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Follow what conservatives in Europe are doing. Stop Immigration from countries whose cultures are incompatible with ours.
9 million more illegals in country since Biden became President. Very few “asylum seekers” qualify for asylum. Trump needs to prepare a constitutional, legal and effective plan for the mass deportation of all illegals. We must prepare for the heart-wrenching videos of crying mothers and children. We must prepare for the hardship cases. However, if we don’t stop immigration from countries that hate everything about us, we will leave our children and grandchildren a nation with the same poverty, violence, injustice, and misery as the nations those illegal “migrants” are coming from.
Illegal immigration is also driving inflation. Medical food housing legal, crime, jails. Shortage of housing.
National efforts are needed. This is what Trump needs to be talking about. Even more important, he should be making plans and looking for people willing and able to do this.
Ocean Wind Hearings In Atlantic City, Egg Harbor Township
High voltage wires coming ashore on the beach right next to the Ritz condominium.
Because the Atlantic City beach got green acres money in past, it is a protected Green Acres park
Therefore, if Atlantic City “repurposes” that parkland for industrial use, it has to take other city owned land and put it under state Green acres control.
That land: Sovereign Avenue Boat House, the Pete Polito baseball field which was called the Sovereign Avenue ballpark when I was growing up, the Bader Field airport, and a chunk of land by the back bay in Chelsea Heights, by West End Avenue or the Mile Stretch.
Transformers on Hingston Avenue, Egg Harbor Township
Click here for link to: Ocean Wind Applies for High Voltage Electric Cables, More State Control In Atlantic City – Liberty and Prosperity
School Board Elections In November:
Filing deadline for candidates is July 29. However, anyone who is serious needs to be working now.
We all know of the problems with public schools in Atlantic City and Pleasantville.
But woke public schools are just as bad in Republican Ocean City, Upper Township, Galloway and Hamilton Township.
And we need conservatives on the Boards of Regional High Schools like Mainland, Oakcrest and Absegami.
Click Here For Link To: School Board Candidates: Build Your Team Now. File In Mid-July. Win On November 5. – Liberty and Prosperity
Pride Month and June 19th. Events that divide us. Doesn’t unite us. Sexual preference celebrated?
Washington, Lincoln, Easter, Decoration Day, July 4, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas.
Murder of the three year old white toddler in Ohio, the fourth attack on a white child for being white.
April of 2019: Black man throws 5 year old white boy off balcony at Mall of America in Minnesota. The child miraculously survived, but will never have a normal life.
August of 2020: Black neighbor shoots 5 year old son of his white neighbor in the head when he rode his tricycle on his lawn.
August 2021: 25 year old black man randomly approaches a white couple having dinner at an upscale restaurant in Miami beach. Points a gun at their infant child. The father said don’t. He’s only a baby. So the black man shot and killed the white father.
Click Here for Link To: Are Hollywood Movies Like “Django Unchained” & Other Fake Black History Making Murders Like This Normal In America? – Liberty and Prosperity
AirBnB renters not leaving
A return to being a high trust society