Four years ago, more than a hundred rioters broke windows, looted stores, fought with police, and blocked traffic in Atlantic City. This lawlessness crippled Atlantic City’s downtown business district during most of the 2020 tourist season. It scared away tourists and customers and caused financial loss to businesses throughout Atlantic County. The shopping district called “The Walk” never recovered.
Above Video: On Sunday, May 31, Steve Young organized what he called a “peaceful protest” over the death of George Floyd in Minnesota. He and the “protesters” blocked traffic by walking down the middle of Atlantic Avenue, the main street of Atlantic City. Then he invited “protestors” to go “window shopping” in the tourist outlet stores known as “The Walk”. Soon afterwards, more than a hundred “protestors”, most from the Atlantic City area, broke windows, entered stores, and walked off with merchandise from stores. Several confronted and fought with police.
Click Here For More Video Of Steve Young Explaining Need For “Window Shopping” As Response to “Mostly White People In Blue Uniforms” who “shoot and strangle Black men”: Atlantic City Riots & Window Shopping with Steve Young – ACprimetime

During the summer of 2020, Atlantic City’s City Council introduced an ordinance to punish store owners who boarded up their windows after police could not protect them!

Six weeks later, Steve Young led a march that disrupted traffic on Atlantic City’s main streets on the city’s July 4th holiday. Then He and six others attempted to block traffic on the Expressway.
During this time, Atlantic City Mayor Marty Small and the Atlantic City Police Department took heroic action to restore order.
On July 4, 2020, Atlantic City Police arrested Steve Young and six others who tried to block traffic on the Atlantic City Expressway. They were charged with blocking traffic and failure to comply with reasonable police instructions.
During this time, the Atlantic City Police Department also spent hours viewing video and interviewing witnesses to identify the rioters who broke windows, stole merchandise and fought police during the May 31 riot. The Atlantic City police then filed criminal charges against them.
There were similar riots in Trenton, New Jersey. However, police there were ordered not to enforce laws to protect property. No arrests were made there.
Hours after Trenton cops kneel in solidarity with protesters, rioters set police car ablaze –
On August 5, Mayor Small and the Atlantic City police announced that they had identified and filed criminal charges against 95 people who rioted and looted on May 31.
Atlantic City police charge 95 in May riot/looting (
However, neither the Mayor, the police, nor any county or state law enforcement announced court hearing dates for these charges.
After two years, we requested public records to learn the status of these charges. We were told nothing other than that they were “pending”. One year after that, we were told that the charges “had been disposed of”.
Click Here For Link To Previous Posts: What Happened Those Identified And Charged For Atlantic City Riots Of 2020? – Liberty and Prosperity
VIDEO: Remember Atlantic City BLM Riots of Summer 2020 – Liberty and Prosperity
Last Monday, Steve Young announced that he had finally appeared in the Atlantic County consolidated municipal court and that Judge Marian Ragusa, a Cape May County municipal court judge temporarily assigned to that court had dismissed all charges against him.
No announcement was made by any representative of the New Jersey Attorney General, Atlantic County Prosecutor William Reynolds, Mayor Marty Small, or the Atlantic City Police Department.
There were no reports of who prosecuted the case against Steve Young or whether any witnesses appeared to testify against him.
Finally, the normalization of these riots did not begin with the George Floyd in 2020. It began on January 20, 2017–the day President Trump was inaugurated in Washington, DC after winning the 2016 election. At that time, Attorney General Jeff Sessions did nothing to identify and prosecute the people who organized and paid for the riots that day. Click This Link For Previous Post: We Had Riots All Over America Last Weekend Because Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions Did Nothing After 2017 Inauguration Riots in Washington, D.C. – Liberty and Prosperity is a tax-exempt, non-political education organization of roughly 200 citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey. We formed this group in 2003. We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we admit we make mistakes from time to time. If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible. Please email us at or telephone (609) 927-7333.
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Seth Grossman, Executive Director
(609) 927-7333