Common Core Standards Implemented in over Half of U.S. Catholic Dioceses’ Schools

Fox News reports, “at least 100 dioceses–out of 195 in the United States–embrace some part of Common Core.” ??

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati is an example of one Diocese that has adopted the Common Core standards. ? Fox News reports, “A ‘FAQ’ sheet circulated there assures worshippers that ‘as a set of instructional standards, the Common Core is neither pro nor anti-Catholic in nature.'”

The Diocese of Pittsburgh is an example of a Diocese that has refused to adopt the Common Core standards. ? Bishop David A. Zubik writes,

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

?In recent months some parents have asked whether our Catholic schools in the Diocese of Pittsburgh are using a set of educational standards known as the Common Core. The answer is no.

?The Diocese of Pittsburgh has not adopted the Common Core, nor have we adopted a curriculum based on it. The Common Core was developed over the past decade under the direction of the National Governors’ Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers. It is not a federal mandate, but states can choose whether or not to adopt it. The Pennsylvania State Board of Education has not adopted the Common Core and, even if it had, Catholic schools would not be bound.

?The Common Core is a set of minimum standards, intended to help public schools with their effort to prepare students for higher education and the workforce. Schools in the Diocese of Pittsburgh have always set higher standards, and we continue to challenge students to exceed those standards.


Furthermore, schools in the Diocese of Pittsburgh do not share data on individual students with any state or federal databases.

There are two dioceses in Wisconsin that have resisted the Common Core standards. ? Shane Vander Hart blogs:

The Diocese of Madison?is the second Catholic diocese (that I am aware of) to reject the Common Core.? The first was also in Wisconsin as?the Diocese of Green Bay said no thanks.? Bishop Robert C. Morlino and Michael J. Lancaster, the Superintendent of Schools sent a joint letter stating that Diocesan schools would not be adopting the Common Core State Standards.

Just like the country, the Catholic Schools in America are divided over the issue of adopting Common Core.

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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1 thought on “Common Core Standards Implemented in over Half of U.S. Catholic Dioceses’ Schools”

  1. Is it a Sin for a traditional Catholic family to have a television in the home?
    At first, this question seems somewhat absurd, right-wing nut-job material. But consider this… the regular watching of television for children is an occasion of sin, and this not just because of the obvious sins of impurity, but especially of materialism, concupiscence of the eyes, the loss of the Faith and the perversion of the mind by the parading of the false ideals of subjectivisim and liberalism continually before the eyes of the young. He who exposes himself deliberately to a proximate occasion of sin commits a sin . How much more serious is the culpability of those parents who expose their defenseless children to the perversions presented as ideals by the world of television!
    I suggest that exposing your children to Common Core in school for six hours a day is a mortal sin and all religious parents should reject ‘Common Core’ on religious grounds. For more on this subject, please go to ‘Teach Your Children Well LLC’ on Facebook.

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