Clueless Republicans Helping Democrats End Free Speech, Gun Ownership With ‘Convention of States’.

Since 2013, Mark Meckler’s “Convention of States Action” lobbied for a “Convention of States”. That is one of two ways to amend our U.S. Constitution. They claim its amendments would balance the budget, end the income tax, and limit how long members of the House and Senate can stay in office.

However, it would do the opposite! Most delegates to any “Article 5 Convention” would be “woke” Democrats funded by George Soros billionaires.

For years, Democrats demanded these changes to our Constitution:

  1. Change the First Amendment so that “hate speech” can be punished and banned. This would let Democrats to silence and punish anyone who disagrees with them by calling their views “hate speech”. This would make America like England, Australia and most of Europe.
  2. Repeal the Second Amendment to end private gun ownership.
  3. End the Electoral College. This would let Democrat supermajorities in states like California, Illinois, New York and Massachusetts decide almost every election for President.

Article V of the U.S. Constitution provides these two methods to amend it:

  1. A Resolution proposing a specific Amendment is approved by 2/3 of the House of Representatives and the 2/3 of the Senate. It is then ratified by a majority of both houses of the Legislatures in ¾ of the States.
  2. Congress calls for a “Convention” (“Convention of States” or “Article V Convention”) after the Legislatures of 2/3 of the states (34 states) approve resolutions requesting one. A majority of that Convention can the propose as many amendments as it wants on whatever subject. Those amendments take effect when approved by the Legislatures of 3/4 of the States.

There are 27 Amendments to the  U.S. Constitution. It  was amended 18 times between 1791 and 1992.  The first Ten Amendments (Bill of Rights) were adopted together in 1791. Another 17 amendments were adopted between 1795 and 1992. All of those amendments were adopted using the first method. They were proposed by 2/3 of both houses of Congress. They were then ratified by ¾ of the States. The United States has not had a Convention to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution since the “Constitutional Convention” held in Philadelphia in in 1787. That Convention was called to propose amendments to the Articles of Confederation of 1777. A majority of delegates (Federalists) chose to propose a whole new Constitution instead!

With 50 states, Congress must call a “Convention” when 2/3 of them osubmit resolutions. Between 2014 and 2022, 19 submitted resolutions calling for an Article 5 “Convention of States”.

No new states have adopted such a resolution since 2022. Last year, it appeared that the Convention of States Action movement had failed.

In 2021, Democratic State Senate Majority Leader Steve Sweeney introduced a resolution to rescind eight resolutions requesting a Convention of States that had been approved by New Jersey for various reasons during previous years.

According to the Bill’s “Interpretive Statement”:  Research indicates that New Jersey has submitted at least eight such petitions (Requesting A Convention Of States). Unfortunately, legal experts disagree about both the longevity of these petitions and as to whether a convention called for a particular purpose may consider amendments beyond the scope of that purpose. There appears to be some risk, therefore, that past petitions could become part of the basis for calling a convention which addresses issues never contemplated by the legislators voting for such petitions. Accordingly, this resolution would rescind all petitions previously passed by the New Jersey Legislature in order to prevent potential misuse of those petitions.

A majority of the NJ State Senate and the Assembly approved that resolution.  We were pleasantly surprised that every Democratic State Senator voted for it. However, 10 Republican State Senators voted against it! They included Republican State Senate Minority Leader Tom Kean, Jr., and  Republican Senators Vince Polistina (Atlantic County), Christopher Conners (Atlantic/Ocean/Burlington), and Michael Testa (Cape May/Cumberland). What were they thinking? Were they thinking? (We do not know how Assembly members voted. They approved the resolution by voice vote.

Now clueless Republicans in the House of Representatives are working with “woke” Democrats in “Blue” states like New Jersey to hold an “Article 5 Convention of States”.

Last December, NJ Assemblywomen Andrea Katz (Mt. Holly) and Carmen Morales (Belleville) introduced Bill AJR 207. It petitions Congress to call for an Article 5 Convention of States “to consider reproductive health care rights”.

And the same time, Republican Congresswoman Jodey Arrington (Texas) introduced a “Concurrent Resolution” calling for an Article 5 “Convention of States” if 34 states adopt ANY resolution calling for such a Convention  at ANY time, or for ANY reason.

The is dangerous and deceptive. If New Jersey adopts a resolution for a Convention of States for “reproductive health care rights”, it would be added to the 19 states that applied for a Convention of States for completely different reasons.

It appears that so far, 42 states have adopted some resolution, for some reason calling for a Convention of States at some time during the past 50 years.

Of all of them are counted, they are well more than the 34 states (2/3) needed to call an Article 5 Constitutional Convention of States.

If that happens, George Soros and “woke” Democrats may give us a new Constitution sooner than we think.

Please forward this post to as many people you can as soon as you can.  Thanks!

Click Here For Links To Our Previous Posts On An Article 5 Constitutional “Convention of States”:

An Article V Constitutional Convention? Five Reasons Why It Is A No-Good, Horrible, Very Bad Idea. – Liberty and Prosperity

Stopping Convention of States Made Strange Bedfellows. Sweeney & NJ Democrats Were Right. NJ Republicans Dead Wrong. – Liberty and Prosperity

Also:  There is no need to amend our U.S. Constitution! We just have to comply with it!

Article I, Section 8 only allows Congress to tax, borrow, and spend money on certain “enumerated” things that serve national purposes. If Congress and Presidents complied with that provision, the federal government would not be doing roughly 80% of what it does now.

If the federal government tax, borrow, and spend for unconstitutional purposes we would not have the welfare state we have today. Politicians could not get rich and powerful from lifetime careers in Congress. There would be low taxes and balanced budgets.  Incumbents would lose elections or not want to stay in office forever.

Above Video:  America stopped complying with Article I, Section 8 in 1937. That was when Franklin Roosevelt and his “New Deal” Democrats picked a new Supreme Court. That court effectively allowed the federal government to tax, borrow and spend money on almost anything.

The New Deal did NOT end America’s Great Depression. The “Roosevelt Depression” of 1937-1938 was more severe than the “Hoover Depression” of 1930-1933.  Most of Europe was out of the Great Depression by the mid-1930s.

Most Americans were angry at Franklin Roosevelt’s contempt for the Constitution. They were also angry at Roosevelt’s attempt to “pack” the Supreme Court with even more leftist judges in 1937. that. In 1938, Americans elected so many Republicans and conservative Democrats to Congress that they soon ended most of Franklin Roosevelt’s “New Deal” programs. When they did that, America’s 12 year Great Depression ended.

Opposition to Roosevelt’s New Deal ended most unconstitutional spending by Congress until 1965. Although the Supreme Court had allowed that unconstitutional spending in 1937, America did not have a President and a Congress that used that power until 1965.

From 1945 to 1965, Americans enjoyed a limited federal government, sustainable taxes and debt, and an economic boom.  That ended in 1965 when Lyndon Johnson Democrats began the Great Society.

Now that unlimited borrowing, spending, and debt is normal. That is why the federal government is now paying to fix potholes in Atlantic City and pump sand from one place to another in Wildwood and Cape May.

If we respected and complied with Article I, Section 8 of our U.S. Constitution, we would again have balanced budgets, term limits, and low tax rates without amending our Constitution.

Members of Congress would have far less power. They would no longer be willing or able to turn two- or six-year terms into lifetime careers. is a tax-exempt, non-political education organization of roughly 200 citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey.  We formed this group in 2003. We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we admit we make mistakes from time to time.  If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible. Please email us at or telephone (609) 927-7333.

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director

(609) 927-7333

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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