New Jersey’s War on Women and Unborn Babies

Don Guardian, Claire Swift, NJ Assembly, Fantasia
NJ Assembly

NJ Assemblywoman Dawn Fantasia is a breath of fresh air. You should follow her on X / Twitter.

Other NJ GOP Assembly members from South Jersey could learn a thing or two from Fantasia. Especially in regards to NJ taxpayer-funded abortion.

Watch video. See Assembly members Don Guardian and Claire Swift in the background, watching Dawn Fantasia in action.

Latest posts from Dawn Fantasia on X:

New Jersey allows abortion up until the moment of birth: no parental consent, no limits.

“War on women.”

Is France waging a war on women? Because in France, abortion is restricted after 14 weeks.

Is Germany anti-woman? Because in Germany, abortion is only legal up to 12 weeks, and only after mandatory counseling.

Even Sweden, often hailed as a beacon of liberalism, has a 18-week limit.

Why is it that these nations—many of which are far more secular than we are—have recognized a fundamental truth that New Jersey refuses to acknowledge? That at a certain point, abortion is no longer just a matter of “choice,” but a matter of taking a life.

New Jersey is one of the few places on earth—alongside China and North Korea—where an unborn child can be aborted at nine months for any reason.

Think about that. Let it sink in.

New Jersey policies are aligned with some of the most repressive regimes on the planet.

The vast majority of New Jerseyans—73% of them—believe in common-sense restrictions on abortion.

Most NJ residents believe parents should have the right to know if their child is seeking an abortion. They believe that at some point in pregnancy, that unborn child is worth protecting.

But this NJ legislature? It ignores them. It ignores the science. It ignores the humanity of the unborn.

Why? Because radical activists have decided that any limitation, no matter how reasonable, is unacceptable.

New Jersey’s abortion laws are not about protecting women—they are about protecting an industry that profits from death.

Will we continue to stand on the fringes of morality, aligning ourselves with regimes that have no respect for human life?

Or will we choose to restore sanity, compassion, and justice to our laws?

Dawn Fantasia NJ

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