Headline “News” Doesn’t Mention Targeted, Mass Maiming & Killing Of Whites in Waukesha. Just “SUV driver found guilty”.

This dishonest “news” article was published by the Press of Atlantic City last Thursday.  However, it was supplied by the Associated Press and appeared in almost every daily newspaper in America.  Most radio and TV “news” outlets were just as dishonest. Some didn’t report the story at all.  For them, crime stories are just local news. . . except for the very rare incidents where the victims are black and the criminal is white.  Only crime stories with a “correct” narrative the help elect Democrats become national, headline news.

This article is dishonest because it left out these eleven important facts:

  1.  The headline “SUV driver found guilty”, seemed to describe a tragic auto accident.  It deliberately did not include a single word that would describe this horrible and premeditated hate crime of carefully speeding up and swerving to run down 68 people in a Christmas parade from behind to kill six (including an eight year old boy) and maim and cripple dozens of others for life, simply because they were white.  It did not mention “Waukesha” because the name of that town is associated with that crime.

2.  The article failed to mention that the murderer was black, and that each of the six dead and dozens of maimed and crippled victims were white.

3.  The article failed to include any photographs of the murderer or the victims that would allow readers to determine the race of either the criminal or his victims or generate sympathy for the victims.

4.  Although the article accurately reported that the jury found the murderer “guilty of all 76 charges, including 6 counts of first degree murder (intentional homicide), it implied that the killings were accidental by stating that the killer was “fleeing a domestic disturbance with his ex-girlfriend”.

5.  The article failed to mention that he fled that “domestic disturbance” during the previous week!  The murderer was arrested during the previous week for trying to kill his ex-girlfriend by running her over with a car.

6.  The article failed to mention that the murderer had been jailed for attempted murder during that previous week, but was released on $1,000 bond the Friday before his Sunday killing spree.

7.  The article failed to mention that the murderer was offered such low bail for attempted murder because of “bail reform” instituted by the elected District Attorney (Prosecutor).  That District Attorney was one of many throughout America who were elected with George Soros campaign funds.

8.  The article failed to mention that the murderer had posted his hatred of whites on Facebook and urged his followers to murder whites for well over a year before he went on his November 21, 2021 killing spree at the yearly Christmas parade in a mostly white suburb of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

9.  The article failed to mention that the murderer had publicly supported Black Lives Matter, and said his followers needed to be “knocking out white people”.

10.  The article failed to mention that the murderer was a rapper who specifically wrote during June of 2020, “so when we start bakk knokkin white people the f–k out ion wanna here it. . . the old white ppl2, KNOKK DEM THE F–K OUT!! PERIOD”.

Above Image shows the ultimate absurdity of New Jersey law enforcement and media coverage.  When two “black nationalists” loaded a van with weapons and explosives, targeted Jews and went on a killing spree in December, 2019, New Jersey law enforcement “raised the terror threat level for white supremacist extremists”.


11.  The article failed to mention that the murderer also claimed black people were the “true Hebrews”.  That is the doctrine of the “Black Israelites” who confronted Nick Sandman and other Covington High School students in Washington, DC in 2019.  It is the doctrine of the two “black nationalists” who loaded a van with enough guns, ammunition, and explosives to kill dozens of people when they attacked a kosher grocery store and killed five in Jersey City that December.

Meanwhile, for the much less frequent situations where blacks are victims and the criminal is white, the race of the criminal and victim is almost always in the headline or in big photos above or beneath the headline.


Whenever the criminal is white and the victims are black, almost every mainstream news story falsely claims the criminal was inspired by conservative political leaders or American culture. 

However, when whites are repeatedly and systematically murdered by blacks, neither law enforcement nor the media show any interest in learning who or what inspires them.  We see a direct connection between these murders and the hatred and violence that is justified and glorified by the fake black history taught in today’s public schools, colleges, and Hollywood/TV entertainment pop culture.

Click Here For Links To Our Previous Posts:

Are Hollywood Movies Like “Django Unchained” & Other Fake Black History Making Murders Like This Normal In America? – Liberty and Prosperity

Are Lies & Hate Of “Django Unchained” As Deadly As Those Of “Jew Suess”? – Liberty and Prosperity

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director



(609) 927-7333



  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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