We Know What We’re Against. Can We Agree On What We Are For?

Every year, we try to agree on a list of basic principles that should be supported by every candidate for public office. I prepared this list during the past three months based on what I heard at our Saturday breakfast discussions and on local Talk Radio.  Steve Jones, one of our Board Members posted a different list.  What do you think? Please let us know by joining us for breakfast any Saturday in Somers Point, by posting a comment below, or by contacting us at info@libertyandprosperity.com.  Thanks!



  1. Deport All Foreigners Illegally in the United States. Deport dependent children of illegal parents or guardians until they can re-enter the United States as adults. Revoke “asylum paroles” for all foreigners unable to prove “well-founded fear of political or religious persecution” in their home countries.
  2. Return to In-Person Voting On One Election Day With ID. Mail-in ballots only for military, sick, disabled, and those with documented travel plans. Close registration 30 days before Election Day.
  3. End Government Funding Of Solar and Wind Electricity: That includes hidden taxes on utility bills. Rebuild and replace nuclear, natural gas, oil, coal, and hydroelectric power plants destroyed during past twenty years.
  4. End mandatory recycling.
  5. End all federal spending not permitted by Article I, Section 8. End Federal and State grants to local governments and “Non-Government Organizations” for functions. Let local voters again control local spending.
  6. Repeal NJ 2014 “Bail Reform” Amendment.
  7. Protect Life With Persuasion. No tax dollars for Planned Parenthood. No mandatory insurance to cover abortions. Job protection for doctors or nurses who refuse to terminate pregnancies that don’t endanger life of mother. Mandatory viewing of ultrasounds before non-emergency abortions.
  8. Replace elected unpaid school boards with public schools supervised by existing paid local officials. Allow parents to apply their child’s share of public school funding to private schools of their choice.
  9. Institutionalize those unwilling or unable to respect the rights of others to enjoy clean and safe public parks, streets and sidewalks.
  10. Distribute NJ Income Tax Proceeds to Each Community on Per Capita Basis for Each School Student. (Mike Doherty Plan)
  11. Compel Government Funded Colleges To Again Limit Yearly Tuition To What A Student Can Earn From A Summer of Work.


LP Ten Point Program for 2025 (Steve Jones- 1 st draft ideas)
I suggest keeping each point broad in scope, allowing more specific projects/activities for each.
I don’t think LP’s adopted platform/issues should be structured in such a way to help neo cons, RINOs, never Trumpers, etc. nor so narrowly defined so as to: a) restrict our education/ activity efforts; b) have built in obsolescence that inhibits our ability to influence; c)
cause us to be controlled opposition or d) be ineffective or moot (deprived of practical
significance: made abstract or purely academic). These should be generic principles that
compliment the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and which freedom loving citizens should
support once they understand our founding documents. All other issues should be subject to
these principles and can be addressed appropriately as needed. Actually, I think our five 2019
points are still very timely and important. I’d prefer keeping them and adding five more points
that are new issues that have arisen, such as Election Integrity, the weaponization of our justice
system and many other governmental agencies, the deep state/administrative state and NGOs
(non-governmental agencies)… all undermining our freedom, sovereignty, Constitution, life,
liberty and pursuit of happiness.


