Who wants 12 million illegal immigrants to stay in our country?

?Second Liberty Principle: Enforce federal immigration laws. No amnesty. Deport illegal aliens.

Who wants 12 million illegal immigrants to stay in our country?

(As of 2006)

Employer Organizations

Agricultural Coalition for Immigration Reform (ACIR?employers)

“AICR urges your support of [AgJobs]?To meet the existing shortage of legal workers, and avoid the immediate need for a large number of guest workers, workers who can prove that they are experienced agricultural workers can earn the opportunity to obtain legal status?”?

The Agricultural Coalition for Immigration Reform, made up of farming groups, paid Washington lobbyists $180,000 last year to work on the [AgJobs amnesty] issue, public records show. Sacramento Bee, Dec. 17, 2003

American Health Care Association (AHCA?business)

“Our laws, therefore, should allow willing workers to enter our country and fill jobs for which U.S. citizens cannot be found.” Charles H. Roadman II, President and CEO of AHCA, press release, Feb. 12, 2004.

American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA?business)

“[AHLA]?seeks to reform the U.S. immigration system. Its primary mission [EWIC’s] is to allow employers facing shortages of semi-skilled and unskilled (“essential worker”) labor to hire workers from abroad. More?

American Nursery & Landscape Association (ANLA?business)

“The second and equally critical provision in [the AgJobs bill] is the ‘earned status adjustment’ program. This program is a logical and constructive approach to the reality of a largely undocumented workforce.” More?

Essential Worker Immigration Coalition (EWIC?employers)

“EWIC (co-chaired by IFA Vice President, Government Relations John Gay) has two main goals: to reform the immigration system to allow employers to bring in foreign workers when no American workers can be found and to create a mechanism for many of the millions of undocumented workers in our industries to be able to earn legal status.” More?

International Franchise Association (IFA?business)

“?businesses have found that employees they thought were authorized to work were in fact undocumented. This has caused significant disruptions for some employers as they have lost key employees or entire shifts of workers due to a government audit or raid.” (see EWIC) More?

National Association of Manufacturers (NAM?business)

“The United States should not place artificial quotas or restrictions on employers’ ability to hire or move people as needed.” Immigration Issue Brief, Jan. 2004 More?

National Council of Chain Restaurants (NCCR?business)

“This is a positive development for the industry. I hear all the time from my members that the biggest problem they face is not being able to find enough workers, and this would certainly be a help.” ?NCCR Director of Government Relations Scott Vinson, responding to President Bush’s support for a limited amnesty for Mexicans living and working in the U.S., in Nation’s Restaurant News, August 13, 2001.

National Council of Farmer Cooperatives (NCFC?employers)

Created by ANLA to work for AgJobs.

National Restaurant Association (NRA?business)

“As the nation’s largest private-sector employer and largest employer of immigrants, currently 1.4 million, we believe that our nation’s immigration policy should not only secure our borders, but also match willing employers with willing employees.” Lee Culpepper, senior vice president of Government Affairs and Public Policy, Press Release October 23, 2002

Society of American Florists (SAF?employers)

“As a member of the Society of American Florists, I strongly support [AgJobs amnesty] because it will provide a stable and legal workforce, increase border security, and treat workers fairly. More?

“This legislation (AgJobs amnesty) really needs to pass this year.” Lin Schmale, SAF senior director of Government Relations in Greenhouse Product News.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce (business)

“We need a system of ‘earned targeted adjustment’ for undocumented workers that fill vital roles in our economy, which would enable them to achieve legal status. We also need to expand permanent and temporary visas for workers to enter the United States legally to meet future workforce requirements.” Randel Johnson, Chamber vice president for labor, immigration and employee benefits. Jan 7, 2004

Labor Organizations

American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO?labor)

“The [SOLVE Act amnesty] bill includes reforms we in the union movement believe are absolutely necessary to address what is now an unworkable system.” AFL-CIO President John Sweeney, press conference May 4, 2004. More…

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME?labor)

“RESOLVED: That there be legalization of the undocumented workers who are working hard, paying taxes and contributing to their communities and the nation.” Resolution No: 98, 35th Int. Convention, June 2002,

Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC?Latino labor)

“We have successfully campaigned for Toledo to make the Mexican matricula consular , an official ID for the city.” More…

Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union (HERE?labor)

“UNITE and HERE have collaborated most recently in the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride?” Press release, February 26, 2004. See UNITE. HERE and UNITE to merge in July 2004 to form UNITE HERE.

Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA?labor)

“The Laborers’ International Union of North America applauds the comprehensive immigration reform bill?”, Statement of Terence M. O’Sullivan General President LIUNA On the [SOLVE Act amnesty bill]. May 5, 2004

Service Employees International Union (SEIU?labor)

“SEIU was a driving force behind the AFL-CIO’s decision to support legalization for hard-working, tax-paying immigrants. SEIU represents more immigrant workers than any other union, and has been a leading voice for immigration reform that rewards work and improves conditions for all working people.” More?

Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees (UNITE!?labor)

See HERE. HERE and UNITE to merge in July 2004 to form UNITE HERE.

United Farm Workers (UFW?labor)

“United Farm Workers President Arturo Rodriguez will join other national leaders of labor, ethnic and immigrant rights groups in?urging President Bush and Republican leaders in Congress to match their rhetoric favoring Latino immigrants with action on two popular bipartisan immigration reform bills: AgJobs and the DREAM Act.” Press Release July 16, 2004

United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW?labor)

“The position of the UFCW is simple and direct: we don’t care about green cards, we care about union cards. We care about union contracts that guarantee dignity at work and a decent standard of living at home—regardless of race, gender, nationality or immigration status.” International Secretary-Treasurer Joe Hansen, June 10, 2000

Ethnic Organizations

American Jewish Committee (AJC?Jewish religious)

“The AJC has reaffirmed its support for the principle of earned legalization for immigrants who have been residing in the U.S. unlawfully for a substantial period of time.” Press release, Dec. 8, 2003

Arab American Institute (AAI?Arab ethnic advocacy)

AAI President Dr. James Zogby

Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA?Asian ethnic advocacy)

“Hard work should be rewarded. Immigrants, like other hard working American families, should have fair and equal access to opportunities, and be allowed to go as far as their talents will take them.” Comment by APALA executive director, Gloria T. Caoile, on “Freedom Ride” for amnesty. More?

Asian Pacific American Legal Center (APALC?Asian legal assistance)

Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC?religious, legal aid)

Central American Resource Center (CARECEN?Salvadoran ethnic, Los Angeles)

“[CARECEN]?educates the federal state and local public officials in addition to the community in general about the immigration needs of the Central American refugee community. The program also advocates for fair humanitarian immigration laws.” More?

Comite de Apoyo a los Trabajadores Agricolas (CATA?migrant farmworkers?Latino ethnic)

(CATA) is the non-profit arm of the Uni?n de los Trabajadores Agr?colas y de Hongo (UTAH).

Farmworker Justice Fund (Latino, civil liberties)

Hispanic Alliance for Progress (HAP?Latino ethnic)

The Latino Coalition (Latino ethnic)

“[The Bush immigration proposal] is a comprehensive and effective approach to address our immigration crisis,” said TLC President Robert Deposada?The President’s proposal offers workers already in this country without proper documentation the ability to legalize their status.” Press Release, Jan. 7, 2004.

Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics (LEAP)

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC?Latino ethnic)

“LULAC supports the regularization of undocumented workers in the United States by periodically updating the Date of Registry, the reinstatement of Section 245(i) to allow immigrants to remain with their families while their applications are processed, along with the restoration of Food Stamps for legal immigrants.” Adopted by the LULAC National Assembly on June 21, 2003. More?

Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF?Latino ethnic)

“MALDEF has continually advocated for an ‘earned legalization.’ Immigrants who demonstrate that they pay taxes, have a job, and pass a security test should be able to qualify for legal status.” Katherine Culliton, legislative staff attorney, press release May 4, 2004

National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium (NAPALC?Asian ethnic)

“We look forward to working with members of congress from both parties and the Administration to enact the SOLVE Act [amnesty] into law.” Karen Narasaki, Pres. NAPALC, press release, May 4, 2004.

National Association of Latino Elected & Appointed Officials (NALEO?Latino advocacy)

National Council of La Raza (NCLR?Latino ethnic)

“?NCLR feels that this bill [(SOLVE) Act of 2004] offers the best approach to immigration reform, providing a balanced and moderate approach to immigration reform. It? makes legality the norm by bringing hardworking immigrants out of the shadows and allowing them to earn their legal status, and by creating the necessary legal channels for needed workers to enter the U.S. in the future.” Raul Yzaguirre, NCLR President and CEO, press release May 4, 2004

National Federation of Filipino American Associations (NFFAA?Filipino ethnic)

National Korean American Service & Educational Consortium (NKASEC?Korean ethnic)

Organization of Chinese Americans (OCA?Chinese ethnic)

“In February, OCA passed a resolution in support of comprehensive immigration reform that included significantly reducing the backlog of family-based immigration, creating a path for legalization of undocumented immigrants, and creating additional programs for individuals to enter legally into the United States to work temporarily or permanently.” Press Release, May 20, 2004

Religious Organizations

American Friends Service Committee (AFSC?Quaker religious)

“[AFSC’s] Project Voice combines local and national organizing, education, and outreach campaigns to achieve a strategic impact on key immigration and refugee issues, including legalization?. More?

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS?Lutheran religious)

“We look forward to working with Congress and the White House to craft an immigration system that unites families, ensures worker rights and human rights, allows immigrant workers to live freely and openly in our society, and gives those willing to contribute to our economy and society a true path toward citizenship in the United States.” Statement by LIRS President Ralston H. Deffenbaugh Jr. on the SOLVE amnesty bill, press release May 4, 2004.

