Waves That Wrecked $230 Million Gaza Floating Pier Featured In 2017 Surfer Magazine

For years, the beaches of Gaza have been known for strong west winds and high waves this time of year.  Back in 2017 a documentary described how dozens of young Palestinians took up surfing on the Gaza beaches and formed a “Gaza Surf Club”. This movie became popular in surfer circles throughout the world.  These big waves in the Mediterranean Sea this time of year may be great from surfing, but they are bad for floating piers.

Last May, the United States Army Corps of Engineers attempted to install a floating pier on a Gaza beach at the height of the high surf season.  The Army Corps of Engineers has three missions:  Combat Engineering, Military Construction, and Civil Works.  The Military Construction Division spent $230 million for its floating pier off the Gaza beach. Within a few days, it was wrecked by “rough seas”.  It was then rebuilt and used for about three weeks.  It was then abandoned last week after being damaged again.  This little reported story teaches several lessons.

  1.  Gaza today is a hellhole.  However, if the people of Gaza spent the billions of dollars they received in aid from the United States, the European Union and other Arab countries to build their economy, they would be richer than the people of Hong Kong or Dubai.  They instead spent almost all of their money on tunnels, rockets, bombs, and teaching their children to hate and kill Jews.
  2. Why did the Army Engineers try to build a floating pier on a beach with big waves?  Were they surprised at what happened? Or did they know the project would fail, yet quietly do what they were told  Is this part of a military culture that explains why America has not won a war since 1945?  Click Here For Link To Previous Post:  Does This 2012 Article on “Culture of Mediocrity” In US Military Also Explain Failures In US Public Health Today? – Liberty and Prosperity

Above Image: Margate Beach 2013 Before Building Artificial Dunes:

Above Image:  Atlantic City Beach 1930’s.  Atlantic City Founder, Jonathan Pitney, leveled the sand dunes on the beach in 1854 to eliminate greenheads, mosquitos, and other insects that annoyed tourists. Pitney also wanted visitors to enjoy sea breezes and ocean views from the Boardwalk.  That ended when the federal government forced Atlantic City to create artificial sand dunes in front of the Boardwalk between 1990 and 2010.

3. For years, this same Army Corps of Engineers has forced Margate and other New Jersey Shore Towns to build expensive artificial sand dunes that provide little or no protection, but which ruin enjoyment of the beaches.  They falsely claimed these dunes were needed because of Hurrican Sandy in 2012.  However, most flooding came from the back bays. Very little came from the ocean.  The short wooden seawall installed after the 1944 hurricane and wide beaches protected Margate from most ocean flooding.  Is this another example of ordinary citizens being better informed than “experts”?   Click Here For Links to Previous Posts On Margate Dunes:  You searched for margate dunes – Liberty and Prosperity

4. Do We Hold Anyone In Government Accountable For Any Failure These Days? We talk about at least one major failure by federal, state or local government in almost every talk radio program and Saturday breakfast. From Secret Service protection of Trump and lost wars in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan to missing buoys and channel markers to keep boaters safe on Great Egg Harbor River. We talk about ridiculous fake recycling, third world streets & dysfunctional traffic lights in Atlantic City, US mail delivered after dinner. All while paying higher direct and indirect taxes than ever.  Is this incompetence? Corruption? Diversity? Is any of this deliberate sabotage to destroy our country? How do we fix this?

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director



(609) 927-7333

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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