No Prosecution or Criminal Record for Shaneen

Shaneen Allen admitted into PTI (Pre-Trial Intervention probationary program) instead of criminal prosecution

pic_giant_072414_SM_Shaneen-AllenThis is good for Shaneen Allen, good for America, and good for the conservative movement.

Every day, we conservatives are denounced as anti-black, anti-woman, etc. But when Shaneen Allen was overwhelmed with this monstrous injustice, it was conservatives alone who dropped everything to rally to her defense. “Progressives” were too busy defending the rioters in Missouri. Establishment Republicans were too afraid of offending the anti-gun crowd.

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  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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2 thoughts on “No Prosecution or Criminal Record for Shaneen”

  1. Seth… Hi. What’s the best way to donate to help Shaneen? Not sure I want to give to her lawyer. Though he needs to be paid, well… you know lawyers are not always trustworthy. Don’t know if you’re a lawyer, and if you find that offensive, well… case in point is my BROTHER is an attorney and he’s done some rotten stuff to me over the years. Just saying.
    Anyway… I want to donate. Just $25, but I want to make sure SHE gets it. I know there are many who want to help. And thank GOD she was finally given the PTI program. Perhaps there still IS some justice.

  2. No need to judge all lawyers by your brother. While many people make jokes and insult lawyers in general, most people like and trust their own lawyer. In any case, you should be able to contact Shaneen Allen directly through her Facebook page at: If you have trouble reaching Shaneen, please contact me at 609-927-7333. Thanks. Seth Grossman, Somers Point, NJ 08244

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