Stockton University will hold its ?Constitution Day 2016? and ?Political Engagement Project?? event tomorrow, Wednesday, September 21 at 6:30 pm at the Campus Center Event Room.??? Details at this link:??
The keynote speaker is Akhil Reed Amar, a radical leftist from Yale who mentored NJ Democratic Senator Corey Booker.?? Amar?falsely claims ?Tea Party? conservatives and Republicans are wrong about the Constitution, and that our founding fathers were the ?liberal Democrats? of their day.?? In previous lecture, he compared Hillary Clinton to Alexander Hamilton!????Did Stockton pay Amar to teach its students to understand and respect U.S. Constitution??? Or to fool them into voting for Hillary Clinton?
We requested and got permission to set up an information table outside the lecture hall.?? We need volunteers to staff that table and hand out literature telling the truth about liberty and our Constitution.?? If you can help, please email Seth Grossman at or call 609-927-7333.
Here? is a copy of the two-sided flyer we want to hand out:
The program begins at the Stockton University Campus Center Event Room at 6:30 pm.?? We need help setting up our table at 5pm and staffing it until 8am.?? Please join us for this important event.
We also need help at Stockton?s ?Get Involved Fair? tomorrow afternoon from 10am to 4pm.??? Another organization gave us permission to ?distribute our literature at their table.? Radical left Obama/Clinton Democrats have no trouble getting student ?volunteers? ?because ?progressive? Democrat/?democratic socialist? professors give students academic credit and other incentives to participate.?? We can only offer small stipends to students.?? Non-students can participate in this event.?? If you can help, or if you know any students who can help tomorrow,? please contact us.?? The information tables will be set up by tables 78 and 80 in the BCD wing of Stockton

Below are links to YouTube videos of previous lectures by the keynote speaker Akhil Reed Amar: and?
Please also contact us even if you cannot participate in tomorrow’s events.? We would love to have you help us with future projects at Stockton.?? For more information, please contact Seth Grossman directly at or (609) 927-7333.?? You can also reach us at
Please continue to forward these emails, and to copy, paste post and share our stuff on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and your local papers listed in the ?Do more than vote!? Page of the ?Engage? section of our website at If you know of additional links, or if you have problems with any of the links we posted, please contact us.? Thanks.
If you didn?t see our latest videos, please view below.? If you like them, please forward and ?share? them.??? If not, contact us so we can do a better job.?? Thanks.
Why we remember Richard Somers of Somers Point on September 11:
The Atlantic City Budget Crisis in 60 Seconds:
The importance of June primary elections:?
The Liberty Cap and pike, two symbols of liberty that been part of the seal and flag of New Jersey since 1776:? ??
Educational video on proposed hike in NJ gas tax:?
Can you contribute to our organization??? Just a few hundred people contributing $30 each year allow us to run radio messages on the Rush Limbaugh program on Radio 1340 AM out of Atlantic City.?? With more substantial support from just a few dozen others, we can reach much wider audiences on other radio programs and Comcast Cable TV.
Will you visit the Atlantic City area any time this fall?? If so, let us know the best time and place we can meet with you.?? Thanks.
Details at:?
Seth Grossman, Executive Director
(609) 927-7333