host a South Jersey Campaign Seminar at the Egg Harbor Twp Elks Lodge from 9 am to 3pm. The street address is 1815 Somers Point Road in EHT. All aspects of campaigning will be covered by experts in various fields of politics. So if you are a candidate, a campaign manager, or a volunteer, be sure to RSVP and take advantage of this great opportunity. Email political@njgop.org or call (609) 989-7300 to register. Space is limited.?? Liberty and Prosperity is a non-political, education organization.?? Liberty and Prosperity is a non-political organization, and does not support or endorse any candidates for public office.? However, we believe every citizen must know the basics on how to be a winning candidate and how to run a winning election campaign to be effective.?? And we urge each citizen to get this training wherever it is offered.
9. Liberty and Prosperity Ten Point Program for 2011:

I.? No eminent domain for private gain.
II.? Enforce federal immigration laws.?? No amnesty.?? Deport illegal aliens.
III.? Make tax and zoning laws fair, simple, and apply them equally to everyone.
IV.? Cut taxes by cutting government spending.
V.? Post all government salaries, contracts and budgets online.
VI.? Repudiate (refuse to pay) all state government debts incurred without voter approval in violation of our State Constitution.? Repudiate all federal government debts incurred for purposes not permitted by Article I, Section 8 of our Federal Constitution.
VII.? Bring “government of the people, by the people, and for the people” back to our public schools and local governments.?? Let parents apply taxpayer money spent to educate their children to the qualified schools they
choose.? Don’t force public employees to pay dues to unions they don’t want to join.? Let elected officials again decide what salaries, pensions, and benefits to pay our public “servants”.
VIII. Hold frequent non-binding referendums (public votes) on all issues of public importance.
IX. Term limits for all elected officials.? Pensions for none.
X. Audit, reform or abolish the Federal Reserve Banking System and have Congress establish a stable currency secured by precious metals or assets with recognized and stable values.? Have the United States withdraw from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and any organization which purports to require the U.S. Government to spend money without appropriation by Congress pursuant to the U.S.

Liberty and Prosperity 1776, Inc. is a non-profit, education organization.? We are registered and recognized by both the State of New Jersey and the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity.? ?Our mission is to learn and teach why ‘Liberty and Prosperity’, New Jersey’s motto since 1776, is still true and relevant today — and how Americans can again be free and effective citizens.”

MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS:? Voting Members:? $60 dues; attend 3 business meetings per year; work on one board approved project per year.?? Non-Voting Members:? $30 per year; no attendance or volunteer requirements.
Respectfully submitted:?? Seth Grossman, Executive Director, http://www.libertyandprosperity.org??? 453 Shore Road, Somers Point, NJ? 08244, sethgrossman49@gmail.com

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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