Monmouth University: Support for Ocean Wind Plunges. But We Need To Do More!

Click Here For Link To Full Report from Monmouth University:  Support for Wind Energy Plunges | Monmouth University Polling Institute | Monmouth University

From the August 29, 2023 summary by NJ Spotlight News:

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A new poll shows waning public support for the plan to build offshore wind farms that will generate clean electricity from massive turbines stationed off the New Jersey coast.

  • According to the Monmouth Poll, 54% of respondents continue to approve the concept, but that’s down from more than three in four in early 2019.
  • Attempts by some opponents to link preliminary work on the project to an abnormally high number of whale deaths are evidently in play in the results.
  • Nearly half say the work is either definitely or probably a contributing factor in the sea-mammal deaths, “even though there’s been no proof of any link”.*
  • The decline in support for offshore wind is most evident among Republicans — down from 69% four years ago to 28% now.
  • Support among independents is also down from 77% in 2019, although a bare majority of 52% still support the concept.
  • See NJ Spotlight News for a video report on the poll and how it’s being viewed

Why do so many media outlets deny the obvious connections between wind turbine activity and whale deaths?  Look at how much wind corporations are paying the media!

Click Below for Article:

Wind Industry Money Behind Media Misinformation About Whale Deaths

Click Here For Link To:


Although support for ocean wind has plummeted, a small majority of New Jersey voters still support them.  We have more work to do.  Please continue to spread the word to friends and family members when they vacation here at the shore.  Please pick up and distribute our postcards.  Please display our bumper stickers.  Both are in plastic bins outide our office at 453 Shore Road in Somers Point, NJ 08244.  If you want materials delivered, please email us at or leave a message at 609-927-7333.  Thanks.

Click Here for Link To Full Article by NJ Spotlight News:  Support for offshore wind development nosedives in NJ, poll says | Video | NJ Spotlight News

*Click Here For Link To Report on Video “Thrown To The Wind”. Michael Shellenberger Presents Strong Evidence That Sonar Testing And Pile Driving For Wind Turbines Are Killing Whales. 

Although support for ocean wind has plummeted, a small majority of New Jersey voters still support them.  We have more work to do.  Please continue to spread the word to friends and family members when they vacation here at the shore.  Please pick up and distribute our postcards.  Please display our bumper stickers.  Both are in plastic bins outide our office at 453 Shore Road in Somers Point, NJ 08244.  If you want materials delivered, please email us at or leave a message at 609-927-7333.  Thanks.

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director

(609) 927-7333



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    Atlantic City, NJ Attorney since 1975. Executive Director of Liberty and Prosperity since 2003. GOP Candidate for Congress, NJ State 2021, 2018. Adjunct Professor of Government & History at Atlantic Cape Community College 2010-2017. Contact (609) 927-7333

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