China’s Growing Appetite For Jersey Blueberry Farms

Blueberry Conference in China. Hammonton. DiMeo
Blueberry Conference in China.

Hammonton, New Jersey is the “Blueberry Capital of the World.” It has a strong agricultural presence, particularly in blueberry farming, and is home to many family-owned farms that contribute to New Jersey’s ranking as a top blueberry-producing state.

International demand for blueberries is growing fast. Asian markets are especially blueberry obsessed.

China increasing investment in U.S. farmland, particularly near military bases which has alarmed lawmakers and security experts.

Risky Foreign Investment. EZ Pass. Offshore Wind. Farms. Panama Canal. Tik-Tok. Soros Radio Stations.


DiMeo Blueberry Farms & Blueberry Plants Nursery  

China invited DiMeo Blueberry Farms of Hammonton to participate in their International Blueberry Conference. China offered to pay the South Jersey farmer: airfare, hotel and meals. DiMeo respectfully declined.

DiMeo Blueberry Farms
109 year-old blueberry farm
China asking blueberry farmers to discuss their new genetics programs to create and grow better blueberries.
DiMeo Farms

DiMeo Farms Facebook post: This is now the third time that representatives from China have reached out to our family to ask us to consider selling our blueberry farms to them. They are aggressively looking to purchase existing blueberry farms here in the United States. Wondering how many other American farmers are getting same kind of aggressive offers from foreign countries?

DiMeo Blueberry Farms
DiMeo Blueberry Farms.

China wants DiMeo Blueberry Farms to attend their Blueberry Conference next year.

  • Legislative Pushback: Texas, Florida and South Dakota passed laws restricting foreign ownership of farmland, particularly by entities linked to China.
  • Food Supply Risks: Foreign ownership could impact U.S. food supply chain or give China undue leverage over American agriculture.

DiMeo Blueberry Farms & Nursery

3101 Nesco Road
Hammonton, NJ.

(609) 561-5905

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