Except for Levinson & Bertino, No Atlantic County Republicans Publicly Oppose ‘Sanctuary’ For Illegals

Click Here Or Above Image For Link To Full Press Of Atlantic City Article:  Resolution calling for reversal of sanctuary state killed (pressofatlanticcity.com)

Last August, President Biden announced plans to house thousands of illegal “migrants” at the Atlantic City Airport in Egg Harbor Township.  Between 3.8 to 5 million foreigners have entered the United States since Biden became President. Biden has granted roughly 3.6 million of them “parole” status while they apply for “asylum”. They claim they have a “well-founded fear of persecution” if returned to their home countries. There were already some 20 to 30 million foreigners illegally in the United States when President Trump left office in January of 2021.

Almost every Republican and Democratic official almost immediately said “Hell No!” to Biden’s plan. They included Democrats like Governor Phil Murphy and Atlantic City Mayor Marty Small.  They also included Republicans like Congressman Jeff Van Drew and Atlantic County Executive Dennis Levinson.

Last September 1, some 20 Atlantic County officials from both parties gathered in front of City Hall in Atlantic City to publicly oppose bringing illegal immigrants to the area.

Click Here Or Above Image For Link To Full Atlantic City Press Article:  Officials hold news conference opposing airport migrant plan (pressofatlanticcity.com)

Soon afterwards, Dennis Levinson, the Republican County Executive of Atlantic County prepared a resolution expressing those views to be adopted by the nine-member Board of Atlantic County Commissioners (formerly known as “Freeholders”).  Seven of those nine members are Republicans.  They are John Risley, Andrew Parker, Jim Bertino, Richard Dase, Amy Gatto, and Maureen Kern.  The remaining two, Ernest Coursey and Cara Fitzpatrick, are Democrats.  Fitzpatrick is also the Democratic candidate for NJ State Senate seeking to unseat current Atlantic County State Senator Vince Polistina.

Dennis Levinson’s proposed resolution has this title:


The proposed resolution states:

“WHEREAS the State of New Jersey has been a self-recognized “sanctuary state” as a result of a November 29, 2018 New Jersey Attorney General Guidelines Directive; and

“WHEREAS, sanctuary cities and sanctuary states are targeted by illegal migrants as places to relocate after crossing the border, and sanctuary cities and sanctuary states are becoming overburdened with individuals they do not have the resources to support; and. . .

“WHEREAS, legislative action terminating the “sanctuary state” status and ending policies in furtherance of the sanctuary state status, would further discourage the federal government from planning to send thousands of illegal migrants to locations in New Jersey that do not have the resources to support the mass groups of migrants,

“NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Atlantic County Board of Commissioners hereby requests that the New Jersey State Legislature take action to rescind the State of New Jersey’s sanctuary state status and act to terminate policies in furtherance of New Jersey’s sanctuary state status.

“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be sent to Governor Murphy, the District 1, District 2, Distgrict 8, and District 9 Legislative teams, New Jersey State Senate and New Jersey State Assembly.”

The resolution was placed on the October 3, 2023 meeting agenda.

Several supporters of illegal immigration attended to oppose the resolution.  They included retired public school teacher Nayi Lorick of Northfield, Charles Christopher Weisberger, and Cristian Moreno-Rodriguez, executive director of El Pueblo Unido (The People United) of Atlantic City.

However, when Freeholder Jim Bertino introduced the resolution, none of the other six Republicans present gave it a second.  As a result, the resolution was dismissed and ignored.  It was never introduced, never seconded, never discussed, never considered.  Jim Bertino from the western part of Atlantic County was the only Republican Commissioners (Freeholder) to support the resolution.  This is all shown at the 1:14 mark of the above video posted by Atlantic County government.

John Risley, the Republican Freeholder Chairman who is up for re-election in November later said, “The resolution was initially proposed by County Executive Dennis Levinson”.  Risley said the resolution was not sponsored by any of the commissioners.  Risley said he allowed the resolution to appear on the agenda “as a courtesy”.

Later, Republican County Executive Levinson said “I’m astonished that the commissioners (freeholders) went south on this.  We had a big rally to support what’s in this resolution three weeks ago in front of the county office building!”

This is the second time in less than four months that the Republican commissioners (freeholders) in Atlantic County failed to promote a vital issue for county residents.  Last June, they failed to adopt a resolution calling for a moratorium on plans to build 198 ocean wind turbines off the beaches of Brigantine and Ocean City.  After much debate and delay, they removed the word “moratorium” from their resolution, and instead approved only a meaningless request for delay.

Click Here Or Above Image For Link To Full Press Of Atlantic City Article Of June 20, 2023:  Atlantic County commissioners seek offshore wind delay, not moratorium (pressofatlanticcity.com)

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director



(609) 927-7333

  • Guest Post

    Atlantic City, NJ Attorney since 1975. Executive Director of Liberty and Prosperity since 2003. GOP Candidate for Congress, NJ State 2021, 2018. Adjunct Professor of Government & History at Atlantic Cape Community College 2010-2017. Contact sethgrossman49@gmail.com (609) 927-7333

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