Governor Christie declares war on Margate–and the rest of us.

Spending hundreds of millions of dollars to build artificial piles of sand, and calling them “dunes” may be good for some NJ beach towns.??? But for others, they are ugly, expensive, and bad for business and property values.??? Wildwood does not need them.? It’s beach is so wide, its ocean piers are high and dry, and getting from Boardwalk to ocean is a journey.???? Atlantic City thrived when crowded excursion trains brought tourists to Georgia Avenue and the Boardwalk and let them see the ocean as soon as they got off.?? See??short 1919 video at

Margate built a short wooden seawall after the Hurricane of 1944 that protected the town ever since.? (Almost all flooding since came from the back bay, where sand dunes are useless.)2013-1013-wooden-seawall-Margate

So why do?Federal bureaucrats who run Army Corps of Engineers, environmental groups, and bullies like Republican Governor Chris Christie use their power and influence to force artificial sand dunes on towns that don’t want them??? Follow the money!?? A handful of politically connected union contractors, engineers, lawyers, and lobbyists make hundreds of millions of dollars moving sand from one place to another every year, and they make huge political contributions.

Yesterday, Chris Christie sued the people of Margate to enforce his Executive Order to seize Margate beachfront land to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on?expensive and ugly sand dunes that the people of Margate don’t want and don’t need.??? Voters in Margate twice voted against plans to build these sand dunes.

Since Christie is running for President, this is the perfect opportunity to teach the entire country how mandatory sand dunes paid for by borrowed federal money is big-government, big union, pay to play corruption at its worst–and how Margate’s little wooden seawall build after the 1944 hurricane was all Margage needed for storm protection during past 70 years.?

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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1 thought on “Governor Christie declares war on Margate–and the rest of us.”

  1. Moving all that sand year after year after year is a politically correct and thereby sheltered way to steal from the public.I often wonder how much it cost to save all the pedestrians with all those signs and paint?If it were not for the government I would not know how to cross the street.I love those windmills too.Awesome state!

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