National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice (NICWJ)

“The struggle for acceptance and justice endured by past immigrants continues today with some 8.5 million immigrants deprived of the right to apply for citizenship. Often separated from their families and victimized by unscrupulous employers, America’s newest class of immigrants is suffering.” Kim Bobo, NICWJ executive director, press release August 27, 2003.

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB?Catholic religious)

“We urge our federal policymakers to revise our nation’s immigration laws and policies in a manner which includes the following elements: legalization for the maximum number of persons in an undocumented or irregular legal status;?enforcement policies;?revision of the 1996 immigration laws;? repeal of mandatory detention of immigrants;?and a religious worker visa program which is permanently authorized?” (Resolution, November 16, 2000)

Civil Liberties and Other Organizations

American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA?immigrant advocacy)

“Why we need [SOLVE Act amnesty]: Legalizing undocumented workers is good for America.” Posted on AILA InfoNet at Doc. No. 04050467 (May 4, 2004).”

Center for Migration, Ethnicity and Citizenship at New School University

Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA )

“CHIRLA works with day laborers to create safe and organized environments for seeking work?. Its goal is to gain a broad legalization program for the six million undocumented workers and their families residing in USA.” More?

Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR?immigrant services)

“Legalization will unleash the economic potential of Illinois’ immigrant communities?.” ICIRR Executive Director, Joshua Hoyt, Crains Chicago Business, May 10, 2004

Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR)

Migration Policy Institute/NYU Law School Muzaffar Chishti, Director

National Employment Law Project (NELP?labor, civil liberties)

“NELP’s newly-expanded guide provides step- by-step directions for drafting state and local day labor legislation?” “[Agenda] should include legalization for workers currently present in the U.S., wage and labor protections for new and established workers, family reunification provisions, as well as a path to citizenship for immigrants here and those to be admitted.” More?

National Immigration Forum (NIF?open borders)

“Immigration reform would address a range of workforce realities?legalizing a workforce that is here to stay anyway, providing more legal visas for workers to come in the future, and providing for the temporary employment of foreign workers who help American employers in sectors of the economy that provide seasonal jobs.” More?

National Immigration Law Center (NILC?defense of illegal aliens)

“?NILC facilitates the development of a shared national policy agenda and strengthens the advocacy presence of immigrant rights organizations at the federal level.” More?

National Network on Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR?refugees, civil liberties)

“We need a comprehensive program that allows undocumented immigrants from all nationalities and living in the U.S. to obtain legal permanent residency.” More?

Services, Immigrant Rights Network, and Education (SIREN)

San Jose CA immigrant rights activists.

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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1 thought on “Who wants 12 million illegal immigrants to stay in our country?”

  1. As an undocumented irmagmint student, I sometimes feel handicapped. When I was thirteen, I left my country and came to America to live with my father. I didn?t know English. My parents were divorced and I helped take of my younger siblings. But most difficult of all is the fact that I did not have any papers. Because of this, I don?t have the same chance to get a higher education. However, I have learned to embrace this situation because it makes me strong. I have begun to think that difficulties make me a better person, able to overcome anything in the way of my success. They make me creative, determined, and more motivated to find solutions for students like me.Every day, I think about what will happen in my future. I study so hard to get better grades. I am involved in school activities and the other Community Centers in Stamford. But it is not enough. Sometimes I can’t sleep because my mind is working so hard trying to figure out how to make my dreams reality. I want to go to college because it is my only chance to build my future so that I can to help my community by making projects to improve our society.I can see the light at the end of my road. I am pretty sure that our community would improve if we worked together to accomplish our goals. That is why I started to get people together to support the federal DREAM Act. It will give non-documented students the opportunity to get permanent residency and to have access to financial aid. This will enable them to attain a higher education. That is my goal.To accomplish my goal, I started to form a network with diverse clubs at Greenwich High School. I also spoke to neighboring schools in Port Chester and Stamford. In addition, I have contacted many public officials such as Congressman Felipe Reinoso, Stamford?s Mayor Dan Malloy, and even President Bush.I have persuaded people to join my cause by appealing not only to their minds, but also to their hearts. I approached them with sentiment and resolution in order to captivate their intellect and motivation. I told them about friends of mine like Julie, a brilliant student who does not have the money to pay for college nor the papers to apply for scholarships. I explained how they could help and the positive results their actions would bring to the community. The word is spreading. The Spanish Club (Vision) is having meetings with the Parent-Teacher Association in order to get support for the Dream Act. We are coordinating with the Spanish Honor Society and making them aware of our fellow students? dilemma.When I came to this amazing country, it wasn?t my decision to come undocumented. Nevertheless, I grew up in the United States of America. I feel that this is my country and I love it. I just want an opportunity to succeed. Throughout this experience, I have learned that motivation is not enough. I have come to understand that planning, coordination, and preparation is essential when addressing different groups of people simultaneously. I know that during this process many doors will be closed. However, when I find a closed door, I will find two more open!

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