#1. Secure our borders and enforce immigration laws.
Massive, uncontrolled immigration began in America for the first time in 1965. It was pushed
through by Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy with little debate or discussion. It was done at the
request of various international organizations heavily influenced or controlled by Communist
Russia and China at the height of their “Cold War” against America. It was designed to divide,
weaken, and destroy America. After 43 years, it is on the verge of total success. President
Trump is the first national leader to recognize the problem and take action to stop it. He
deserves our support on this issue.
#2. Make talent, work, and achievement, not politics, the keys to success in American
America was created in 1776 when we declared that each of us is created equal, and endowed
by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. Among these is the right of each of us to pursue
happiness by being free to make the most important decisions concerning our own lives.
We must never allow politicians or other government officials to gain or increase their political
power by depriving any American of that freedom and to reward or punish people based on
race, religion, or political influence.
#3. Repudiate Unconstitutional State Government Debt.
After Americas first economic collapse in 1837, New Jersey adopted a State Constitution that
made it illegal for state government to borrow money or incur obligations without the approval of
voters. During the past 40 years, both Republicans and Democrats created $221 billion in state
debts and obligations in blatant violation of our State Constitution.
They systematically raise taxes every year to pay for it. They appointed judges who allowed
state government to create independent authorities to borrow massive amounts without voter
approval, and by promising pensions without setting aside money to pay for them. For years, we
proposed fixing this problem by refusing to bail out insolvent authorities (like when we bailed out
the NJ “Transportation Authority” with big gas tax hike) and capping unfunded pensions from
insolvent state pension funds to $100K per year.
#4. Teach critical, independent thinking skills, and the importance of America’s Constitution and
culture of individual liberty and limited government in public schools and colleges again.
The future of America depends on citizens who can recognize and reject fake history, fake
science, fake news, and other dishonest propaganda that attack and ridicule the institutions and
ideas that made America exceptional and great.
#5. “Preserve, protect, and defend” our Constitution.
We oppose dangerous proposals by both radical/”progressive” Democrats and so-called
conservatives to change or amend our Constitution. Most conservatives already oppose
liberal/”progressive” judges who change our U.S. Constitution without following the amendment
process by giving completely different meanings to words used in our Constitution than what the
framers intended. We also oppose judges who claim the right to rewrite portions of the
Constitution they disagree with by claiming the framers would have written the Constitution
differently if they were alive today. However, we also oppose calls by certain conservatives for
an “Article V Convention” to propose amendments to our Constitution. We are convinced that
any such Convention would be dominated by far-left “progressive” Democrats and socialists
who would repeal or greatly change the First, Second, and Tenth Amendments, abolish the
Electoral College, and make other changes that would increase the power and cost of the
central government, while removing needed protections of our individual liberty.

Steve Jones Suggests Adding These Issues/Platform (aka 10point list) to what we agreed to in 2019:
Repeat Our Opposition to Article 5 constitutional convention
Promote Election Integrity
Defend/Promote Personal Health rights and autonomy
Oppose UN and Agenda 2030
Oppose The Great Reset
Oppose The Green New Deal
Central bank digital currency
Defend / Promote National Sovereignty
Defend / Promote Individual Rights
Defend / Promote Free Enterprise & Trade
Oppose big Government Authoritarianism and Spending
Promote and defend US & NJ Constitutions
Oppose all efforts for a Article 5 constitutional convention or convention of the states
Educate citizens and public officials about our US and New Jersey constitutions
Oppose a New Jersey constitutional convention
Oppose all efforts to circumvent or undermine the US and New Jersey constitutions
Legislative alerts and communications to citizens and public officials…federal, state and local
Addition 12/19/24:
Continue 2019 point #4…
Teach critical, independent thinking skills, and the importance of America’s
Constitution and culture of individual liberty and limited government in public schools and
colleges again. The future of America depends on citizens who can recognize and reject
fake history, fake science, fake news, and other dishonest propaganda that attack and

Ten Point Program for 2025_SJ-suggestions_03b.docx Page 2 of 6
ridicule the institutions and ideas that made America exceptional and great.

L&P 2025 Platform… Article V / ConCon / Convention of States
We have done a terrible job educating our fellow citizens and elected officials, especially
Republicans, on why a Constitutional Convention or Convention of the States is so dangerous
to our Constitution and the freedoms it protects.

LibertyAndProsperity.com is a tax-exempt, non-political education organization of roughly 200 citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey.  We formed this group in 2003. We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we admit we make mistakes from time to time.  If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible. Please email us at info@libertyandprosperity.com or telephone (609) 927-7333.

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director



(609) 927-7333

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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